Governor waives Sh 4million medical bills at Thika Level 5 Hospital

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi on Tuesday announced a waiver of hospital bills for sixty patients at Thika Level 5 hospital totalling over Sh4 million

The Governor issued an executive order directing the hospital to discharge the patients, some of whom had been admitted for a period of more than six months.

Twenty-four patients were discharged on Tuesday afternoon, while the remaining awaited their release as the hospital management finalized logistics and assessed all eligible cases.

Speaking during the discharge of the first group of beneficiaries, Thika Municipal Board Manager Mr. Gathii Kanyi emphasized that patients who are detained in health facilities significantly contribute to the congestion, particularly at Thika Level 5 Hospital, which serves several counties.

‘While it is widely recognized that government hospitals operate as non-profit entities, these hospitals still face significant expenses in treating patients, and it is anticipated that patients will reimburse these costs after receivi
ng care,’ explained Mr Kanyi

‘I strongly encourage the beneficiaries of the waiver to register with the new Social Health Authority (SHA) and participate in the Kiambu Afya Health Plan, known as Wamatangi Care. This will provide improved medical coverage financed by the county government, helping to ensure that they can avoid unnecessary medical expenses in the future,’ he said.

He highlighted that the new scheme was comprehensive and would alleviate the financial burden of healthcare costs on families as it had been implemented in Level 2, 3, 4, and 5 hospitals, ensuring that patients receive the necessary care without being denied treatment due to financial constraints.

In an interview with KNA, Wanjiru Mwangi, a recipient of the waiver, said that she had been held at the hospital for four months after giving birth due to her inability to pay the medical bills.

‘I found myself in a difficult situation after giving birth. I had planned for a natural delivery, but complications forced me to have a caesare
an section, which I hadn’t prepared for financially. I’m thankful to the governor for his generosity in letting me return home to be with my family,’ she shared.

Governor Wamatangi highlighted his administration’s dedication to enhancing medical services in the county, with a focus on easing the financial strain of medical bills on patients and their families during these challenging economic times.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Concerted efforts among all required to change the suicide narrative

As the world observes suicide prevention month this September, a counselling psychologist has opined that concerted efforts among all the stakeholders including the public is required to change the suicide narrative.

Fransica Wambui notes that with more than 700,000 suicide deaths worldwide each year, suicide is a significant public health concern as its effects and impacts are usually felt by friends, family and communities.

According to World Health Organization 2024, every suicide has significant social, psychological and financial ramifications that have an impact on people throughout the world as well as communities.

‘Through awareness communities need to be trained to be non-judgmental and recognize the signs of suicide and eliminate stigma as a person experiencing stigma may feel ashamed misinterpreted and marginalized thus becoming reluctant to seek help,’ said Wambui.

Ms Wambui cautions that suicide is not a selfish choice but a mental illness that contributes to poor choices and breaking the st
igma even towards the bereaved families should be prioritized so as to break the cycle.

‘Stigma around suicide is present due to lack of knowledge about its complexity and we often interpret it as a selfish move but we need to know that stigma negatively impacts on the victims’ self-esteem worsening their mental health and wellbeing,’ stresses Ms Wambui.

Stigma may arise from unfavorable attitudes or ideas and reduces the likelihood of seeking support or treatment.

The psychologist notes that a past filled with attempted suicides, depression, other mental illnesses, drug abuse disorders, persistent discomfort and being exposed to abuse whether physical or sexual are some of the risk factors that have been recorded to lead to suicide.

Conversely, people ought to look out for warning signs that someone may be at immediate risk for attempting suicide

‘Speaking of wishing to end one’s life, feeling hollow, hopeless or lacking a purpose in life or being in excruciating bodily or emotional anguish are some of
the warning signs’ she notes

She further observes that if one speaks or contemplates death frequently and has extreme mood fluctuations such as abruptly going from being extremely depressed to calm or joyful, the people surrounding such a person need to be alarmed.

‘Others include developing a strategy or researching for means of suicide such gathering poisons, purchasing firearm or looking up deadly techniques online,’.

One should seek assistance as soon as warning signs are observed such as a change in conduct or new troubling behavior.

Additionally, if one is the first to spot suicide warning signals, family and friends can also be the first to assist a loved one get mental health treatment.

September has been set aside as the suicide prevention month worldwide where efforts to raise awareness on this urgently important crisis are made.

Source: Kenya News Agency

11x Obtém Financiamento da Benchmark de US $ 24 milhões para a Série A para a Criação do Futuro do Trabalho Digital

11x Obtém Financiamento da Benchmark de US $ 24 milhões para a Série A para a Criação do Futuro do Trabalho Digital

Investimento Irá Acelerar o Desenvolvimento de Trabalhadores Digitais Alimentados por IA e Expansão da Presença Global

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A 11x, uma startup de IA pioneira que está transformando a força de trabalho moderna com trabalhadores digitais autônomos, anunciou hoje o fechamento de uma rodada de financiamento da Série A de US $ 24 milhões. A rodada foi liderada pela Benchmark, com participação da Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, HubSpot Ventures, Project A, 20VC, 20Growth e 20Sales.

Fundada em 2022 pelo CEO Hasan Sukkar, a 11x simplifica as operações de Go-to-Market (GTM) com trabalhadores digitais alimentados por IA, permitindo que as equipes se concentrem no trabalho estratégico.

“Não visamos os gastos com SaaS e sim os orçamentos de contratação. O nosso foco é vender trabalho”, disse Guillaume Roux-Romestaing, Dirigente de Parcerias da 11x.

Abordagem ao Desafio GTM

Nas últimas duas décadas as ferramentas GTM passaram a ser cada vez mais fragmentadas. A proliferação de software especializado – de CRMs e plataformas de automação de marketing a ferramentas de engajamento de vendas e serviços de enriquecimento de dados – sobrecarregou as equipes de receita.

“Desde que o Salesforce foi inventado em 1999, o acúmulo de software GTM especializado nas equipes levou a sistemas fragmentados e custos operacionais inflados. Cada nova ferramenta geralmente requer suas próprias integrações, manutenção e treinamento, eliminando quaisquer ganhos de eficiência que essas ferramentas deveriam proporcionar”, explicou Keith Fearon, Dirigente de Crescimento da 11x.

A Solução 11x

A 11x está redefinindo a força de trabalho com o desenvolvimento de trabalhadores digitais alimentados por IA que executam fluxos de trabalho de forma autônoma nas equipes de receita. Com a automatização das funções tradicionalmente desempenhadas por funcionários, esses trabalhadores digitais podem ser “contratados” para lidar com tarefas de forma eficiente e em escala.

“O ponto principal é separar tarefas específicas tradicionalmente realizadas pelos funcionários e revendê-las”, disse Sarah Tavel, Sócia Geral da Benchmark.

No início deste ano, a 11x lançou a “Alice”, uma Representante de Desenvolvimento de Vendas baseada em IA. Alice ganhou força significativa ao ajudar as empresas a crescer no piloto automático, automatizando a prospecção, o engajamento multicanal e a personalização em escala. O recente lançamento do “Jordan”, um representante de telefone de IA focado na qualificação de leads de entrada, já recebeu o interesse de empresas com o objetivo de agilizar seus processos de “velocidade para liderar”.

Impacto do Investimento e Planos de Crescimento

O financiamento da Série A acelerará o pipeline de desenvolvimento de produtos da 11x, expandirá a equipe e aumentará sua presença no mercado global, particularmente no mercado dos EUA, para onde a empresa transferiu recentemente sua sede. A equipe continua a crescer lá, atraindo contratações importantes de empresas líderes de tecnologia, como o CTO Prabhav Jain (ex-Dirigente de Engenharia de Serviços Financeiros da Brex).

“Em dois anos, acreditamos que os trabalhadores digitais serão uma parte regular da forma como as empresas em todo o mundo operam”, disse Hasan Sukkar.

Sobre a 11x

A 11x é uma startup de IA fundada em 2022 por Hasan Sukkar. A empresa é especializada no desenvolvimento de trabalhadores digitais autônomos que automatizam os fluxos de trabalho de Go-to-Market (GTM), permitindo que as organizações aumentem a eficiência e reduzam os custos. A 11x se concentra em automatizar funções em equipes de GTM, como Vendas, Marketing e Operações de Receita.

Para mais informação, visite

Keith Fearon – Dirigente de Crescimento da 11x

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9231958

11x obtient un financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars dirigé par Benchmark pour créer l’avenir du travail numérique

SAN FRANCISCO, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 11x, une startup pionnière en matière d’IA transformant la main-d’œuvre moderne au moyen de travailleurs numériques autonomes, a annoncé aujourd’hui la clôture d’un tour de financement de série A de 24 millions de dollars. Le tour de table a été dirigé par Benchmark, avec la participation de Quiet Capital, SV Angel, Abstract Ventures, Lux Capital, Operator Partners, Visionaries, Activant, HubSpot Ventures, Project A, 20VC, 20Growth, et 20Sales.

L’investissement permettra d’accélérer le développement des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA et d’étendre l’empreinte mondiale

Fondée en 2022 par le PDG Hasan Sukkar, 11x simplifie les opérations Go-to-Market (GTM) grâce à des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA, permettant ainsi aux équipes de se concentrer sur le travail stratégique.

« Nous ne ciblons pas les dépenses SaaS, nous ciblons les budgets d’embauche. Notre métier est de vendre du travail », a déclaré Guillaume Roux-Romestaing, Responsable des partenariats chez 11x.

Relever le défi du GTM

Ces deux dernières décennies, le paysage des outils GTM est devenu de plus en plus fragmenté. La prolifération de logiciels spécialisés, allant des CRM et des plateformes d’automatisation du marketing aux outils d’engagement des ventes en passant par les services d’enrichissement des données, a alourdi la tâche des équipes chargées des recettes.

« Depuis l’invention de Salesforce en 1999, l’accumulation de logiciels GTM spécialisés dans les équipes a conduit à des systèmes fragmentés et à des coûts opérationnels élevés. Chaque nouvel outil nécessite souvent ses propres intégrations, sa propre maintenance et sa propre formation, annulant ainsi les gains d’efficacité que ces outils étaient censés apporter », a indiqué Keith Fearon, Responsable de la croissance chez 11x.

La solution 11x

11x redéfinit la main-d’œuvre en développant des travailleurs numériques alimentés par l’IA qui exécutent de manière autonome les flux de travail dans les équipes chargées des recettes. En automatisant les rôles traditionnellement assumés par les employés, ces travailleurs numériques peuvent être « embauchés » pour traiter les tâches efficacement et à grande échelle.

« La clé est de dégrouper les tâches spécifiques traditionnellement effectuées par les employés et de les revendre », a expliqué Sarah Tavel, Commanditée chez Benchmark.

Au début de l’année, 11x a lancé « Alice », une représentante du développement des ventes alimentée par l’IA. Alice a connu un succès considérable en aidant les entreprises à se développer en pilote automatique grâce à l’automatisation de la prospection, de l’engagement multicanal et de la personnalisation à grande échelle. Le lancement récent de « Jordan », un téléconseiller assisté par l’IA qui se concentre sur la qualification des prospects entrants, a déjà suscité l’intérêt des entreprises qui souhaitent rationaliser leurs processus « speed to lead ».

Impact de l’investissement et plans de croissance

Le financement de la série A permettra à 11x d’accélérer le développement de ses produits, d’agrandir son équipe et de renforcer sa présence sur le marché mondial, en particulier sur le marché américain, où l’entreprise a récemment transféré son siège. L’équipe continue de se développer dans ce pays, attirant des personnes clés issues de grandes entreprises technologiques, comme le Directeur technique Prabhav Jain (ancien responsable de l’ingénierie des services financiers chez Brex).

« Dans deux ans, nous pensons que les travailleurs numériques feront partie intégrante du mode de fonctionnement des entreprises du monde entier », a affirmé Hasan Sukkar.

À propos de 11x

11x est une startup d’IA fondée en 2022 par Hasan Sukkar. La société est spécialisée dans le développement de travailleurs numériques autonomes chargés d’automatiser les flux de travail liés au Go-to-Market (GTM), permettant ainsi aux organisations d’accroître leur efficacité et de réduire leurs coûts. 11x se concentre sur l’automatisation des rôles dans les équipes GTM telles que les ventes, le marketing et les opérations relatives aux recettes.

Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site

Contact :
Keith Fearon – Responsable de la croissance chez 11x
E-mail :

Les photos jointes au présent communiqué sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9231958

Carta aberta apoiada pela ONU – incluindo os signatários Gillian Anderson e Forest Whitaker – pede aos governos que enfrentem a alarmante crise de violência que afeta 1 em cada 2 crianças em todo o mundo

LONDRES, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sobreviventes, especialistas e defensores de todo o mundo dão início um esforço global para enfrentar a questão chocante da violência contra crianças.

Hoje [17 de setembro] eles publicaram uma carta aberta exigindo ações urgentes dos líderes mundiais antes da primeira Conferência Ministerial Global sobre o Fim da Violência contra Crianças, a ser realizada na Colômbia em novembro.

Figuras públicas, incluindo atores, criadores e autores Calle & Poché, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson, Shudu Musida e Will Poulter, assinaram a carta, que foi coordenada pelo Project Everyone e é apoiada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde e pela UNICEF.

De acordo com dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde, uma em cada duas crianças em todo o mundo – mais de 1 bilhão – sofre violência a cada ano, desde abuso sexual e violência de gangues até casamento e trabalho infantil.

Vários sobreviventes da violência infantil se uniram aos defensores conhecidos, juntamente com especialistas importantes como a de trauma Bessel van der Kolk, as ativistas dos direitos da criança Hina Jilani e a princesa Mabel van Oranje, e o vencedor do Prêmio Nobel da Paz, Dr. Denis Mukwege.

Com o aumento da conscientização, a carta tem por objetivo inspirar ações urgentes e impulsionar mudanças nos níveis local e global. O grupo está pedindo aos líderes mundiais que usem a próxima Conferência Ministerial para se concentrar em estratégias cruciais e garantir que os serviços de resposta e apoio sejam universalmente acessíveis a todas as crianças necessitadas.

A impressionante carta aberta pede aos líderes mundiais que participem da conferência da Colômbia e assumam compromissos concretos e inovadores que correspondam ao nível e à gravidade da crise.

Evidências mostram que, com as abordagens corretas, a violência contra crianças pode ser reduzida significativamente. Países que implementam estratégias com base em evidências podem ter reduções de até 50%.

O Dr. Etienne Krug, Diretor do Departamento de Determinantes Sociais da Saúde da Organização Mundial de Saúde, disse:

“Metade de todas as crianças está sujeita a atos cruéis de violência todos os anos, mas a questão não recebe a atenção, o financiamento ou a priorização política que merece. Evidências demonstram que a violência contra crianças pode ser evitada. Os governos em todo o mundo devem aproveitar esta oportunidade crucial para tornar essa mudança uma realidade para o bilhão de crianças neste planeta que sofrem todos os anos.”

Veja a carta completa AQUI.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

Informações: Chris Bull (Goodness PR) / +44 7760 273 160

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9231780

Avec le soutien de l’ONU, une lettre ouverte – dont les signataires incluent Gillian Anderson et Forest Whitaker – appelle les gouvernements à faire face à la crise alarmante des violences dont est victime un enfant sur deux dans le monde

LONDRES, 17 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Des survivants, des experts et des défenseurs du monde entier entreprennent une action mondiale pour lutter contre le phénomène révoltant des violences à l’encontre des enfants.

Ils ont publié aujourd’hui [17 septembre] une lettre ouverte exigeant une action urgente de la part des dirigeants mondiaux avant la toute première Conférence ministérielle mondiale sur l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des enfants, qui se tiendra en Colombie en novembre prochain.

Des personnalités telles que les acteurs, créateurs et auteurs Calle & Poché, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson, Shudu Musida et Will Poulter ont ajouté leur nom à la lettre, qui a été coordonnée par Project Everyone et soutenue par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé et l’UNICEF.

Selon les chiffres de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, un enfant sur deux dans le monde, soit plus d’un milliard, est victime de violences chaque année, qu’il s’agisse d’abus sexuels, de violences en bande, de mariages forcés ou encore de travail infantile.

Un certain nombre de survivants de violences subies pendant l’enfance ont rejoint les défenseurs les plus connus, aux côtés d’experts de premier plan tels que Bessel van der Kolk, spécialiste des traumatismes, Hina Jilani et la princesse Mabel van Oranje, militantes des droits de l’enfant, et le Dr Denis Mukwege, lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix.

En sensibilisant l’opinion publique, la lettre cherche à inspirer des actions urgentes et à susciter des changements aux niveaux local et mondial. Le groupe appelle les dirigeants mondiaux à profiter de la prochaine conférence ministérielle pour se concentrer sur des stratégies essentielles et pour veiller à ce que les services d’intervention et de soutien soient universellement accessibles à tous les enfants dans le besoin.

La lettre ouverte appelle les dirigeants mondiaux à participer à la conférence qui se tiendra en Colombie et à prendre des engagements concrets et novateurs à la hauteur de l’ampleur et de la gravité de la crise.

Les faits montrent qu’en adoptant les bonnes approches, il est possible de réduire considérablement les violences à l’encontre des enfants. Les pays appliquant des stratégies fondées sur des données probantes obtiennent un recul pouvant aller jusqu’à 50 %.

Le Dr Etienne Krug, directeur du département des déterminants sociaux de la santé à l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, a déclaré :

« La moitié des enfants sont victimes d’actes de violence cruels chaque année, mais ce problème ne reçoit pas l’attention, le financement ou la priorité politique nécessaires. Il est prouvé que les violences à l’encontre des enfants peuvent être évitées. Les gouvernements du monde entier doivent maintenant saisir cette opportunité cruciale pour faire de ce changement une réalité en faveur du milliard d’enfants qui subissent des violences chaque année dans le monde ».

La lettre intégrale peut être consultée ICI.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Renseignements : Chris Bull (Goodness PR) / +44 7760 273 160

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9231780

UN-backed open letter – including signatories Gillian Anderson and Forest Whitaker – calls on governments to confront the alarming crisis of violence impacting 1 in 2 children worldwide

                                                                                In Our Hands

An extract from the open letter, released today

LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Survivors, experts and advocates from around the world are launching a global effort to tackle the shocking issue of violence against children.

They have today [17 September] released an open letter demanding urgent action from world leaders ahead of the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, taking place in Colombia this November.

Public figures including actors, creators and authors Calle & Poché, Forest Whitaker, Gillian Anderson, Shudu Musida and Will Poulter have added their names to the letter, which has been coordinated by Project Everyone and is backed by the World Health Organisation and UNICEF.

According to World Health Organization figures, one in two of all children globally – over 1 billion – experience violence each year, from sexual abuse and gang violence to child marriage and child labour.

A number of survivors of childhood violence have joined the high-profile advocates, alongside leading experts like trauma specialist Bessel van der Kolk, child rights activists Hina Jilani and Princess Mabel van Oranje, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Denis Mukwege.

By raising awareness, the letter seeks to inspire urgent action and drive change at both local and global levels. The group is calling on world leaders to use the upcoming Ministerial Conference to focus on critical strategies and to ensure response and support services are universally accessible to every child in need.

The powerful open letter calls on world leaders to attend the Colombia conference and commit concrete, innovative pledges that match the scale and severity of the crisis.

Evidence shows that with the right approaches, violence against children can be significantly reduced. Countries implementing evidence-based strategies can see reductions by up to 50%.

Dr. Etienne Krug, Director of the Department of Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization, said:

“Half of all children are subject to cruel acts of violence every year, yet the issue does not receive the attention, funding, or political prioritisation it deserves. Evidence Demonstrates that violence against children can be prevented. Governments worldwide must now seize this crucial opportunity to make that change a reality for the 1 billion children on this planet who experience harm every year.”

View the full letter HERE.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Enquiries: Chris Bull (Goodness PR) / +44 7760 273 160

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9231334

Kenya hosts CAF Executive Committee Meeting in preparation for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON)

The Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF) Executive Committee chaired by the President Dr. Patrice Motsepe has successfully concluded its meeting in the country.

The gathering in Nairobi brought together EXCO members from across the continent to discuss crucial developments in African football, with a strong emphasis on preparations for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON), which will be co-hosted by Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Central to the meeting’s agenda was assessing the progress of infrastructure and logistical preparations for AFCON 2027.

The discussions followed Dr. Motsepe’s detailed inspections of key stadiums in Kenya, including Kasarani, Nyayo, and Talanta on Sunday, September 15.

The CAF President commended the advancements made so far, while pledging to closely monitor future progress to ensure the host nations meet the required standards for the prestigious event.

Dr. Motsepe also expressed confidence in the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) and the Government of Kenya to deliver a
successful tournament, emphasizing on the importance of collaboration between all stakeholders.

‘The relationship between the FKF President and the government is something am very happy about because the emphasis in every country is to work together to ensure that there is at least one stadium that is FIFA and CAF approved,’ he reiterated.

Kenya’s President William Ruto, who made a brief appearance at the meeting, addressed the EXCO members about the progress made toward hosting AFCON 2027.

He re-affirmed Kenya’s commitment to the successful hosting of both the 2027 AFCON and the African Nations Championship (CHAN), which Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda will co-host in 2025.

‘Hosting both CHAN and AFCON are major milestones for us. I speak frequently with President Patrice Motsepe, and we discuss progress and much more. I also have conversations with President Samia [of Tanzania] and President Museveni [of Uganda], and we are all aligned to making sure both events are successful,’ President Ruto remarked, sig
naling the strong political will behind the tournament’s preparation.

With key decisions made and milestones outlined, all eyes now turn towards the continued efforts of the host nations to ensure that AFCON 2027 is a success.

This will be the first-ever AFCON and CHAN tournament hosted in East Africa, and Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are determined to make it a memorable and world-class event for the continent and beyond.

Source: Kenya News Agency

SIC stops exit of more than 10,000 liters of fuel to the DRC

The Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) in Uige on Tuesday seized 10,025 liters of fuel, which was destined for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), for sale.

Speaking to ANGOP, the spokesman for the SIC in Uíge, Zacarias Fernando, explained that the seizure of the product (diesel and gasoline) took place during the night, in the Candombe Novo neighborhood, on the outskirts of the city.

He added that four national citizens were caught loading 401 25-liter drums into a vehicle. The fuel was stored inside a residence.

Zacarias Fernando, who discouraged this practice, said that the product would go to the DRC, passing through the municipality of Milunga, another border area with that neighboring country.

Regarding the citizens arrested for the crime of hoarding, he said they were between 23 and 45 years old.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

County Referral Hospital nurses are preparing to utilize various tools

Nurses at the Iten County Referral Hospital (ICRH) have gone on strike demanding that the county government hires more nurses to reduce the workload.

The Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) executive secretary Elgeyo Marakwet branch Benson Biwott said currently ICRH has 85 nurses against a required establishment of 300 Nurses being a level 3 hospital.

He therefore called on the county government to at least hire 100 Nurses before the nurses can resume work even as they work towards hiring the required number.

‘We are not requesting more money, but more nurses to ensure we can continue providing effective services to our clients,’ he said.

Biwott said the county as a whole has 335 nurses who should be recalled to deliver services at ICRH adding that the last time the county hired nurses on permanent and pensionable terms was in 2014.

The unionist said the county has been hiring nurses on contract on very poor terms saying what they are being paid was not enough to meet their financial needs given that
they have rent to pay and children to take care of.

He added that despite the fact that the nurses are fully qualified and have gained experience for the time they have been on contract, the county does not give them priority when employing.

Noting that a patient cannot attend to another patient, Biwott called on the authorities to urgently address the matter saying most of the nurses were falling sick as a result of exhaustion which is affecting delivery of services.

Biwott added that they will not accept nursing interns saying the current workforce cannot attend to patients and at the same time supervise interns.

The CEC in charge of health Michael Kibiwott acknowledged the nurses grievances saying despite the establishment of more facilities like the eye unit and the mother and baby unit, there has been no corresponding hiring of staff to serve in the units.

He said the county would want to address the issue but said the reduced allocation of funds to counties from the national treasury was a major im

The CEC however said the county had worked to addressing other demands of the health sector citing promotions which will be effected starting this October. He therefore called on the residents and the nurses to bear with the county as it seeks speedy resolution. He said only the ICRH was affected saying other facilities were operating adding that other cadres at the ICRH were also working.

Source: Kenya News Agency