Boulkiemdé: Bassolma Bazié calls for a patriotic surge

Ouagadougou: Minister Bassolma Bazié called yesterday, Saturday, the populations of Boulkiemdé to a patriotic surge to counter the forces of evil that are bringing mourning to Burkina Faso.

The face-to-face meeting between the government delegation, led by Minister of State Bassolma Bazié, and the active forces of Boulkiemdé was held in the function room of the Koudougou town hall on Saturday, August 31, 2024.

It was without mincing words that the head of the mission set the scene for the discussions, which focused on the national situation marked by terrorist attacks.

For Bassolma Bazié, who was accompanied by the Minister of Justice, Édasso Rodrigue Bayala, and the Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, Stella Eldine Kabré, there is no longer any time for hesitation among the population.

According to him, without good collaboration with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) in terms of denunciation and reporting, the fight against the terrorist hydra will only drag on.

Hence his vibrant call for a
strong patriotic surge to thwart all offensive inclinations of the enemies of the motherland.

In addition, the members of the government delegation took stock of the initiatives underway, under the leadership of the President of Faso, with a view to providing appropriate responses to the fight against the terrorist hydra, but also to the expectations of the populations.

In this sense, Burkina Faso has turned to new partners (China, Turkey, Russia, etc.) for a win-win partnership.

The vital forces, in return, reaffirmed their unfailing support for Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his government in this fight.

They also made a number of suggestions to strengthen citizen monitoring and response strategies.

This involves, among other things, setting up monitoring organizations in the markets and yaars, organizing and training youth groups in the sectors on intelligence issues, reviewing the communication system to make it a major instrument, and reintroducing the death penalty for stateless persons who do not disa
rm against the search for sovereignty.

Other issues relating to road infrastructure were also raised by some participants.

It should be noted that the government delegation, upon its arrival, made contact with the FDS, the VDP, as well as with the traditional leaders of the region.

The three other provinces of the Centre-West region, namely Sanguié, Sissili and Ziro, also received a visit from the delegation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zondoma/Fight against gender-based violence: AMR raises awareness among its members

Ouagadougou: In partnership with the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS-Burkina), the Association Monde Rural (AMR) organized, from August 28 to 31, 2024, an awareness-raising session for its members on the prevention and management of cases of gender-based violence (GBV).

“As part of the implementation of the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS), it is our duty to raise awareness among our members, our agents, as well as all our other partners on the prevention and management of gender-based violence, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, etc.”, explained the national coordinator of the Association Monde Rural (AMR), Amadou Wangré, to justify the holding of this awareness session which took place from August 28 to 31, 2024 in Gourcy.

This session, chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Lokré Célestin Samandoulgou, brought together members of the Board of Directors, the Strategic Orientation and Advocacy Committee, members of
the Control Committee, as well as those of the offices of the provincial coordinations of the association.

In his communication, GBV expert Rasmané Tarpilga first defined the key concepts before addressing the typology of GBV and the measures to be taken to prevent them.

Participants also learned about the mechanisms for handling complaints and the sanctions provided for, before committing to zero tolerance for cases of GBV.

According to the national coordinator of the AMR, the prevention of GBV also, and above all, involves communication.

This is why, beyond awareness-raising, the rapporteurs of the provincial coordinations of the association were trained in the production of press articles and written, audio and video messages, with a view to feeding the communication tools of the structure, namely the website, digital radio, Facebook page, the magazine *Echo du Rural*, WhatsApp groups, etc.

Equipped with the basic rudiments, the rapporteurs made a commitment to ensure the visibility of the association
on the one hand, and to contribute, on the other hand, through their productions, to raising awareness and consciousness among the population, in accordance with the vision of the association.

During the session, the rapporteurs also saw their knowledge strengthened on the PCRSS-Burkina, whose main objective is to work on the recovery of populations affected by the security crisis in the North, Centre-North and Sahel regions.

Before this session, it was the AMR workers who had been made aware of the same issues.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gnagna / Peace effort: An economic operator offers fuel worth 2 million to the FDS and VDP

Ouagadougou: The economic operator El Hadj Oumarou Damiba, also CEO of ‘Yentella SARL’, donated, on Sunday, September 1, 2024 in Piéla, fuel worth 2 million francs for the benefit of the fighting forces of Bilanga, Piéla and Bogandé, in the province of Gnagna, AIB learned.

Fuel worth two million francs: this is the gesture of the economic operator El Hadj Oumarou Damiba, CEO of “Yentella SARL”, in favor of the fighting forces of Bilanga, Piéla and Bogandé, in Gnagna, Eastern region.

For the donor, El Hadj Oumarou Damiba, it is a way of encouraging the FDS and VDP engaged in the reconquest of the national territory for the sacrifice made. According to him, it had already been two years since he had set foot in his native village, Piéla.

“All along the road, I saw very committed FDS and VDP and I could not remain indifferent,” he confided. As a result, the VDPs of Bilanga, Piéla and Bogandé as well as the BIR 19 each received a fuel voucher of 500,000 francs.

The handover took place in the presence of the p
resident of the special delegation of the commune of Piéla, Boureima Taram, resource persons and VDPs of the said locality representing all the beneficiaries.

A gesture welcomed by the PDS Boureima Taram who, on behalf of the administration and the beneficiaries, thanked the donor for his gesture. He then hoped that this example would be followed in order to galvanize the fighting forces.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: An orphanage receives a donation of more than one million FCFA from an association

Ouagadougou: The Association Les Amis de l’Enfant (2ae) handed over food and non-food items worth more than one million FCFA and a financial envelope to the residents of the ‘Cri du cœur’ orphanage, located in the Trame d’accueil district of Ouagadougou.

The Association Les Amis de l’Enfant (2ae) offered a ton of rice, corn, boxes of soap and spaghetti, clothes, etc., estimated at more than one million FCFA, as well as a financial envelope to children in difficult situations at the ‘Cri du cœur’ orphanage.

According to the president of the Association, Antoinette Drabo, this donation, which is in line with the ambitions of her organization, is a response to a call for help launched through a video by the director of the orphanage “Cri du cœur”, Konaté/Ouédraogo Fanta.

In handing over these food and non-food items, Ms. Drabo said: “We would like to loudly affirm our desire to contribute to changing lives, bringing back smiles and rekindling hope in order to ensure a better future for these children.”

For t
he sponsor of this activity, the promoter of SIBIRI Telecom SA, Hubert Yaméogo, “helping a child is a noble act”, it is helping all humanity. This is why, he continued, “I have spared no effort to support this activity which fits perfectly with my vision”.

For her part, the director of the orphanage, Konaté/Ouédraogo Fanta, expressed her satisfaction before thanking her benefactors for “an act which will contribute enormously to relieving my children.”

With 43 children in the orphanage, “we consume 10 kg of rice per day.” This donation will bring back, a little, the smiles to these children, she added before calling on all people of good will to support children in difficult situations.

The children were undisguised for joy. “Today we are like other children and we are very happy, thanks to the uncles for thinking of us. Thanks to the Association,” said one of them.

The Association Les Amis de l’Enfant is a young, apolitical, non-profit association that works to unite people working for the care, educatio
n and socio-professional integration of children in difficulty.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sport: Football holidays for the vital forces of Zabré, Almeria FC wins the fifth edition

Ouagadougou: The Almeria FC team from sector 5 of Zabré won the fifth edition of the Zabré forces vives football vacation tournament by beating the ‘Petit Piment’ team from the village of Soussoula on Saturday, August 31, 2024 by a score of 1 goal to 0.

Launched on July 6, 2024, the Zabré Forces Vives football holiday tournament had its final on Saturday, August 31, 2024 on the Zabré town hall multi-sports ground.

This final pitted the Almeria FC team from sector 5 of Zabré against the ‘Petit Piment’ team from the village of Soussoula.

This fifth edition of the tournament focused on the theme: “Through football, let us overcome our differences and support our fighting forces.”

The sponsor, El Hadj Ousmane Gouba, congratulated the promoter Luc Sango for having been able to organize the tournament despite the difficult situation that Burkina is experiencing.

The special guest of the ceremony, the mission officer at the presidency for the Centre-East region, Adama Kamboné, took the opportunity to ask the yo
uth of Zabré to remain united and united in order to face terrorism.

As for the promoter, he thanked all those thanks to whom the tournament was able to take place until the final. He said he was happy to see the youth of Zabré united around the round ball.

“Sports in general and football in particular are powerful factors of social cohesion, a link par excellence between peoples. The unique thought of the youth of Zabré is called FOOTBALL and that makes me happy,” he added.

For its first place, thanks to the only goal scored by Mardochée Gouba in the first half of 25 minutes, the Almeria FC team won the trophy, gold medals, a set of jerseys, a ball and the sum of 60,000 FCFA.

The “Petit Piment” team from Soussoula, the unfortunate finalist, won silver medals, a set of jerseys, a ball and the sum of 40,000 FCFA.

The teams from the villages of Sangou and Youga, ranked third and fourth respectively, each left with a ball and the sums of 20,000 FCFA and 15,000 FCFA.

As a reminder, 20 teams from different s
ectors and villages of the commune of Zabré took part in the tournament, with 41 matches played in fair play.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Léraba: The CSPS of the rural commune of Dakoro equipped with an ambulance worth 40,560,000 CFA francs

Ouagadougou: The special delegation of the town hall of Dakoro, a rural commune in the province of Léraba, officially handed over on Thursday, August 29, 2024 in Dakoro, the key to the new ambulance worth 40,560,000 CFA francs including tax, to the Management Committee (COGES) of the said commune. This was in the presence of the representative of the Chief Medical Officer of the Sindou health district (MCD), Dr. Allain Badoune.

It is in the concern of promoting the provision of health care at the level of its population, that the special delegation of Dakoro, a rural commune located 30 km south of the urban commune of Sindou, capital of the province of Léraba, paid for a new ambulance for its CSPS.

The handover took place on Thursday, August 29, 2024 in Dakoro.

It was in 2021 that the young people of the village mobilized to repair the state ambulance that this commune had had since 2000.

Until now, it is still in the garage due to the extent of its poor condition and the lack of adequate resources.

several unpleasant incidents have happened because of this lack of ambulances,” some people from the ordinary population told us.

The President of the special delegation (PDS) of the town hall of Dakoro, Daniel Sébégo, explained that in addition to the veracity of the testimonies, the delegation came in 2022 to find a pending file for the acquisition of a new ambulance and to program in the town hall budget the acquisition of this ambulance for the rural commune of Dakoro.

Dr Allain Badoune called on COGES to ensure good management and maintenance of this vehicle.

The rural commune of Dakoro has 05 villages and was part of 03 rural communes in the province of Léraba which did not have an ambulance.

Just like the chief of the village of Dakoro, the young people and women thanked the PDS and its followers for the work they are doing to promote the village.

They have made a commitment to maintain the atmosphere that has just been acquired.

In perspective, the transformation of the Dakoro CSPS into a Medica
l Center (CM) equipped with a laboratory and another new ambulance, the programming of two CSPs already carried out in the budget for the 02 villages which do not have one out of the 05, are among others the commitments that the PDS has made in their current roadmap.

He also indicated the operating principle that prevails for the ambulance, in relation to the management of fuel for the evacuations of people over 05 years old.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Embu County and Beyond Zero Foundation partners to fight cervical and breast cancer

Embu County Government has entered into a three-year partnership programme with Beyond Zero Foundation in the fight against cervical and breast cancer.

Through the programme dubbed ‘Beyond Zero Cervical Cancer Management Project,’the county plans to conduct extensive cervical and breast screening awareness as well as treatment outreaches.

County CEC for Health Jamal Runyenje said during the first year, the focus would be in Ruguru Ngadori, Nginda and Gaturi North Wards of Mbeere North Sub- County where they target to reach 5, 000 women.

The programme, he said, would be centered at Kairuri Level Three Hospital from where they would offer screening services, treatment, referral and linkage services as appropriate to the

target population.

Speaking on Saturday during the signing of the MOU at the facility, Jamal said they also aimed at building the capacity of health care providers for them to get the skills to offer screening and treatment services.

Additionally, the CEC said they also wanted them to be
equipped to offer continuous education, sensitization of Community Health Promoters (CHPs) and the community on prevention and control.

‘Through the acceleration of these activities and with support from partners, our ultimate goal is to eliminate cervical cancer in Embu by 2030,’ he said.

Deputy Governor Kinyua Mugo who was the chief guest during the event termed the initiative as timely and critical as it would go a long way in addressing the devastating effects cervical cancer has had on women in the county.

He said the burden of cervical cancer, the second most prevalent cancer among women, was particularly heavy in rural areas where access to screening and treatment remained limited. ‘This is why today’s launch is very critical. It is about saving lives, preserving families, and ensuring that no woman in Embu County has to face this battle alone,’ he said.

He further said the county would also work towards ensuring women have access to the HPV vaccine which was the most effective tool in preventing c
ervical cancer. As of July 2024, 68 percent of girls aged between 9-15 years had received the HPV vaccine according to county statistics.

During the same period, 26.8 percent of women aged 25-49 years screened and 32.3 percent of those found with precancerous lesions treated.

Beyond Zero Foundation Representative Jane Kiragu noted that CHPs would be very instrumental in this project in reaching out to women at the grassroots with messages on the importance of prevention and regular screening.

One of the partners, Kilele Health Association, has been running a similar programme dubbed ‘Thamani Yetu’ in the county.

The organization Executive Director Benda Kithaka said the disease was 100 percent preventable if detected early and thus there was need to do more advocacy to make families aware of risk factors, prevention elements, access to screening and treatment.

The director added that they also hoped to build a team of survivors to act as navigators to people in need of further treatment and follow-ups as
well as inspire hope and engage communities for cancer prevention.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Koskei urges striking KUPPET teachers to return to classrooms

The Head of Public Service Mr. Felix Koskei has called on striking members of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) to end their industrial action and resume teaching.

Koskei assured the teachers that the government is fully implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that was negotiated between the union and the government.

Speaking during an inspection tour at Kaimosi Farmers’ Training Centre (FTC) ahead of the upcoming World Food Day celebrations in October, Koskei emphasized the government’s commitment to addressing the concerns raised by teachers, particularly those related to the Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers.

‘Regarding the issue of JSS teachers, the government has allocated funds to ensure the recruitment and deployment of more teachers to ease the burden and improve the quality of education,’ Koskei stated.

He urged the teachers to reconsider their stance and return to classrooms, noting that the ongoing strike was detrimental to the students’ academic p

His remarks come amid growing tension between the government and the teaching fraternity, with KUPPET members citing unmet promises as the primary reason for the strike.

As preparations for World Food Day proceed, Koskei also took the opportunity to inspect the facilities at Kaimosi FTC, expressing satisfaction with the level of preparedness for the event.

He reiterated the government’s commitment to ensuring that key public services, including education, continued to run smoothly despite the ongoing challenges.

The World Food Day, celebrated annually on October 16th, is expected to bring together various stakeholders to discuss and promote strategies for achieving food security in the country.

Source: Kenya News Agency

MCAs demand fair disbursement of education bursary

Members of County Assembly (MCAs) from Isiolo have appealed for just and expeditious disbursement of education bursary as the third term of the institutions of education calendar


A section of the MCAs led by Education committee chairman David Waithaka (BulapesaWard), Nicholas Lorot (Burat) and Salesio Kiambi (Wabera) said they were going to lobby for fair distribution of the bursary fund allocated to their Wards which represent majority of population in the County.

They claimed that the Ward Bursary Distribution Committee which was responsible for the allocation of the funds was obscure and withheld some money that was allocated for disbursement alleging the fund was set aside for expenditure to oversee the payouts.

‘The committee must fairly give out the money according to the guiding law that explains the money was meant for the neediest beneficiaries from the 10 Wards and ensure students get their studies uninterrupted,’ said Waithaka.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with the manner in wh
ich the bursary funds were being handled saying MCAs have been sidelined in the process.

The MCAs said they had received many complaints from parents whose children were yet to report to school for lack of fees after they were left out of the beneficiaries’ list yet they had applied for the bursary support.

Lorot said there were many needy students who had not reported back either due to omission or late disbursement of bursaries in his area.

He added that the County Assembly had already approved bursary funds in this financial year budget and the distribution board should have no excuse.

‘We approved a budget of Sh75 million for bursaries which was meant to be shared equitably and no one was to be left out,’ Lorot said.

He noted that the first disbursement of Sh35 million was released in June where each of the 10 Wards was supposed to receive Sh3 million.

He however noted that the fund was not disbursed in full saying he received only Sh1.8 million for his ward.Lorot further said that the second disbur
sement of Sh40 million was to be done this week according to the finance chief officer.

He noted with regret that the amount has since been reduced to Sh12.5 million without clear explanation to the Assembly while the MCAs anticipated increasing the bursary funds from Sh3 million to Sh6 million per Ward.

The political leaders are therefore calling on the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) in charge of Finance Mr. Abdullahi Banticha and Isiolo Governor Ibrahim Guyo to swiftly come out and shed light on the sensitive bursary matter.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Mathare North United wins Nairobi Tujiamini Cheza Dimba Tournament

Mathare North United maintained a clean sheet to clinch the title at the Nairobi Region Tujiamini Cheza Dimba Tournament, played Saturday at Dandora Stadium, Nairobi.

They dispatched The Planes FC in a heated final, thrashing the opponents 3-0 to walk home with a 3-year sponsorship worth Sh250, 000 annually. The champions first encountered Zimmerman All Stars, against whom they established an early 2-0 lead, courtesy of Ramadhan Otieno and George Ochieng.

They then went ahead to make a statement when they met the runner-up in the final group stage match, claiming another 2-0 win before a close 2-1 semi-final encounter against Indomitable FC, which ushered them into the final clash of the day.

Michael Itiyeng was instrumental in spearheading Mathare North United’s win, scoring five out of nine goals in a show of impressive footballing talent.

Speaking after the tournament, Itiyeng expressed joy at the win, lauding his colleagues for the great teamwork that secured them the coveted title. ‘Our positive men
tality was the biggest factor in the win based on our initial preparation for the tournament. We were also able to maximise on our opponent’s shortcomings, which gave us a competitive advantage in each stage of the game.

SportPesa’s support at the grassroots level has been motivating, giving us an opportunity to showcase our talents. We will use this sponsorship to work hard in order to secure a place in the National Super League,’ said Itiyeng.

Coach David Onyango echoed Itiyang’s sentiments, praising the team for its resilience.’ The boys displayed great team spirit, hence the good results. This win and support by the Tujiamini initiative will go a long way in easing some of our resource challenges in addition to providing the much-needed exposure to the players,’ he said.

SportPesa Communication and Advertising Executive Mercy Kabui underscored the company’s commitment to community investment through sports and talent. ‘At SportPesa, we take pride in giving back to the community, for meaningful changean
d impact in the lives of young people. Our aim is to help create opportunities for excellence and growth in talent at the grassroots level, eventually boosting the talent pipeline for elite football in the country,’ said Kabui.

Susanne Hallergard, Founder of DBA Africa, reinforced the importance of the Tujiamini initiative’s long-term talent nurturing and development goals. ‘It’s been really exciting to uncover diverse talents across different sports in recent

months. We’ve seen different skills and natural gifts on display, and with more investment and support driven at the community level, we are certain they will reach the stars,’ she said.

Despite missing out on the title, The Planes FC Captain, Daniel Lusweti, maintained the team’s steadfast commitment in pursuit of glory days. ‘We were targeting a win, but as we have seen, the unexpected can happen. All the same

we appreciate the outcomes; we have picked up our learnings, and we will go back to the drawing board to come back with renewed vigour in o
ur future matches,’ said Lusweti.

Coach Matthias Ocholi lauded his players for the effort displayed against Mathare North United, acknowledging the players’ promising potential. ‘This is a young team, and the players are improving. We shall work on our mistakes, and the tables will definitely turn in our favour next time,’ he said.

The Tujiamini initiative by SportPesa now heads to the Nyanza region as it nears the culmination in three months’ time.

Source: Kenya News Agency