Man succumbs after a drinking spree

A family in Kiandege village in Leshau Pondo Ward of Ndaragwa Constituency is mourning the loss of their kin after a drinking spree.

It was reported that Eliud Maina aged 43 years died shortly after consuming illicit brew at a local pub.

According to his grandmother Serah Wambui, the deceased, a known alcoholic left home and headed to the nearby shopping centre several metres away, but after a short while, he returned home complaining of stomach aches.

Relatives said the deceased started vomiting blood, prompting them to rush him to hospital but he succumbed while on the way.

One suspect, a waitress at the pub, was arrested and is being held at the Mairo Inya Police station pending investigations and subsequent arraignment in court.

Lashau Pondo Ward MCA claimed most pubs in many parts of Nyandarua County were operating without licenses due to the failure of the security agencies to implement the Alcoholic Drinks Law passed at the County Assembly early this year.

He accused security officers of laxity
and colluding with pub operators, hence, such incidents were reported in various parts.

Last week, another man died in the same village over the same cause and the residents now want the government to ensure all bar outlets and pubs operating without licenses are closed.

The body was moved to Nyahururu County and Referral Hospital morgue as investigations continued.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Farmers in Murang’a to get certified maize seed and fertilizer ahead of short rains

Some 57,975 farmers in Murang’a County are set to benefit with certified maize seed and fertilizer from the local county administration ahead of the short rains expected to start in the third week of October.

Murang’a county government will start distribution of seed to registered farmers in various parts within their respective wards from next week.

Governor Irungu Kang’ata noted that inability to afford certified seed has been a major bottleneck to achieving food security in the county.

Through a press release, he said the county administration has procured certified maize seed from Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KARLO) and Simlaw Seed Company, firms owned by the government.

Kang’ata said the distribution of certified seed would also help in countering the sale of fake seed in the county, which has in the past affected production.

He noted that the provision of certified seed and fertilizer would boost commercialization of maize production citing the partnership the county gov
ernment had entered with a local miller, which will see farmers sell their maize produce to the miller at not less than Sh3, 500 per sack of 90 kilos.

‘We want farmers to have genuine seed to plant in the expected short rains. With certified seed, the production is expected to be high thus contributing towards food security,’ he stated.

The seed and fertilizer distribution exercise will run from September 23 to October 12. Farmers were notified that the seed and fertilizer will only be available to those who are registered and their names verified between August 26 and 28, 2024.

Each farmer is set to get one packet of 2-kilos of certified maize seed, eight kilos of planting fertilizer and another eight kilos of top dressing fertilizer.

‘Farmers are requested to carry a gunny sack at the time of collecting the seed and fertilizer,’ read part of a public notice from the county government.

The maize seed varieties will be distributed according to various climate zones in the county. Lower parts of Murang’a
will get early maturing seeds from KARLO while the upper parts will get a variety from Simlaw.

A week ago, the Meteorology Department advised farmers in the county to plant early maturing crops saying the region would receive depressed rainfall during the short rain season.

The onset of the short rains is expected to be between October 15 and 22 with the rainfall forecasted to range between 250 mm in lower parts and 700 mm in upper zones of the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Governor praises Agostinho Neto’s vigor

The Minister of Culture, Filipe Zau, said this Tuesday, in Dundo, Lunda-Norte province, that ‘men of the temper of Agostinho Neto, both in Africa and even planetary, there were few’.

Speaking at the central act of the National Hero’s Day, he stressed that the political, cultural and patriotic path of Agostinho Neto should be remembered with the dignity that will always be necessary, so that his memory is perpetuated forever in the hearts of Angolans.

According to the famous words of Agostinho Neto, such as ‘The most important thing is to solve the problems of the people’, ‘Africa seems like an inert body where each vulture comes to dedicate its piece’ and ‘Angola is and will always be, of its own volition, a firm trench of the revolution in Africa’, should inspire Angolans to participate in the socio-economic development of the country.

He pointed out that by leading the process of ‘Popular Resistance’ and the general mobilization of the people, following the clashes in Luanda and the invasion of the coun
try, to the north and south, by regular foreign troops from the Republic of Zaire and the South African Republic, of the apartheid regime, reinforced by mercenaries, Agostinho Neto demonstrated his love for the Angolan homeland.

‘Despite the beginning of the civil war with evident internationalization of armed conflicts, António Agostinho Neto, on behalf of the Central Committee of the MPLA and the Angolan People, proclaims, on November 11, 1975, the independence of Angola, a demonstration of courage, bravery and selfless love for the homeland’, he stressed.

According to Filipe Zau, Agostinho Neto was a leader of his time, of an Angola that, in the context of the cold war, fought tenaciously for the political self-determination of Angolans.

António Agostinho Neto was born on September 17, 1922 – 102 years ago – in the village of Caxicane, municipality of Icolo e Bengo, province of Luanda. He died of illness in Moscow on September 10, 1979.

He took over the leadership of the MPLA, of which he had been hono
rary president since 1960, and proclaimed National Independence on November 11, 1975, thus becoming the highest representative of the nation.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Government to take significant steps to phase out Ozone-Depleting Substances

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry on Monday marked the World Ozone Day for the year 2024 celebrations, focusing on discussing priorities of climate action initiatives in Kenya.

The annual event themed ‘Montreal Protocol Advancing Climate Action’ captures the broader environmental impact of the historic agreement, signed over 35 years ago and has been instrumental in protecting the ozone layer by phasing out the production and use of ozone-depleting substances.

Speaking at the event, the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Aden Duale observed that the global celebration of the World Ozone Day holds a special significance that reflects remarkable achievements of the Montreal Protocol and its continued relevance in advancing climate action.

‘What began as an urgent response to a specific environmental crisis has evolved into one of the most effective multilateral agreements in history, benefiting both the ozone layer and the global climate,’ he recalled.

In a speech read on his behalf by the Principal Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Dr Festus Ng’eno, Duale insisted that the gathering is not only to celebrate the restoration of the ozone layer but also to recognize how the protocol has become a powerful tool for combating climate change.

‘By targeting substances like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are also potent greenhouse gases, the Montreal Protocol has directly contributed to reducing global warming,’ stressed Duale.

He noted that Kenya has taken great pride in being a committed partner in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol and has made significant strides in phasing out ozone-depleting substances and is also working diligently to meet its obligations under the Kigali Amendment, which calls for the phasedown of HFCs.

Further, the CS maintained that while the country celebrates the progress made, it must also acknowledge that much needs to be done, adding that the impacts of climate change
are already being felt, particularly in Africa, where extreme weather events, droughts, and floods are threatening livelihoods and food security.

‘Our work under the Montreal Protocol is far from over. We must continue to strengthen our commitments, invest in innovative technologies, and foster partnerships that accelerate climate action at every level,’ he urged.

Duale highlighted that the World Ozone Day provides an opportunity to further educate the public on the impacts of ozone depletion, identify opportunities to enhance energy efficiency in the cooling sector and mobilize the whole society to address these impacts.

‘While the need for cooling is rapidly growing in the country, from cold chains for fresh produce to cooling in the transport and hospitality sectors, I am happy to note that the government, through policies and legislations, has made considerable efforts to emphasize on low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and energy efficient alternatives,’ expressed the CS.

Additionally, he affirmed tha
t his Ministry has put in place Ozone Depleting Substances Regulations and Licensing Systems, to regulate imports and exports of controlled substances through licensing, import permits and quota allocations to curb smuggling of these substances since Kenya is fully compliant with phase-out obligations of hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and on course to meet the 67.5 percent reduction target by 2025 under the Montreal Protocol.

In addition, Duale insisted that joint cooperation between government, the private sector, and international partners have enabled achievements led by the long-standing partnership with the German government through the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), who have supported the development of Kenya’s National Cooling Action Plan (2023 – 2027).

‘With the technical and financial support of our partners, the Ministry, through a training of trainers’ model has trained over 1000 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) service technicians on safe use of flammable refrigerants (hydrocar
bons) during repair and maintenance of RAC equipment and over 200 customs officers as well as other enforcement officers on control measures for ODS imports and exports,’ revealed Duale.

He at the same time acknowledged the partnership and support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Development Agency of France, and the Ozone Secretariat, among others for supporting Kenya over the years.

Duale emphasized that the Montreal Protocol is a beacon of hope that shows how collaboration, guided by science and driven by shared purpose, can solve even the most daunting environmental challenges.

‘We need to build citizen alliances including through women and the youth, to help drive behavioural change and drive consumer demand for climate action and green transition to ensure sustainable future for our children and generations to come and through continuous dedication and cooperation, a lasting legacy for future generations will exist,’ he implored.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Moxico province pays tribute to the Founder of the Nation

Political entities, social and religious organizations on Tuesday in the Province of Moxico, paid tribute to the founder of the Nation and first President of Angola, António Agostinho Neto, in a public ceremony, held at the Monument to Peace Compound.

The ceremony was marked with a moment of laying a wreath in recognition of the “father of national independence and founder of the nation”

At the time, the provincial Governor of Moxico, Ernesto Muangala, highlighted the figure of Agostinho Neto, emphasizing his intervention in the liberation of Angola and other countries on the African continent.

In this regard, the provincial governor encouraged the population to record Neto’s legacy, reflecting the values of his messages, which continue to be the basis on which “we must face the challenges of the present and project goals towards economic growth and well-being of the population”.

Ernesto Muangala reiterated the Government’s commitment to continue working to improve the living conditions of the population
s through the creation of more social infrastructures, in the fields of health, education, roads, energy and water and support for agriculture.

The director of the Provincial Office of Former Combatants and Veterans of the Country, Alberto Keshipoco, characterized Agostinho Neto as a unique statesman, without borders, whose patriotic teachings must be transmitted to youth, for the country’s development.

“Neto stood out not only for Angola, but for the world, which lessons should be put to good use”, he said.

In turn, Luau’s municipal administrator, Ester Vumbi, understands that sharing for the development of communities is one of the fairest ways to honor the greatness of the founder of the nation.

The Day of the National Hero and Founder of the Nation, which is celebrated on September, 17, is being celebrated under the motto “With Neto’s ideas, we build a strong and dynamic economy”.

Born on September 17, 1922, in Ícolo and Bengo, Neto stood out as a poet, doctor and politician. He graduated in medicine
in Lisbon, Portugal.

Agostinho Neto was involved in anti-colonial movements, being arrested and exiled several times by the Portuguese authorities.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Uwezo Fund issues Sh2.39 million to empower women and youth

The Uwezo Fund, in partnership with Githunguri Constituency Member of Parliament Gathoni Wamuchomba, yesterday disbursed Sh2.39 million to 18 beneficiary groups in Githunguri.

Uwezo Fund is a flagship programme for Vision 2030 aimed at enabling women, youth and persons with disabilities to access finances to promote businesses and enterprises at the constituency level.

Speaking at Githunguri Stadium, Chairperson of the Uwezo Fund Ann Njuguna, emphasized that the Fund was created to address socio-economic challenges, mostly the growing issue of youth unemployment.

‘The Fund was established as an intervention to provide solutions to challenges faced by mwananchi, particularly unemployment among the youth,’ Njuguna said.

She further encouraged more youth to take full advantage of the fund’s offerings for their socio-economic advancement and embrace teamwork.

Additionally, Njuguna reaffirmed the Fund’s commitment to empowering and creating tailor made products to better tackle unemployment.

‘The Fund is in
the process of restructuring its operations and developing unique products, such as individual loans for the youth, to better address unemployment,’ Ms. Njuguna noted.

Wamuchomba noted that the people of Githunguri have consistently led the way in repaying loans from the Uwezo and Youth Funds.

‘In the whole of Kiambu, Githunguri is ranked first in paying back the Uwezo fund and youth fund debts,’ she said.

Of the total Sh2,390,000 disbursed, Sh1,040,000 went to new groups, while refinancing groups received Sh1,350,000 and the highest highest allocation to a single group was Sh300,000.

Established in 2014, Uwezo Fund is a Government Empowerment Fund through expansion of access to finance to facilitate initiation and expansion of women and youth enterprises.

Since inception, the Fund has disbursed more than Sh7.2 billion and directly supported 1,124,221 beneficiaries of which 69 percent are female and 31percent male through provision of affordable and accessible credit, capacity building on entrepreneurshi
p skills, basics on book keeping and market linkages and networking.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Judiciary condemns withdrawal of Justice Lawrence Mugambi’s security detail by NPS

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has condemned the withdrawal of the security detail of Justice Lawrence Mugambi by the National Police Service (NPS).

The JSC notes that this action is of grave concern and that it not only undermines judicial independence but also threatens the core principles of the rule of law and constitutionalism of the country.

This happened after the Acting Inspector General of police failed to comply with the habeas corpus order issued by Justice Lawrence Mugambi, a judge of the High Court, directing the immediate and unconditional release of three individuals Bob Micheni Njagi, Jamil Longton, and Salam Longton on the 19th of August 2024, who had allegedly been abducted by police.

‘Justice Mugambi, presiding over the case, issued a habeas corpus order directing the immediate and unconditional release of the three individuals. This order has to date not been complied with,’ said Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome during a press conference at the Supreme Court Building in Nairobi.

he CJ claimed that the court summoned the acting Inspector General (IG) of Police to explain the failure to comply with the habeas corpus order but the acting IG of Police ignored the summons.

‘Despite an extension granted to accommodate the acting IG’s availability in the court, the summons were ignored,’ stated Koome.

‘In the wake of this ruling, a disturbing action was taken by the NPS over the weekend: the security detail assigned to Justice Mugambi was disarmed and withdrawn. This deliberate and punitive measure represents a direct assault on judicial independence, an affront to the rule of law, and a violation of the principles enshrined in our Constitution,’ she added.

The CJ cited Article 160 of the Constitution which unequivocally protects judicial independence, stating that the Judiciary is subject only to the Constitution and the law, and shall not be subject to the control or direction of any person or authority and therefore, security for Judges is an accrued benefit that cannot be withdrawn w

‘The act of withdrawing the security of a sitting Judge, following a judicial decision that displeased certain authorities, is deeply concerning. Such actions erode public trust in the independence of the courts, undermine the very foundation of our constitutional democracy and pose a risk to disregard of our institutions and descent into lawlessness,’ cautioned Koome.

Further, the CJ urged Kenyans that if anyone is dissatisfied with a judicial decision, the appropriate recourse is to appeal to a higher court as she cautioned that retaliatory measures against a Judge or judicial officer have no place in a democratic society.

‘Judges must be free to make decisions based solely on the law, without fear of retribution or interference. Any encroachment on this independence puts our society at risk of descending into lawlessness, where might supersedes rights, and justice is subverted by intimidation’, she reiterated.

The JSC, Koome continued, calls upon all state actors, particularly the National
Police Service, to immediately restore the security of Justice Lawrence Mugambi and fulfill their constitutional duty to respect and enforce the decisions of the courts.

‘We also urge the public and all stakeholders to remain vigilant in defending the sanctity of our Constitution and the rule of law, including defending the central role played by judicial independence in protecting our democracy,’ encouraged Koome.

She, on behalf of the JSC, strongly condemned this act of intimidation and assured Judges, Judicial Officers and Staff that the independence of the Judiciary is guaranteed under the Constitution and the Commission is resolute in defending it.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Wajir County prepares for major Pastoralist Leadership Summit

Wajir County is gearing up to host the Pastoralist Leadership Summit (PLS), slated for November 28th to 30th 2024.

The summit is expected to attract over 450 delegates, including all 14 governors from the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties and county assembly leaders.

The summit marks a pivotal moment for pastoralist communities, as leaders from across the region will converge to address pressing issues related to pastoralism, development and regional collaboration.

The event is poised to shine a spotlight on Wajir’s economic potential while also discussing challenges faced by ASAL counties, such as climate change, infrastructure development and livestock management.

In preparation for the summit, a delegation led by Major Bashir Abdullahi, Chairman of the Pastoralist Committees, on Monday held a meeting with Wajir’s Deputy Governor and County Commissioner.

Their discussions centered on ensuring comprehensive plans are in place, with security and logistical measures high on the agenda to guarantee
the success of the event.

The summit is expected to provide a significant economic boost to Wajir, creating a unique opportunity for local businesses and showcasing the region’s rich culture and hospitality.

According to local leaders, hotels, restaurants, and traders are gearing up for the influx of visitors, anticipating that the event will invigorate the local economy.

Wajir County’s government, in collaboration with stakeholders from both the public and private sectors, is working around the clock to ensure that the town is ready to welcome guests.

Key areas of focus include infrastructure, security and hospitality with local authorities ensuring that the event runs smoothly.

Among the high-profile attendees are Sarah Korere, MP for Laikipia North, Timothy Kipchumba, MP for Marakwet West, and Yussuf Adan Haji, MP for Mandera West.

The PLS aims to foster collaboration and dialogue, paving the way for sustainable solutions that will benefit not just Wajir but the entire ASAL region.

Source: Kenya Ne
ws Agency

National IDs will be out in 10 days, PS Bitok

The Principal Secretary State in the Department for Immigration and Citizen Services Amb. Prof. Julius Bitok has revealed that going forward, national IDs will be out in 10 days and not 21 days as before.

Bitok was speaking at Katoloni Scouts Centre in Machakos town on Monday during the International Identity Day where he encouraged the youth to register their details and get their 3rd generation identity cards in 10 days.

He added that passports would also be out in 7 days while birth certificates would only take a day and those seeking to replace or renew their IDs would now be getting the 3rd generation ID.

Bitok explained that they chose to celebrate the International Identity Day in Machakos because of the high number of youths, at 32,000, who have cleared their secondary education and were eligible to register and pick their IDs.

‘We have introduced the Maisha number and for those who have IDs already, the number on the ID cards would be the ones on the Maisha number,’ said Bitok.

He highlighted t
hat Maisha number would incorporate modern technology and has supporting features such as Unique Personal Identity (UPI), Maisha Digital Identity and Maisha number database.

Additionally, he said the Maisha card consisted of a chip that would help in minimizing cases of fraud and tampering of one’s details which would enhance security and also help the government in planning.

He promised Machakos residents of opening a passport office for the lower Eastern region that would also serve Makueni and Kitui counties to ease the burden of going to Nairobi

‘I urge Kenyans to pick their passports since there are over 100,000 passports uncollected at the Immigration office in Nairobi,’ added PS Bitok.

Source: Kenya News Agency

ICCASA and CEMIRIDE to establish a continental Alliance of women with disabilities

The Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa (ICCASA) and the Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE) will on September 18 and 19 host a workshop in Nairobi to establish an Alliance of Women with Disabilities in Climate Change Action in Africa.

The two-day workshop will bring together women with disabilities, policymakers, climate experts, and advocacy organizations from across Africa to strategize them on ways to amplify the participation of women with disabilities in climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.

The workshop is part of the ‘Strengthening the Voices of Women with Disabilities to Actively Participate in Climate Change Policy and Negotiations’ (STREVOW) project, that aims at empowering women with disabilities in East Africa and small Island developing states to actively participate in climate change policy and negotiations.

STREVOW Project Communications Officer Faith Gikunda said the workshop marks a transformative moment to establish a continental Allian
ce of Women with Disabilities to ensure their voices are included in shaping inclusive climate solutions across Africa.

‘The disproportionate vulnerabilities faced by women with disabilities, exacerbated by the intersections of gender, disability, and socioeconomic inequalities, often go unaddressed in climate action dialogues and policymaking,’ said Gikunda.

She said climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges, impacting communities worldwide and that the event would ensure the voices of women with disabilities are included in shaping inclusive climate solutions across Africa.

‘We are committed to amplifying the voices of women with disabilities, ensuring that they have the right tools, knowledge and information to be part of climate change programs designing and implementation,’ she said.

She said some of the key highlights would be discussions on integrating disability inclusion into national and regional climate change frameworks and sharing lived experiences and leadership strategies
from with disabilities across Africa.

The event will also see the launch of the formal Alliance of Women with Disabilities in Climate Change Action in Africa.

Funded by the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) of the African Development Bank (AFDB), the STREVOW project is engaging women with disabilities from several countries, including Burundi, Comoros, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Seychelles, and Uganda.

Source: Kenya News Agency