ARP to hold plenary session on November 2 to examine bill criminalising normalisation with Zionist entity

The Presidency of the Assembly of the People’s Representatives has decided to hold a plenary session on November 2 at 10 a.m. to examine the draft law criminalising normalisation with the Zionist entity. This plenary session will be held after the Parliamentary Committee for Rights and Freedoms has held hearings and consultations with the parties concerned and after the Supreme Judicial Council has been asked to give its opinion on that draft law, according to a press release issued by the Parliament. Political activists, MPs and students had gathered on Monday in front of the headquarters of the Assembly of People’s Representatives in Bardo to protest against the decision of the ARP Speaker to postpone the plenary session scheduled for Monday to examine the draft law criminalising normalisation with the Zionist entity.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse