La Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair s’apprête à présenter les œuvres de plus de 1 500 artistes des Premières Nations, représentés par un nombre record de 76 centres d’art communautaires de toute l’Australie

DARWIN, Australie, 22 juill. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les créateurs aborigènes et insulaires du détroit de Torres seront célébrés à Darwin, en Australie, du 2 au 7 août dans une vitrine incontournable de l’art, du design et de la culture lors de la Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) – Séries d’événements emblématiques de la Fondation.

La Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) est le plus grand et le plus célèbre événement d’art visuel des Premières Nations d’Australie, qui reviendra pour la 16e année à diffuser en ligne et en physique du 5 au 7 août.

La foire d’art de renommée internationale se tient aux côtés des deux événements Indigenous Fashion Projects de la Fondation, Country to Couture le 2 août, et les National Indigenous Fashion Awards le 3 août, réunissant les artistes et créateurs des Premières Nations les plus acclamés et les plus dynamiques d’Australie sur la scène nationale et mondiale.

En tant que seul événement australien de son genre, la DAAF a acquis la réputation d’être l’un des événements artistiques les plus importants et internationalement reconnus du pays, créant une opportunité unique de se connecter à, et d’acheter de manière éthique de l’art directement dans des centres artistiques, ainsi que de rencontrer les artistes et d’apprendre directement sur leur patrimoine culturel, leurs témoignages, leur histoire et leurs pratiques artistiques traditionnelles par le biais d’une gamme de chefs-d’œuvre, de discussions et de démonstrations.

La DAAF 2022 est sur la bonne voie pour être la plus performante et la plus large portée à ce jour, avec un record de 76 centres d’art participant à la première livraison hybride de l’événement par la Fondation. En 2021, la foire a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires record de 3,12 millions de dollars australiens, 100 % des bénéfices étant reversés aux centres d’art et à leurs communautés. La foire elle-même ne tire aucune commission des œuvres d’art vendues.

La Fondation DAAF est fière de faire partie d’un collectif d’organisations qui défendent la musique, les arts et les idées des plus anciennes cultures vivantes du monde. Se dérouleront dans le Top End australien chaque juillet-août, aux côtés des célèbres foires et événements de mode de la Fondation DAAF :

  • Garma Festival | Yothu Yindi Foundation | du 29 juillet au 1er août
  • Salon des Refusés | Salon Art Projects | du 3 au 13 août
  • Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards | Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory | du 5 août 2022 à janvier 2023
  • National Indigenous Music Awards | Music NT | le 6 août

La première semaine d’août devrait être l’une des plus grandes expositions de talents des Premières Nations au monde. La musique, l’art et la culture vont se rencontrer alors que le collectif s’unifie pour apporter au public une expérience unique dans les industries créatives du Territoire du Nord.

Pour plus d’informations sur la 16e Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair et pour un accès prioritaire à l’Art Fair numérique, rendez-vous sur

Georgina Dawson

Un snippet média accompagnant cette annonce est disponible en cliquant sur l’image ou le lien ci-dessous :

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair: Media Snippet

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair pronta para a mostra de mais de 1.500 artistas das Primeiras Nações, representados por um recorde de 76 centros comunitários de arte de toda a Austrália

DARWIN, Austrália, July 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Os criativos aborígenes e ilhéus do Estreito de Torres serão homenageados em Darwin, Austrália, de 2 a 7 de agosto, em uma imperdível mostra de arte , design e cultura na série de eventos icônicos da Fundação da Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (Feira de Arte Aborígene de Darwin – DAAF).

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) é o maior e mais famoso evento de artes visuais das Primeiras Nações da Austrália, a ser realizado no seu 16º ano online e presencialmente entre 5 e 7 de agosto.

A mundialmente famosa feira de arte ocorre em paralelo a dois eventos da Fundação de Projetos de Moda Indígena (Indigenous Fashion Projects), o Do Campo à Alta Costura (Country to Couture), no dia 2 de agosto, e a Premiação Nacional de Moda Indígena (National Indigenous Fashion Awards), no dia 3 de agosto, trazendo para os palcos da região e do mundo os artistas e designers mais aclamados e vibrantes das Primeiras Nações da Austrália.

O único evento australiano desse tipo, a DAAF conquistou sua reputação de ser um dos eventos artísticos mais significativos do país reconhecido em todo o mundo. O evento viabiliza a conexão e compra ética diretamente dos Centros de Arte, além da participação em diversas masterclasses, palestras e demonstrações onde os artistas compartilham sua herança cultural, histórico, histórias e práticas artísticas tradicionais.

A DAAF 2022 está no caminho certo para ser o evento mais bem-sucedido e mais amplo de todos os tempos, com a participação recorde de 76 Centros de Arte no acontecimento híbrido inaugural da Fundação. Em 2021, a Feira alcançou um recorde de AUD $ 3,12 milhões em vendas, com 100% dos lucros sendo revertidos para os Centros de Arte e suas comunidades. A Feira em si não recebe comissão sobre as obras de arte vendidas.

A Fundação DAAF orgulha-se de fazer parte de um conjunto de organizações que defendem a música, as artes e as ideias das culturas vivas mais antigas do mundo. Realizada no Top End da Austrália a cada julho-agosto, juntamente com os renomados acontecimentos de Feira e moda da Fundação DAAF, o evento contará com:

  • Garma Festival | Yothu Yindi Foundation | 29 de julho – 1º de agosto
  • Salon des Refusés | Salon Art Projects | 3 -13 de agosto
  • Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards | Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory | 5 de agosto de 2022 – janeiro de 2023
  • National Indigenous Music Awards | Music NT | 6 de agosto

A primeira semana de agosto deve ser uma das maiores apresentações de talentos das Primeiras Nações do mundo. A música, a arte e a cultura se juntarão no The Collective para levar para o público uma experiência única das indústrias criativas do Território do Norte da Austrália.

Para mais informação sobre a 16th Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair e para acesso prioritário à Feira de Arte digital, visite

Georgina Dawson

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Huawei : façonner ensemble une finance plus intelligente et plus durable

SINGAPOUR, 22 juillet 2022/PRNewswire/ — Le 20 juillet, le sommet Huawei Intelligent Finance 2022 qui s’étend sur trois jours débute officiellement au Sands Expo and Convention Centre. Placé sous le thème « Façonner une finance plus intelligente et plus durable », le sommet réunit des personnalités du secteur financier, des leaders d’opinion, des experts universitaires et des praticiens innovants de plus de 30 pays du monde entier pour discuter du développement futur du secteur financier, en explorant les moyens de construire ensemble une finance plus intelligente et plus durable.

Huawei a proposé trois éléments fondamentaux pour gagner en compétitivité dans le secteur financier, avec l’avènement de l’ère de la super numérisation

Avec l’avènement d’un monde intelligent entièrement connecté, l’économie et la société évoluent vers deux tendances majeures : la numérisation et le développement durable. Face à l’évolution des scénarios de services financiers et des modèles commerciaux à l’ère du numérique, le secteur financier est confronté à une demande croissante d’innovation commerciale rapide et d’expérience client ultime, ce qui accélère encore le rythme de sa transformation. Pour faire face à la nature complexe et dynamique de la transformation numérique, il est nécessaire que l’industrie financière reconstruise sa compétitivité de base dans l’ère numérique afin de réaliser la vision d’une finance intelligente.

« De meilleures connexions, des informations plus solides et davantage de scénarios sont la clé du renforcement de la compétitivité de la finance numérique », a souligné Ryan Ding, président de Huawei Enterprise BG. « En appliquant le concept de co-création, de partage et de gagnant-gagnant, nous travaillons avec nos clients et nos partenaires pour trouver un moyen de façonner une finance plus intelligente et plus verte et de créer une nouvelle valeur ensemble. »

Huawei a annoncé trois initiatives stratégiques pour faire progresser la numérisation de l’industrie financière dans la nouvelle ère.

Jason Cao, PDG de Huawei Global Digital Finance, a déclaré dans son discours : « La technologie, en particulier la connexion et le renseignement, continue de stimuler le développement de l’industrie financière. En 2022, nous sommes officiellement entrés dans l’ère du ZFLOPS en ce qui concerne la puissance de calcul de l’IA. Avec le développement de l’IA, nous adopterons la super-personnalisation. D’ici 2025, plus de 100 milliards de connexions physiques conduiront à des services financiers pour les « objets ». À l’avenir, les contrats intelligents permettront de prendre des décisions intelligentes partout. De nouveaux modèles de services et de produits émergeront les uns après les autres. Cependant, l’expérience utilisateur de bout en bout, le traitement en temps réel de données massives, l’exploitation et la maintenance, ainsi que la gestion de réseaux plus complexes et de multi-clouds deviendront autant de défis pour le secteur financier. Nous sommes confrontés à des opportunités aussi bien qu’à des défis. »

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance

Afin de construire une finance plus intelligente et plus durable basée sur de meilleures connexions, des renseignements plus solides et davantage de scénarios, Huawei a annoncé trois initiatives stratégiques pour le secteur financier lors du sommet.

  • Plus intelligente : des solutions d’engagement des clients plus intelligentes pour améliorer l’expérience numérique ; des données et une plateforme convergente intelligente pour renforcer les capacités de traitement de données en temps réel ; une architecture multi-cloud hybride pour faciliter la gestion inter-cloud et rendre les services plus souples.
  • Plus verte : une infrastructure numérique autonome pour aider les institutions financières à atteindre un haut niveau d’efficacité, de disponibilité et de performance et faciliter la collaboration des multi-technologies, des technologies hétérogènes et du multi-cloud hybride.
  • Ensemble : Construire une plateforme de coopération de l’écosystème mondial et présenter trois initiatives améliorées pour le programme Financial Partner Go Global 2.0 (FPGGP) : développer davantage de partenaires de solutions ; étendre le FPGGP aux partenaires mondiaux de conseil et de service ; développer des partenaires de vente et de service locaux pour fournir localement les solutions FPGGP.

Travailler avec les clients et les partenaires mondiaux pour façonner une finance plus intelligente et plus durable

Au cours du sommet, Huawei et DBS ont annoncé la création d’une vitrine de l’innovation à DBS Newton Green.

Huawei a également signé un protocole d’accord avec OCBC Bank pour soutenir la transformation numérique de la banque en Asie du Sud-Est et dans la Grande Baie dans le cadre de trois initiatives clés : succursale et bâtiments verts avec IoT intelligent ; science des données et innovation en matière d’intelligence artificielle (IA) et accélération de l’adoption du cloud.

Pendant ce temps, Huawei a présenté sa solution de banque numérique 2.0, fondée sur la plateforme ouverte Temenos. La solution permet le lancement rapide de banques numériques et aide les grandes banques à accélérer leur modernisation dans le cloud, ce qui améliore considérablement l’efficacité du déploiement et la satisfaction du client.

Dans les prochains jours, Huawei signera un certain nombre d’accords de coopération avec plusieurs institutions financières et dévoilera une grande diversité de produits et de solutions créés conjointement avec ses partenaires, couvrant divers scénarios commerciaux.

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Hisense South Africa Announces 2022 Virtual Launch of Latest Smart Products

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, July 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — World-renowned electronics manufacturer Hisense is preparing for a virtual launch of its 2022 product line-up in a cinematic experience never seen before.

Hisense South Africa is gearing up consumers to say ‘Hi’ to Elegance as it launches its new stable of the most premium and select TVs, refrigerator solutions and other home appliances.

A global leader in electronics, Hisense has themed the launch event, scheduled to take place on Friday, 22 July, around Leisure, Reimagined – Keeping in line with the innovative, premium reputation it has become synonymously known for.

As the event theme implies, the Hisense 2022 Virtual Launch will allow South Africans to say ‘Hi to Elegance’ by welcoming the Hisense products into their homes, along with style and elegance brought to each room.

Friday’s video launch event is expected to be nothing short of cutting edge, as the manufacturer has been hard at work to showcase its latest stable in an experience never seen before. The company has done its utmost to launch each of its products in a unique way that is relatable to consumers.

Hisense’s range of appliances, launching this week, will offer high, high-quality solutions that will allow South Africans the opportunity to Reimagine their leisure time while they upgrade and innovate their homes, making more time for the more important things in life – moments with family and friends, relaxing, and enjoying entertainment.

Consumers can expect to witness each new Hisense product and all the relevant ‘need-to-know’ information, allowing them to make a more informed purchase. Viewers of the launch can also stand a chance to win exciting prizes valued at R50 000.00.

A sneak peek at the line-up for the Hisense 2022 Virtual Launch for the South African market reveals an exciting range of the most premium products across all its consumer portfolios, including:

  • Hisense 100L9G – Hisense’s latest Laser TV projects up to 100″ with 4K resolution, using the VIDAA smart TV Operating System to deliver a nearly endless supply of content.
  • Hisense 2022 ULED series – The new ULED stable of TVs harness quantum dot technology to display in over a billion different colours for stunning content that can be controlled via voice commands.
  • Hisense H780SB-IDL Refrigerator – Offering huge capacity, WiFi-connected with Super Freeze, Super Cool, and Eco Modes – The H780SB-IDL Refrigerator is one of the most elite available on the market.
  • Hisense U5120G Soundbar – The perfect companion for any TV, the Hisense U5120G Soundbar houses 11 speakers and comes with a powerful wireless subwoofer to give users a cinematic surround sound experience.
  • Hisense WFQR1214VAJMWT Front Loader Washing Machine – A 12kg powerhouse equipped with Hisense auto-dosing technology, the self-developed Jet Wash system, and a built-in smart LED display.
  • Hisense H60 Zoom – Meet Hisense’s latest premium smartphone with a curved AMOLED display with face and fingerprint unlocking features.

Consumers are invited to attend the launch event HERE on Friday, 22 July at 14:00 for our live Virtual Launch while preparing to Reimagine Elegance and Leisure.

Attendees of the launch event stand a chance to win a share of R40 000 in prizes consisting of Hisense products and a further R10 000 in @Home vouchers, among other great deals and giveaways.

With a product line-up ranging from entertainment, home appliances, mobile, and air conditioning, Hisense has distributed its products to over 3 000 chain stores and 500 home appliance franchise stores in South Africa.

Its regional manufacturing base in South Africa, established in 2013, has continuously upgraded its technological capabilities and increased production capacity for TVs and refrigerators. It will also enable it to constantly offer its ‘reimagine your life’ products to South African consumers.

Huawei lance une solution de banque numérique 2.0 fondée sur la plateforme Temenos

SINGAPOUR22 juillet 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Au cours du Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022, Huawei a lancé sa solution de banque numérique 2.0 fondée sur la plateforme ouverte Temenos, et a échangé avec des clients et des partenaires de premier plan du secteur financier sur la manière de construire une architecture native du cloud pour parvenir à l’agilité commerciale et à l’innovation industrielle.

La banque numérique, une tendance mondiale

Confrontées à une concurrence féroce face aux géants de l’Internet, les banques passent du statut de fournisseurs de services financiers traditionnels à celui de fournisseurs de nouveaux services financiers numériques basés sur l’écosystème du secteur. Les nouvelles technologies, telles que les solutions natives du cloud, l’API ouverte et le big data, ainsi que le nouvel environnement économique ont poussé la banque numérique à être ouverte, intelligente et dotée d’une capacité d’intégration transparente.

Les banques doivent passer au numérique pour répondre aux nouvelles exigences des nouvelles situations, et la banque numérique est un choix inévitable. En effet, les banques numériques du monde entier ont connu une croissance exceptionnelle ces dernières années. Selon les statistiques de la nouvelle base de données bancaire de Simon-Kucher, 153 banques numériques ont émergé en 2020 et 2021, et ce nombre continuera d’augmenter à l’avenir.

Huawei lance sa solution de banque numérique 2.0, fondée sur la plateforme ouverte Temenos, qui soutient la transformation de l’architecture et l’innovation commerciale des banques.

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance & Jimmy Ng, CIO and Head of Group Technology & Operations, DBS

Au cours du sommet, Huawei a présenté sa solution de banque numérique 2.0, fondée sur la plateforme ouverte Temenos. Cette nouvelle solution de banque numérique est une mise à niveau et fait appel à la plateforme ouverte Temenos pour les services bancaires composables afin de fournir des fonctionnalités bancaires de base et des capacités de données natives du cloud. La solution permet le lancement rapide de banques numériques et aide les grandes banques à accélérer leur modernisation dans le cloud, Ce qui améliore considérablement l’efficacité du déploiement et la satisfaction du client.

La solution de banque numérique 2.0 permet une intégration et un déploiement rapides des services sur la base d’une architecture native du cloud, qui procure aux banques des fonctions bancaires essentielles. La solution présente les principales caractéristiques suivantes :

  1. Préintégration : Cette solution certifiée avec Temenos et d’autres partenaires du secteur propose un ensemble complet de fonctions de banque numérique pour les clients dans différentes situations commerciales, telles que la banque de détail, la banque d’entreprise, la banque islamique, etc.
  2. Agilité : La solution fournit des services bancaires composables qui permettent de développer et de reproduire de nouveaux services par simple assemblage. Parallèlement, le système natif du cloud est hautement évolutif et rentable, et nécessite un investissement initial moindre.
  3. Accessibilité : La plateforme fournit des API ouvertes pour l’invocation et l’intégration de tiers. Elle enrichit l’écosystème et prend en charge davantage de situations commerciales. Tout cela se traduit par une amélioration de l’efficacité opérationnelle du système et de la satisfaction des utilisateurs.

Neo Gong, directeur principal des solutions de l’entreprise Huawei BG Digital Finance, a déclaré : « La banque numérique 2.0 peut être proposée dans le modèle de base SaaS ou sur le cloud. Cette solution aide les clients à améliorer l’efficacité de leurs opérations commerciales et la gestion des coûts, afin qu’ils puissent se concentrer davantage sur l’innovation de leurs services et le développement de leur écosystème. Fondée sur la collaboration avec Temenos, une plateforme ouverte de premier plan pour les services bancaires composables, cette solution fournit aux banques une importante fonctionnalité bancaire de base. »

Grâce à la mise en place d’une fondation sur le cloud agile, flexible, sécurisée et fiable, et à l’intégration avec des partenaires pour créer des solutions financières basées sur des situations, Huawei s’engage à promouvoir davantage le développement et l’innovation des services financiers, en façonnant ensemble une finance plus intelligente et plus durable.

À propos du Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022

Le Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit est l’événement phare annuel de Huawei pour le secteur financier international. Le HiFS 2022 se déroule du 20 au 22 juillet à Singapour. Avec pour thème « Façonner une finance plus intelligente et plus durable », le Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit réunit des personnalités, des leaders d’opinion, des experts universitaires et des praticiens innovants du secteur financier mondial pour échanger sur la manière de façonner la finance durable et numérique au regard de la future tendance de développement du secteur financier. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur :

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Enernet Global selected to build, own and operate hybrid power plant for Global Atomic’s Dasa mine in Niger

Company will complete early engineering prior to constructing, owning and operating hybrid power plant to offset 35% of carbon emissions

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, July 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enernet Global Inc. (“Enernet”), a leading hybrid independent power producer, has commenced early engineering for a hybrid power plant for the Dasa Project currently under development by Global Atomic Corporation (“GLO”). Upon completion, Enernet will build, own, operate and maintain the hybrid power plant at the Dasa site in the Republic of Niger.

The early engineering works include solution optimization, equipment selection, preliminary design and configuration of the Sonichar grid network connection. This agreement enables the parties to engage collaboratively and builds certainty into GLO’s project budget and program. Enernet will complete the early engineering in late 2022 following which the construction phase of the power plant is scheduled to begin.

Once operating, the mine will require 12 MW of consistent power and Enernet will deliver a hybrid power plant including 16 MW solar, 15 MW battery energy storage, a 16 MW back-up diesel generation plant and advanced controls integrated with grid power provided by the Niger Government owned Sonichar utility. The system will provide approximately 35% of power requirements from renewables, making Dasa one of the greenest operations in Africa, abating 27,000 tonnes of CO2e per annum.

Enernet is focused on decarbonizing the world’s supply chains and will own and operate a hybrid plant that meets GLO’s energy needs while maximizing renewable generation at no capital cost to GLO. The project will be delivered by Enernet’s Africa team, headquartered in Johannesburg. Enernet also has operations in Australia, Caribbean and the Philippines and works across mining, commercial and industrial, island development and remote community projects.

Stephen Roman, Chairman and CEO of Global Atomic commented, “Our commitment to a cleaner and greener environment is absolute. At the Dasa Project, the flagship of our uranium division, we will produce uranium for nuclear power generation and to help countries reach their zero carbon targets. We are committed to develop Dasa as the largest and highest grade uranium producer in Africa and Enernet will help us to become one of the mining industry’s leaders in low emissions. Enernet’s approach will help reduce our up-front capital costs, support Niger by engaging its state-owned utility Sonichar as our primary energy source, introduce solar as a legacy to the region and utilize our own generators as a backup for the health and safety of our workers and to assure our investors that we will be able to operate continuously without interruption.”

“We are honoured to work with Global Atomic on this journey and salute their commitment to a low-carbon future. This will be one of the greenest operations in sub-Saharan Africa,” said Paul Matthews, Enernet’s CEO. “This is another big step by our Africa team to deliver sustainable, renewable projects and drive toward our vision to decarbonize supply chains around the world.”

Matthew Silvester, Enernet’s Director of Development for Africa, added, “We are excited to begin engineering works, with start-up generation scheduled in 2022 and the hybrid plant to be delivered in 2023. This marks another major step towards green generation as a standard in Africa and brings benefits to the customer, the local community and shareholders.”

About Enernet Global Inc
Enernet Global is a distributed energy service provider that finances, builds, owns and operates microgrids and drives the adoption of renewable energy, battery storage and energy efficiency solutions that displace CO2 emissions. Built on the company’s proprietary software platform, Enernet Global’s Energy-as-a-Service offering benefits on and off-grid customers by providing less expensive, more resilient power solutions at no capital outlay for customers.

Enernet has operations in Australia, the Philippines, the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa, where it focuses on power solutions for sectors that include island development, mining, commercial and industrial, remote communities, agriculture, utilities and hospitality.

About Global Atomic
Global Atomic Corporation ( is a publicly listed company (“Global Atomic” or the “Company”; TSX: GLO; Frankfurt: G12; OTCQX: GLATF) which provides a unique combination of high-grade uranium mine development and cash-flowing zinc concentrate production.

The Company’s Uranium Division includes four deposits with the flagship project being the large, high-grade Dasa Project, discovered in 2010 by Global Atomic geologists through grassroots field exploration. With the issuance of the Dasa Mining Permit and an Environmental Compliance Certificate by the Republic of Niger, the Dasa Project is fully permitted for commercial production.  The Phase 1 Feasibility Study for Dasa was filed in December 2021 and estimates Yellowcake production to commence by the end of 2024.  Mine excavation began in Q1 2022.

Media contact:
Paul Matthews
Chief Executive Officer
Enernet Global Inc.
Office: 3 East 80th Street, New York, NY 10075
Contact number: +1 541 292 6422

Global Atomic Key Contacts:

Stephen G. Roman
Chairman, President and CEO
Tel: +1 (416) 368-3949
Bob Tait
VP Investor Relations
Tel: +1 (416) 558-3858

UnionPay International and PostBank Uganda reinforce partnership enhancing digital financial inclusion in Uganda

KAMPALA, Uganda, July 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — UnionPay International and PostBank Uganda Ltd have announced an extension of their ongoing collaboration to further enhance digital financial inclusion in Uganda. The partnership between PostBank Uganda and UnionPay International was established in 2018 with a core objective of improving access to financial services and ultimately, financial inclusion of the previously unbanked or underbanked people of Uganda.

UnionPay International is delighted to build on the successes achieved through this partnership. We look forward to the exciting times ahead, especially now that PostBank has attained Tier One Commercial Bank status. Over one million PostBank customers will now have access to convenient and cost-effective payment services thanks to this partnership,” said Mr. Asad Burney, Head of UnionPay International Africa branch.

In the past three years, PostBank has connected over 30,000 SACCO (Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization) members to digital banking. Thanks to the partnership between UnionPay International and PostBank Uganda, over one million customers can now access intelligent, convenient, and cost-effective payment products and services locally and internationally.

“We will continue to grow our product offerings to ensure financial inclusion beyond the retail space. Agriculture is an area in which most of our Ugandan target population have their livelihood”, said Mr. Julius Kakeeto, the Managing Director PostBank Uganda, adding that, “The digital financial services space will expand the opportunities for all our stakeholders, such as product distribution channels, markets access locally and internationally, real-time information on prices. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Kakeeto concluded that, “Uganda has plans to facilitate agricultural products exports into China. Therefore, we intend to leverage the opportunities the UnionPay partnership brings to position ourselves as a leader in this space.”

About PostBank Uganda

PostBank Uganda (PBU) is a public company limited by shares and formed under the Public Enterprises Reform and Divestiture Statute of 1983 and the Uganda Communications Act, 1997. It was incorporated under the Companies Act in 1998 and is owned by the Government of Uganda with 100% shareholding.

At the end of 2021, PostBank received a license from Bank of Uganda to operate as a tier 1 deposit taking financial institution.

PostBank boasts of 50 branches, 400 Post Agents countrywide, and over 60 smart ATM’s across Uganda.

About UnionPay International  

UnionPay International (UPI) is a subsidiary of China UnionPay focused on the growth and support of UnionPay’s global business. In partnership with more than 2500 institutions worldwide, UnionPay International has enabled card acceptance in 180 countries and regions, with issuance in 75 countries and regions . UnionPay International provides high-quality, cost-effective, and secure cross-border payment services to the world’s largest cardholder base, and ensures convenient local services to a growing number of global UnionPay cardholders and merchants.

With over 180 million UnionPay cards issued outside mainland China, UnionPay has expanded its acceptance network to 180 countries and regions in recent years. At present, UnionPay cards are widely accepted in Africa across all sectors, effectively meeting the diverse purchasing needs of UnionPay cardholders visiting and living on the continent. UnionPay cards have been issued in more than ten African countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Madagascar, and Mauritius.

Huawei: Shaping Smarter, Greener Finance Together

SINGAPORE, July 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — July 20, the three-day Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022 officially begins at Sands Expo and Convention Centre. Under the theme of “Shaping Smarter, Greener Finance”, the summit is bringing together financial industry leading figures, KOLs, academic experts, and innovative practitioners from more than 30 countries around the world to discuss the future development of the financial industry, exploring how to build smarter and greener finance together.

Huawei proposed three core elements for gaining competitiveness in the financial industry, upon the arrival of the super digitalization era

With the fully connected intelligent world on its way, both the economy and society are transforming towards two major trends of digitalization and sustainable development. In face of changing financial service scenarios and business models in the digital era, the financial industry is met with a growing demand for rapid business innovation and ultimate customer experience, which further speeds up its pace of transformation. To cope with the complex and dynamic nature of digital transformation, it is necessary for the financial industry to rebuild its core competitiveness amidst the digital era in order to realize the vision of intelligent finance.

“Better connections, stronger intelligence, and more scenarios are the key to building competitiveness of digital finance,” Ryan Ding, President of the Huawei Enterprise BG, pointed out, “Following the concept of co-creation, sharing, and win-win, we are working with our customers and partners in finding a way towards Shaping Smarter, Greener Finance, Creating New Value Together.”

Huawei announced three strategic initiatives, advancing the digitalization of the financial industry in the new era.

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance said in his speech, “Technology, especially the connection and intelligence, continues to drive the development of the financial industry. In 2022, we have officially entered into the ZFLOPS era for AI computing power. With the development of AI, we will embrace super-personalization. By 2025, more than 100 billion physical connections will lead to financial services for ‘things’. In the future, smart contract will enable intelligent decision-making possible everywhere. New service and product models will emerge one after another. However, end-to-end user experience, real-time processing of massive data, and O&M and management of more complex networks and multi clouds will all become challenges for the financial industry. We are facing opportunities as well as challenges. ”

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance

To build smarter and greener finance based on better connections, stronger intelligence, and more scenarios, Huawei announced three strategic initiatives for the financial sector during the summit.

  1. Smarter: smarter customer engagement solutions to improve digital experience; data and intelligent converged platform to build real-time data capabilities; hybrid multi-cloud architecture to make cross-cloud management easier and services more agile.
  2. Greener: autonomous digital infrastructure to help financial institutions achieve high efficiency, availability, and performance and facilitate collaboration of multi-technology, heterogeneous technology, and hybrid multi-cloud.
  3. Together: Build a global ecosystem cooperation platform and put forward three upgraded initiatives for the Financial Partner Go Global Program 2.0 (FPGGP): develop more solution partners; expand FPGGP to global consulting and service partners; develop local sales and service partners for providing FPGGP solutions locally.

Working with global clients and partners, shaping smarter and greener finance

During the summit, Huawei and DBS announced the establishment of the Innovation Showcase at DBS Newton Green.

Huawei also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OCBC Bank to bolster the bank’s digital transformation in Southeast Asia and the Greater Bay Area in three key initiatives: Green Branch and Buildings with Smart IoT; Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Innovation and Cloud Adoption Acceleration.

Meanwhile, Huawei released the Digital Banking 2.0 Solution leveraging Temenos open platform. The solution supports the quick launch of digital banks and helps larger banks accelerate their modernization in the cloud. This greatly improves the rollout efficiency and customer satisfaction.

In the coming days, Huawei will sign a number of cooperation agreements with several financial institutions, and unveil a wide variety of products and solutions jointly created with partners, covering various business scenarios.

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Huawei Releases Digital Banking 2.0 Solution Leveraging Temenos Platform

SINGAPORE, July 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — During Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022 — Huawei, launched the Digital Banking 2.0 solution leveraging Temenos open platform, and discussed with customers and top partners in the financial industry about how to build a cloud-native architecture to achieve business agility and industry innovation.

Digital banking is a global trend

Facing fierce competition with Internet giants, banks are transforming from providers of traditional financial services to those of new digital financial services based on the industry ecosystem. New technologies — such as cloud-native, open API, and big data — as well as the new economic environment have been driving digital banking to be open, intelligent with seamless integration capability.

Banks have to go digital to meet the various new requirements in new scenarios, and digital banking is an inevitable choice. Indeed, global digital banks have undergone explosive growth in recent years. According to the statistics of Simon-Kucher’s new bank database, 153 digital banks emerged in 2020 and 2021, and this number will continue to rise in the future.

Huawei releases Digital Banking 2.0 Solution leveraging Temenos open platform supporting banks’ architecture transformation and business innovation

Jason Cao, CEO of Huawei Global Digital Finance & Jimmy Ng, CIO and Head of Group Technology & Operations, DBS

During the summit, Huawei released the Digital Banking 2.0 Solution leveraging Temenos open platform. This new Digital Banking solution is an upgraded solution and uses Temenos open platform for composable banking to provide cloud-native, core banking functionality and data capabilities. The solution supports the quick launch of digital banks and helps larger banks accelerate their modernization in the cloud. This greatly improves the rollout efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Digital Banking 2.0 Solution enables fast service integration and rollout based on a cloud-native architecture, providing core banking functions for banks. The solution has the following key capabilities:

  1. Pre-integrated: The solution certified with Temenos and other partners in the industry offers a complete and comprehensive function stack of digital banking for customers in different business scenarios, such as retail, corporate and Islamic banking, etc.
  2. Agile: The solution provides composable banking services that allow new services to be developed and iterated through simple assembly. At the same time, the cloud-native system is highly scalable and cost-effective, requiring less initial investment.
  3. Open: The platform provides open APIs for third-party invoking and integration. It enriches the ecosystem and supports more business scenarios. All of this results in improved system operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

Neo Gong, Senior Solution Director of the Huawei Enterprise BG Digital Finance, introduced, “Digital Banking 2.0 can be delivered in the SaaS or cloud foundation model. This solution helps customers improve their efficiency of business operations and cost management, so that they can focus more on service innovation and ecosystem development. Based on the collaboration with Temenos, a leading open platform for composable banking, this solution provides rich core banking functionality for banks.”

Through building an agile, elastic, secure and reliable cloud foundation, and integration with partners to build scenario-based financial solutions, Huawei is committed to further promote the development and innovation of financial services, shaping smarter, greener finance together.

About Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022

Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit is Huawei’s annual flagship event for the global financial industry. HiFS 2022 runs from July 20 to 22 in Singapore. With the theme of “Shaping Smarter, Greener Finance”, Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit brings together leading figures, KOLs, academic experts, and innovative practitioners in the global financial industry to discuss how to shape green and digital finance in light of the future development trend of the financial industry. For more information, please visit:

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Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair set to showcase works from over 1,500 First Nations artists, represented by a record 76 community Art Centres from across Australia

DARWIN, Australia, July 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives will be celebrated in Darwin, Australia, from 2-7 August in an unmissable showcase of art, design and culture at Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) Foundation’s series of iconic events.

The Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair (DAAF) is Australia’s largest and most celebrated First Nations visual art event, which will return for the 16th year to run both online and in person this 5-7 August.

The internationally celebrated art fair sits alongside the Foundation’s two Indigenous Fashion Projects events, Country to Couture on the 2 August, and the National Indigenous Fashion Awards on the 3 August, bringing Australia’s most acclaimed and vibrant First Nations artists and designers to the national and global stage.

As the only Australian event of its kind, DAAF has secured a reputation as one of the country’s most significant and internationally recognised arts events, creating a unique opportunity to connect with, and ethically purchase art directly from Art Centres, as well as meeting the artists and learning firsthand about their cultural heritage, stories, history and traditional artistic practices through a range of masterclasses, talks and demonstrations.

DAAF 2022 is on track to be the most successful and widest reaching yet, with a record 76 Art Centres participating in the Foundation’s inaugural hybrid delivery of the event. In 2021, the Fair achieved a record $3.12 million AUD in sales with 100 per cent of profits going back to the Art Centres and their communities. The Fair itself takes no commission from artwork sold.

DAAF Foundation are proud to be part of a collective of organisations championing music, arts, and ideas from the world’s oldest living cultures. Taking place in Australia’s Top End each July-August, alongside DAAF Foundation’s renowned Fair and fashion events, will be:

  • Garma Festival | Yothu Yindi Foundation | 29 July – 1 August
  • Salon des Refusés | Salon Art Projects | 3-13 August
  • Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards | Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory | 5 August 2022 – January 2023
  • National Indigenous Music Awards | Music NT | 6 August

The first week of August is predicted to be one of the biggest showcases of First Nations talent in the world. Music, art and culture will collide as The Collective unifies to bring the public a unique experience across the creative industries in the Northern Territory.

For more information about the 16th Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair and for priority access to the digital Art Fair, visit

Georgina Dawson

 A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair: Media Snippet