Luanda – Angolan head of State João Lourenço left Luanda Friday for Ondjiva, southern Cunene province, for a two-day working visit.

Accompanied by the First Lady, Ana Dias Lourenço, the president was seen off by National Assembly Speaker, Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, and members of the Executive.

For today, the first day of the visit, João Lourenço’s agenda includes a meeting with the governors of Cunene, Cuando Cubango, Huíla and Namibe, provinces hit by the drought.

Also today, Joao Lourenço will grant audiences to the representatives of religious and traditional authorities, business people and the Provincial Youth Council.

On Saturday, the incumbent of Executive Power will check the level of execution of the construction of some infrastructure, with stress to canals, pipelines and other structures, aimed to tackle the problem of cyclical drought in the region.

The President’s working visit ends Saturday.

João Lourenço was in Cunene in May 2019, hit by a severe drought at the time, with more than 200,000 families in need of emergency help to ensure their subsistence in food.

Prior, he visited sites affected by drought in Namibe province.

Angolan Executive launched an emergency programme with a view to supporting for drought victims.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Angolans begin Friday 9th a new period of restrictions imposed by the Government as part of preventive measures and fight against Covid-19.

The new measures, which were announced by minister and Head of Civil Affairs Office to the President of Republic, Adão de Almeida, are part of the update of the Presidential Decree on the Situation of Public Calamity.

They include the increase in the workforce in Luanda, from 50 to 75 percent, in public and private services.

While, the sectors of education, health, defence forces and public order, media, energy and water, ports and airports, bank agencies and solid waste collection services, should keep their workforce at 100 percent.

Easing was also reflected on the opening, on weekends, of restaurants and other services, as well as cultural activities, such as non-dancing shows, as well as cinemas, from 6 am to 10 pm.

Strict compliance with biosecurity measures and with only 50 percent of their occupancy capacity remains also mandatory.

In order to prevent the import of new variants of the disease, the Government also maintains a ban on the entry of non-resident foreign citizens, coming or passing through Brazil and India.

A curfew was also announced, from 11 pm to midnight until 5 am.

The country keeps cordon sanitaire to prevent the import of the virus.

Upon arrival, the mandatory home quarantine regime is maintained for a period of up to 10 days.

Citizens with a positive test for the new Coronavirus are subjected to home isolation, being subject to fines for violating the provisions established in the diploma.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Angolan health authorities Thursday reported 102 fresh cases and 53 patients revovered in the last 24 hours.

The new cases were registered in the provinces of Cunene 27, Luanda 20, Lunda Norte 16, Moxico 7, Benguela 6, Huambo 5, Cabinda 4, Namibe 4, Bié3, Huíla3, Zaire 3, Uíge 2, Lunda Sul 1 and Malanje 1.

The list of the new patients features 49 men and 53 women, aged between 11 months and 70 years.

Recoveries: 19 residents in Cunene, 10 in Luanda, 8 in Huambo, 7 in Uíge, 6 in Namibe, 2 in Bié and 1 in Benguela provinces.

So far, Angola has totaled 39.593 cases, 925 fatalities, 34.100 recoveries and 4.568 active patients.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

WHO renews North-East Nigeria’s Health Emergency grading at highest level, targets >8 million vulnerable populations for increased health services

The humanitarian crisis in Nigeria’s North-eastern BAY (Borno, Adamawa and Yobe) remains protracted, with an estimated eight million people at risk of displacement, impoverishment and threats of violence. As a result, WHO has resolved to maintain the current status of grade 3 health emergency declared in the region since 2016.

The three-level grading teleconference of the World Health Organization hosted by the Representative (WR) to Nigeria, Dr Walter Kazadi Mulombo recommended the same grade for the humanitarian crisis affecting North East Nigeria. The decision to maintain Grade 3 Protracted Emergency was reached, following presentation of the situation analysis and risk assessment of the region at the 10th Joint Operations Review (JOR) in Abuja (05-06 July, 2021) with participation from the three levels of the Organization.

The goal of 2021 mid-term JOR for the WHO North-east Nigeria Health Emergencies programme was to take stock of the achievements and challenges of the humanitarian response covering the last six months, against the 2021 Operational Plan, the North-east Nigeria 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan, including an assessment of the region’s COVID-19 Response

Following presentations by different pillars of the humanitarian response, the WR said, “The security situation remains complex, unpredictable, and volatile, with existing health vulnerabilities exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

He emphasized the need for both WHO and partners to accelerate implementation of the operational plan within the remaining period to ensure provision of quality health services to populations at risk.

Presently, the operational environment in the BAY states is characterized by rising insecurity, driving waves of new displacements, deepening food insecurity and malnutrition, a situation that is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and therefore obligates WHO to maintain the current grade 3 health emergency in order to sustain its current level of operations in the region.

The WR reaffirmed WHO’s commitment to continue providing the critical leadership and coordination of the health sector partners to provide healthcare services to the population across of the three states.

The North East Nigeria humanitarian health emergency was first graded in 2016 as grade 3, the highest level, owing to its severity and impact on public health which significantly reduced access to basic health services and rendered the population vulnerable to disease outbreaks, malnutrition, injuries and mental health. Following four cycles of grading reviews with the emergency remaining active, the emergency was graded as a protracted emergency

In WHO’s rating, protracted emergency is an environment in which a significant proportion of the population is acutely vulnerable to death, disease and disruption of livelihoods over a prolonged period of time. Governance in these settings is often weak, with limited state capacity to respond to, and mitigate, the threats to the population, or provide adequate levels of protection.

The WHO Emergency Manager for North East Operations, Dr Lako Richard Lino Loro who had earlier given detailed security update said, “The BAY states still have a high proportion of vulnerable population groups that remain at high risk of disease outbreaks. The existing incidence of infectious diseases in the region can only worsen the current levels of morbidity and mortality.”

Previous disease trends in the NE Nigeria also indicated a likelihood of outbreaks of cholera, meningitis, Lassa fever yellow fever and other vaccine preventable diseases including polio especially due to the impact of COVID-19 which has increased vulnerability and limited access to essential health services.

Equally, overcrowding and poor access to WHSH and waste management facilities also increase the risk of transmission of communicable diseases and occurrence of outbreaks

At the end of the meeting, health emergency experts at WHO headquarters and the WHO Africa Regional Office adjudged the JOR as very productive and a valuable exercise to understand the prevailing and protracted nature of the crisis. Concerns were raised about increased attacks on healthcare facilities and workers, which meant decreased access to healthcare services by vulnerable populations. All participants from the 3 levels agreed in tandem that the needs of the affected population may remain over the next 6 months hence justifying the maintenance of the current grading.

The JOR is an internal biannual exercise of WHO to review the organization’s health emergency programmes in the north-east Nigeria aimed at reviewing current strategies and adjusting for the next six months. Expected outcomes from the JOR include revised operational strategies, clearly defined milestones for the next six months.

Source: World Health Organization. Africa

Expereo adquire a Brodynt, provedora de acesso global gerenciado à Internet

AMSTERDÃ, July 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Expereo, provedora global líder de soluções gerenciadas de Internet, SD-WAN, SASE e Cloud Access, anunciou que fechou um acordo de compra da Brodynt, uma provedora de serviço global gerenciado de Internet. Essa aquisição fortalece ainda mais a posição da Expereo de fornecimento de serviços globais gerenciados de Internet e de SD-WAN para sua base global de clientes corporativos e comunidade de parceiros prestadores de serviços.

Esta compra aconteceu após a aquisição da GlobalInternet, da Comsave e da Videns IT Services, uma provedora líder de serviços de SD-WAN e SASE gerenciados, no final do ano passado e no início deste ano. Essas aquisições solidificam a posição da Expereo de líder na transformação global para redes definidas por software com base na Internet. Com o apoio total do investidor majoritário, Vitruvian Partners, e do investidor minoritário, Apax Partners SAS, a Expereo pretende dar continuidade a sua estratégia de aquisições.

As empresas globais estão acelerando as transformações das suas redes após o surgimento da pandemia de COVID-19. Após uma corrida inicial para a obtenção de redes globais adequadas para o trabalho remoto, a conectividade corporativa global está migrando rapidamente para soluções definidas por software com base na Internet, inclusive por meio da adoção acelerada de aplicativos na nuvem. A profunda e ampla experiência da Expereo no fornecimento e gerenciamento de redes definidas por software com base na Internet e no Cloud Access permite que uma empresa realize suas operações em todo o mundo com facilidade, confiança e segurança.

“A Expereo oferece alcance global adicional, plataforma de usuário e operações digitais líder e experiência complementar de SD-WAN e SASE que irão beneficiar bastante os nossos clientes e parceiros”, disse Marcus Munoz, Co-CEO da Brodynt. “Desenvolvemos uma excelente base de clientes e parceiros, bem como uma excelente equipe de apoio para eles”, continuou Marc Mateo, Co-CEO da Brodynt. “Estou empolgado em ver toda essa integração na Expereo que permite uma rápida expansão e inclusão de recursos mais amplos em resposta à transformação veloz do mercado, e com os serviços de Internet agora sendo o núcleo das redes globais de conectividade corporativa; A Expereo oferece uma escala para que isso seja realizado de forma eficiente.”

“É a escala e a oferta de experiência do cliente de classe mundial que conta”, disse Irwin Fouwels, CEO da Expereo. “Com a nossa capacidade de obter, gerenciar e aprimorar efetivamente o desempenho de qualquer tipo de serviço de rede com base na Internet em qualquer lugar do mundo complementando a tecnologia tradicional de rede de área ampla, agora estamos efetivamente substituindo essas soluções legadas. A sobreposição da nossa malha na nuvem com a interface digital do cliente proporciona uma solução global com base na Internet para o próximo nível em termos de desempenho e experiência. Estamos muito contentes em poder oferecer isso aos clientes e parceiros da Brodynt.”

Sobre a Expereo

A Expereo é a principal provedora de soluções de rede gerenciada, inclusive de conectividade de Internet global, SD- WAN, WAN, e serviços de Cloud Access. A Expereo é a parceira de confiança de 30% das empresas Fortune 500, capacitando locais empresariais e governamentais em todo o mundo, ajudando a aumentar a produtividade de todas as empresas com desempenho flexível e ideal na Internet.

A Vitruvian Partners, uma empresa internacional de capital de crescimento e aquisição com sede em Londres e com escritórios em Londres, Estocolmo, Munique, Luxemburgo, São Francisco e Xangai, passou a ser sócia majoritária da Expereo no início de 2021. A Apax Partners SAS, uma empresa líder europeia em patrimônio privado com base em Paris, é sócia minoritária da empresa, juntamente com a Vitruvian. A Apax Partners SAS com sede em Paris, e a Apax Partners LLP, com sede em Londres, têm um histórico compartilhado, mas são empresas separadas e independentes de capital privado.

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Sobre a Brodynt

A Brodynt fornece serviços gerenciados globais de Internet e de SD-WAN para clientes corporativos e provedores de serviços globais, como ISPs, Transportadoras e Integradores de Sistema. Fundada em 2012, a empresa tem sede em Barcelona, na Espanha, e escritórios em Austin, no Texas, e Amsterdã, na Holanda.

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A Q Advisors, bancos de investimento butique TMT, atuou como consultora financeira exclusiva da Brodynt em conexão com a transação.

Conor McGee

Expereo acquiert Brodynt, fournisseur mondial de solutions d’accès à Internet gérées

AMSTERDAM, 08 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Expereo, fournisseur mondial de premier plan de solutions Internet gérées, d’accès au Cloud, de SD-WAN et SASE, a annoncé avoir accepté d’acquérir Brodynt, fournisseur de services mondiaux de connectivité Internet gérés. Cette acquisition vient renforcer le positionnement d’Expereo dans la fourniture de services mondiaux gérés SD-WAN axés sur Internet à sa base de clients d’entreprises internationales et à sa communauté de prestataires de services partenaires.

Cette nouvelle fait suite aux acquisitions de GlobalInternet, Comsave et Videns IT Services, fournisseur de premier plan de services gérés SD-WAN et SASE, à la fin de l’année dernière et au début de cette année. Ces acquisitions renforcent la position de chef de file d’Expereo dans la transformation mondiale des réseaux définis par logiciel et basés sur internet. Bénéficiant du soutien plein et entier de l’investisseur majoritaire, Vitruvian Partners, et de l’investisseur minoritaire Apax Partners SAS, Expereo compte bien poursuivre sa stratégie d’acquisition.

Les entreprises internationales accélèrent leur transformation de réseaux suite à l’émergence de la pandémie de COVID-19. Suite à une demande initiale visant à adapter leurs réseaux mondiaux à leurs besoins en matière de télétravail, la connectivité des entreprises internationales est en passe de migrer rapidement vers des solutions basées sur Internet et définies par logiciel, y compris par le biais d’une adoption accélérée des applications cloud. La vaste expertise d’Expereo dans la fourniture et la gestion de réseaux et d’accès au Cloud définis par logiciel et basés sur internet permet aux entreprises opérant à l’échelle mondiale d’y parvenir avec facilité, assurance et sécurité.

« Expereo offre une envergure mondiale supplémentaire, une plateforme d’exploitation et d’utilisateurs numériques de premier plan et une expérience complémentaire de SD-WAN et SASE qui bénéficieront grandement à nos clients et partenaires », a déclaré Marcus Munoz, Co-PDG de Brodynt. « Nous avons développé une excellente base de clients et de partenaires, ainsi qu’une excellente équipe qui les soutient », a ajouté Marc Mateo, Co-PDG de Brodynt. « Nous ne pouvons que nous réjouir de cette acquisition. En intégrant Expereo, Brodynt connaîtra un développement plus rapide et un accroissement de ses capacités alors que le marché se transforme très rapidement, les services internet étant désormais au cœur des réseaux de connectivité des multinationales ; Expereo apporte l’envergure nécessaire pour y parvenir efficacement. »

« Tout est question d’envergure et d’expérience client de classe mondiale », a déclaré Irwin Fouwels, PDG d’Expereo. « Notre capacité à fournir, gérer et améliorer efficacement les performances de n’importe quel type de service de réseautage basé sur internet partout dans le monde, s’est agrémentée de la technologie traditionnelle de réseau étendu, pour être en mesure désormais de remplacer efficacement les anciennes solutions. La superposition de notre propre tissu cloud et de notre interface client numérique permet de faire évoluer une solution mondiale basée sur Internet en termes de performances et d’expérience – nous sommes ravis que les clients et partenaires de Brodynt puissent ainsi en bénéficier.

À propos d’Expereo

Expereo est le plus grand fournisseur de solutions de réseaux gérées, notamment des services mondiaux de connectivité Internet, de SD-WAN, SASE et de services d’accès au Cloud. Expereo est le partenaire de confiance de 30 % des entreprises figurant dans le palmarès Fortune 500, et soutient des sites d’entreprises et de gouvernements dans le monde entier, aidant à améliorer la productivité de chaque entreprise au moyen de performances Internet flexibles et optimales.

Vitruvian Partners est une société internationale spécialisée en capital-développement et rachat dont le siège social est situé à Londres et qui possède des bureaux à Londres, Stockholm, Munich, Luxembourg, San Francisco et Shanghai. Elle détient une participation majoritaire dans Expereo depuis quelques mois. Apax Partners SAS, société de capital-investissement européenne de premier plan basée à Paris, détient une participation minoritaire aux côtés de Vitruvian. Apax Partners SAS, dont le siège social est basé à Paris, et Apax Partners LLP, dont le siège social est basé à Londres, ont une histoire commune mais sont des sociétés de capital-investissement indépendantes et séparées.

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À propos de Brodynt

Brodynt fournit des services mondiaux d’Internet géré et de SD-WAN aux clients d’entreprises mondiales et aux prestataires de services tels que les fournisseurs de services Internet, les opérateurs et les intégrateurs de systèmes. Fondée en 2012 et domiciliée à Barcelone, en Espagne, Brodynt est implantée à Austin, au Texas, et à Amsterdam, aux Pays-Bas.

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Q Advisors, une importante société de services bancaires d’investissement dans les télécommunications, les médias et la technologie (TMT), a agi à titre de conseiller financier exclusif pour Brodynt dans le cadre de la transaction.

Contact :
Conor McGee


Smile Identity Raises $7 Million to Build KYC and Identity Verification Tools for Africa

Smile Identity is providing the Identity Verification, Digital KYC, User Onboarding, Document Verification, Liveness Checks, Face Verification, Anti-fraud, and Identity Data Deduplication tools powering the rapid growth and expansion of businesses and startups across Africa.

LAGOS, Nigeria, July 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Smile Identity, the company that enables ID verification and KYC compliance through Artificial Intelligence designed for African faces and identities, announced today that the company had secured $7 million in Series A funding.

Smile Identity Logo

The investment was co-led by Costanoa Ventures and the pan-African venture firm, CRE Venture Capital, along with participation from LocalGlobeIntercept VenturesFuture Africa Ventures, and Angel Investors from across Africa and around the world. Existing investors, including Khosla ImpactValueStream VenturesBeta Ventures500 Startups, and Story Ventures also participated.

The round, which marks the largest investment into an identity verification company focused on Africa, brings Smile Identity’s total funding to over $11M. The company plans to use the new funding to improve its services, expand across more markets, add support for more ID types and hire more engineers and support staff across Africa. In conjunction with this round, John Cowgill of Costanoa, will be joining Smile Identity’s board.

Smile Identity launched in 2017 with a mission to make it easy for Africans anywhere to quickly and easily prove their identity online, while providing startups and established enterprises with the tools and software they need to automate customer onboarding, verify identities, and prevent fraud.

Africans spend an inordinate amount of time trying to prove or verify their identities in order to gain access to financial accounts, loans, SIM cards, address proofs, and social services; and an estimated 500 million Africans have no formal identification at all. “We believe anyone should be able to prove their identity easily, anywhere in the world and that access to a modern digital lifestyle should not depend on the origin of your ID Card or IP address,” said Mark Straub, Smile Identity’s Co-founder and CEO.

To standardize identity verification across the continent and provide a single solution for a new generation of African companies, Smile Identity works with local ID authorities and has built a platform that combines ID validation with proprietary face verification and liveness checks to support non-surveillance, consent-based access and financial inclusion. The company performs over 1 million identity checks every month across Africa and its software is used in banking, fintech, ride sharing, worker verification, public social welfare programs, and telecommunications. Its customers include payments companies like PaystackPaga and Chippercash; neo-banks like Kudabank and Umba; traditional banks like Stanbic IBTC; cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Luno, and Paxful; and even supply-chain businesses like Twiga.

“Smile Identity has powered our hyper growth across Africa, accelerating our ability to acquire real users and build a great KYC user experience for our customers. With Smile Identity, we were able to automate our compliance process and reduce KYC completion time by 99%, from 2 days to 2 minutes. Within 6 weeks of turning on Smile Identity’s automated KYC solution, we catapulted to #1 in the South African app store.” Says Chippercash Co-founder and President Maijid Moujaled.

With subsidiaries, branch offices and engineers in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda and counting, Smile Identity’s growing team is made up of people from 12 countries, including 8 African nations.

About Smile Identity
Smile Identity is the leading Know Your Customer (KYC) and Identity Verification provider for Africa. We help companies scale rapidly across Africa by confirming the true identity of their users in real time, using any smartphone or computer. Our technology is powered by proprietary Machine Learning algorithms designed specifically for African faces, and our products include Identity Verification, Digital KYC, User Onboarding, Document Verification, Liveness Checks, Face Verification, Anti-fraud Checks, and Identity Data Deduplication. Backed by Costanoa, CRE Venture Capital, Khosla Impact, LocalGlobe and a host of Angel Investors from across Africa, Smile Identity is enabling the growth of tech ecosystems across the African continent while providing infrastructure to build trust online. For more information, please visit

About Costanoa
Costanoa Ventures backs tenacious and thoughtful founders who change how business gets done. Costanoa seeks to be a long-term partner to entrepreneurs building durable companies leveraging data to solve complex business problems. For more information, please visit

About CRE Venture Capital
CRE Venture Capital partners with and invests in visionary entrepreneurs building category-defining tech companies in Africa. Founded by Pule Taukobong and Pardon Makumbe, CRE taps into its relationships and experience to help founders build African tech companies with global relevance and impact. Current investments include Andela, Flutterwave, Rensource, Yoco and Oradian.

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Ashiwel Ochui

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Declaração da Falana & Falana: Alex Saab dá entrada em recurso em Tribunal dos EUA

WASHINGTON, July 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hoje, a equipe jurídica da Baker Hostetler, representando o Sr. Alex Saab, deu entrada no Resumo Inicial no Tribunal de Recurso dos Estados Unidos no Décimo Primeiro Circuito, contestando uma decisão do Juiz Distrital dos EUA em Miami, recusando-se a considerar o status do Sr. Saab como diplomata imune a processos nos EUA, a menos que e até que ele esteja fisicamente presente nos Estados Unidos.

O Sr. Saab foi detido ilegalmente, a pedido das autoridades policiais dos EUA, em Cabo Verde, onde a sua aeronave parou para reabastecer. Ele estava viajando da Venezuela para o Irã em uma missão diplomática, buscando ajuda humanitária em meio à pandemia da COVID-19. É uma norma de direito internacional bem estabelecida que dita que o diplomata que viaja do seu país de origem para um posto no estrangeiro, seja como enviado especial, como no caso do Sr. Saab, ou como parte de uma missão permanente, têm direito à imunidade diplomática à prisão ou detenção. Consequentemente, por instrução do seu próprio governo, ele se opôs vigorosamente à sua extradição para os Estados Unidos.

O Sr. Saab, acusado nos EUA de supostas irregularidades na Venezuela e países vizinhos, procurou levantar esse ponto com o juiz do distrito de Miami, que se recusou a considerar sua imunidade até ele concordar em comparecer pessoalmente perante o juiz nos Estados Unidos. O juiz fundamentou sua decisão na doutrina de “fugitive disentitlement” (privação de direitos de fugitivo), uma regra criada por um juiz que estabelece que as pessoas que fogem da autoridade do tribunal não podem levantar argumentos legais até estarem fisicamente presentes no tribunal.

No entanto, essa doutrina não se aplica ao caso do Sr. Saab porque ele nunca fugiu das autoridades policiais dos Estados Unidos ou dos EUA e se opôs à sua extradição para os Estados Unidos por ser um diplomata em missão com direito à imunidade. Consequentemente, o Sr. Saab recorreu da decisão do Juiz Distrital no Tribunal de Recurso dos EUA no Décimo Primeiro Circuito. Em seu Resumo Inicial, o Sr. Saab deixou claro que não é um fugitivo dos Estados Unidos e que, como Enviado Especial da Venezuela ao Irã, é um Chefe de Missão diplomático sob a Convenção de Viena de 1961 de Relações Diplomáticas e sob a Lei de Relações Diplomáticas dos Estados Unidos, que implementa as obrigações do tratado dos EUA sob essa Convenção. Na verdade, o Décimo Primeiro Circuito concluiu que um Enviado Especial, tal como o Sr. Saab, tinha direito à imunidade no caso de 1984, Abdulaziz v. Meto. Dade County, 741 F.2d 1328 (11th Cir. 1984). Este caso constitui uma súmula vinculante tanto para o Juiz Distrital quanto para o Tribunal de Recurso.

Consequentemente, o Sr. Saab solicitou ao Tribunal de Recurso que rejeitasse o pedido da Doutrina de Fugitive Disentitlement do Tribunal Distrital e determinasse que ele tem direito à imunidade de prisão, detenção e extradição para os Estados Unidos, indeferindo o processo contra ele.


José Manuel Pinto Monteiro
+234 803 300 4903
Falana & Falana Chambers

Falana & Falana publie le bilan suivant sur le sujet : Alex Saab conteste l’acte d’accusation devant le tribunal américain

WASHINGTON, 08 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, l’équipe juridique de Baker Hostetler, représentant M. Alex Saab, a déposé son dossier d’ouverture auprès de la Cour d’appel des États-Unis pour le onzième circuit, contestant une décision du juge de district des États-Unis à Miami refusant de considérer le statut de M. Saab en tant que diplomate immunisé contre les procédures américaines à moins et jusqu’à ce qu’il apparaisse personnellement aux États-Unis.

M. Saab a été détenu illégalement, à la demande des autorités de maintien de l’ordre des États-Unis, au Cap-Vert, où son avion s’était arrêté pour se ravitailler. En fait, il voyageait depuis le Venezuela jusqu’en Iran dans le cadre d’une mission diplomatique, à la recherche d’une assistance humanitaire en pleine pandémie de COVID-19. Selon une règle bien établie du droit international, les diplomates qui se déplacent depuis leur pays d’origine vers un poste à l’étranger, que ce soit en tant qu’envoyé spécial comme M. Saab ou dans le cadre d’une mission permanente, ont droit à l’immunité diplomatique contre l’arrestation ou la détention. En conséquence, sur l’instruction de son propre gouvernement, il s’est fermement opposé à son extradition vers les États-Unis.

M. Saab, qui fait l’objet d’un acte d’accusation aux États-Unis pour faute présumée au Venezuela et dans les pays voisins, a cherché à soulever ce point avec le juge de district de Miami, qui a refusé de considérer son immunité jusqu’à ce qu’il accepte de se présenter personnellement devant le juge aux États-Unis. Le juge a fondé sa décision sur la doctrine de « destitution des fugitifs », une règle jurisprudentielle stipulant que les individus qui ont fui l’autorité du tribunal ne peuvent invoquer des arguments juridiques tant qu’ils n’ont pas été physiquement traduits devant le tribunal.

Toutefois, cette doctrine ne s’applique pas dans le cas de M. Saab car il n’a jamais fui les États-Unis ou les autorités de maintien de l’ordre américaines, et s’est opposé à son extradition vers les États-Unis parce que c’est un diplomate en mission bénéficiant de l’immunité. En conséquence, M. Saab a fait appel de la décision du juge de district auprès de la Cour d’appel des États-Unis pour le onzième circuit. Dans son dossier d’ouverture, M. Saab a clairement indiqué qu’il n’était pas un fugitif des États-Unis et qu’en tant qu’envoyé spécial du Venezuela en Iran, il était un chef de mission diplomatique en vertu de la Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques de 1961 et de la loi United States Diplomatic Relations Act, qui met en œuvre les obligations du traité des États-Unis en vertu de cette Convention. En fait, le onzième circuit a conclu que les envoyés spéciaux comme M. Saab avaient droit à l’immunité selon une affaire tranchée en 1984, Abdulaziz contre Meto. Comté de Dade, 741 F.2d 1328 (11e cercle, 1984). Cette affaire constitue un précédent contraignant tant pour le juge de district que pour la Cour d’appel.

En conséquence, M. Saab a demandé à la Cour d’appel de rejeter l’application de la Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine (doctrine de destitution des fugitifs) par le tribunal de district, de décider qu’il a droit à l’immunité contre l’arrestation, la détention et l’extradition vers les États-Unis, et ainsi de classer l’affaire le concernant.

Contact :

José Manuel Pinto Monteiro
+234 803 300 4903
Falana & Falana Chambers

China-Canada Collaboration on CO2 Capture for Cement

China Building Material Academy (CBMA)

Members Dr. Wang, Lan (the CCUS project leader), Dr. Liu, Sr. Engineer, Ms. Zhao, Director for R&D pose for a photo during a May 2018 visit to the International CCS Knowledge Centre to discuss CCS on cement in China.

REGINA, Saskatchewan, July 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new collaboration between the China Building Materials Academy, (CBMA) and Canadian based, International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre) will see simultaneous advancements in understanding and knowledge sharing of carbon capture technology designed specifically to see substantial emission reductions from the global cement industry.

The first initiative under the agreement, Carbon Capture Use Piloting with Cement Kiln Project will aid CBMA in applying the Knowledge Centre’s model and Front End Engineering Design (FEED) of a test platform – which has a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture capacity of approximately 155 kg CO2/per day. The project will be built and piloted on a carbon capture system that utilizes the post combustion flue gas from a producing cement kiln.

The Knowledge Centre will have an observer role to learn and gain insight on the characteristics of a cement kiln operation and its integration with a post combustion carbon capture system. The agreement grants the Knowledge Centre access to the operational data, such as further design, testing, data based on the modelling, emission-related information, and any improvements made to the CO2 capture test platform.

This collaboration agreement is part of a bilateral science and technology cooperation between Canada and China, the China-Canada Science & Technology Cooperative Action Plan. The agreement also syncs with goals of the Chinese government to achieve carbon peaking before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060 with efforts of the cement industry in China to accelerate innovation in low carbon technologies.

Through the carbon capture pilot platform, the CBMA is expected to adapt the application for potential scale-up to commercial demonstration with know-how that could be applied across the sizable fleet of China National Building Materials Ltd. (CNBM), the world’s largest cement producer and the parent of CBMA.

The Knowledge Centre is currently completing a feasibility study on a full-scaled post-combustion carbon capture system on Lehigh’s Cement plant in Edmonton, Canada by applying the same model based on large-scale CCS experiences from the commercial coal-fired power plant, at the famed Canadian based Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility.


“The International Knowledge Centre is proud to be a partner in assisting the CBMA on its CCS development and deployment journey to help China realize its ambitious goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, which is positive for the world.”

– Conway Nelson, VP Strategy & Stakeholder Relations, International CCS Knowledge Centre

“The cement industry could only achieve carbon neutrality by carbon capture approaches. Deep GHG emission reduction objectives can only be achieved by adhering to the decarbonization technology route, by applying CCS technologies to capture the carbon dioxide emissions from various aspects of the production process.”
中国建材集 周育先董事长:水泥行业要实现碳中和必然通过碳捕捉的方式,只有坚持脱碳技术路线,利用CCS术尽可能吸收生产过程中各环节排放的二氧化碳,才有可能实现深度减排目

– Chairman Zhou Yuxian, Chairman of China Building Materials Group (CNBM)


Cement Emission Overview

  • Concrete, a product of cement, is the second most consumed substance on the planet, next to water, with roughly attributing three tonnes of concrete yearly by every person on earth (State of the Planet, Earth Institute, Columbia University).
  • Total emissions from the cement industry contribute as much as 7-8% of global CO2 emissions.
  • Two thirds or 5% of global emissions result from the chemical reactions in the cement production process and therefore cannot be eliminated through gains in energy efficiency.
  • Global demand for cement is expected to increase 12-23% by 2050 (IEA Report: Transforming Industry through CCUS)
  • As the largest cement producer, China accounts for about 55% of global production, followed remotely by India at 8%.
  • China’s cement industry is estimated about 1.2 Gt of CO2 emissions to their national GHG emissions, annually.

China-Canada Science & Technology Cooperative Action Plan

  • China-Canada Science & Technology Cooperative Action Plan is a framework for cooperation in scientific and technological research, which will extend and strengthen the conduct of cooperative activities in areas of common interest and encourage the application of the results of such cooperation to their economic and social benefit.


International CCS Knowledge Centre
Jodi Woollam
Head of Communications & Media Relations
T: +1-306-565-5956 / M: +1-306-520-3710

About the International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre): with a mandate to advance the global understanding and deployment of large-scale CCS to reduce global GHG emissions, the Knowledge Centre provides the know-how to implement large-scale CCS projects as well as CCS optimization through the base learnings from both the fully-integrated Boundary Dam 3 CCS Facility and the comprehensive second-generation CCS study, known as the Shand CCS Feasibility Study. Operating since 2016 under the direction of an independent board, the Knowledge Centre was established by BHP and SaskPower. For more info:

About the China Building Materials Academy (CBMA): is the largest state-owned comprehensive research development and design firm of the industry sector in China and operates as the technology innovation platform of the China National Building Materials Group Corporation (CNBM), which is the largest comprehensive building materials industry group in China. CBMA undertakes a large number of research and development programmes of national significance and advances the technology for energy-saving and emission reduction in building materials industry. With dozens of labs and testing centres, CBMA is the standard bearer of the building materials industry sector for technology innovation covering cement, concrete, wall material, glass, ceramics, refractory and new materials. For more info:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at