XCMG Technician College to Partner with German Institutions to Launch “Blue Sea Elite” Young Technicians Training Program

The cooperation with HWK Erfurt Vocational Training Center (HWK) and Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce will pave the way in promoting the high-quality development of vocational education in China

XUZHOU, China, Aug. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — XCMG Technician College, the vocational technical school of leading construction machinery manufacturer XCMG (000425.SZ), is partnering with HWK Erfurt Vocational Training Center (HWK) and Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Germany to launch the “Blue Sea Elite” young technician training program (the “Program”), which will provide international training and perspective to close to 200 qualified technicians and mechanics for XCMG annually.

XCMG Technician College to Partner with German Institutions to Launch “Blue Sea Elite” Young Technicians Training Program.

“In accordance with Germany’s standards in construction machinery technician education, the Program will establish an integrated talent training system to include vocational training certification, curriculum convergence, teaching model, faculty training and evaluation/assessment to promote the continuous improvement of talent cultivation to create a reserve of talents for XCMG’s main global development strategy,” said Feng Yuehong, director of XCMG Technician College.

Using the German dual-system vocational education system as a benchmark, XCMG Technician College has been implementing integrated course and teaching reform in areas of curriculum, scenario, faculty, teaching material, time and evaluation, with the aim of achieving the integration of school with enterprise as well as production with education. The Program aims to open a new chapter for XCMG Technician College in training highly skilled, innovative and interdisciplinary industrial mechanics with an international perspective.

Following the technological trend of intelligent construction, XCMG has begun to focus on cultivating skilled technical talents with a background in internet applications since the beginning of 2021 and awarded China’s first batch of 1+X grade certificates of industrial internet industry.

The 1+X certificate includes one academic certificate and multiple vocational skill certificates, involving industrial data collection equipment deployment and connection, industrial site data collection and cloud storage, cloud platform algorithm modeling applications, industrial data edge computing applications, industrial app development and release and more.

“‘Theory + practice’ teaching model integrates vocational skill training into teaching resources with the support of precise training facilities, it’s our goal to take a lead role across the industry,” said Feng.

For more information, please visit: http://en.xcmg.com/en-ap/.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1592652/image_1.jpg

Telecom Review finds that 700 MHz 5G network construction drives investment and brings benefits to telecom vendors in China

DUBAI, UAE, Aug. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Telecom Review finds that Chinese telecom carriers are making significant progress in constructing low-band 5G networks, and much of the attention is drawn to the 700MHz frequency which is part of the wider ultra-high frequency (UHF) band.

At the beginning of 2021, China Mobile and China Broadcasting Network (CBN) had announced a 5G strategic cooperation agreement to construct and share a 700 MHz 5G network. As a combined effort, they have purchased 480,400 700 MHz 5G base stations this year. According to Guang Yang at Strategy Analytics, this increase of base stations in 700 MHz will be a significant boost to the 5G infrastructure market and also a catalyst for the 5G development in China, since most of the 5G base stations in China so far are deployed in the 2.6 GHz or 3.5 GHz band.

China Telecom and China Unicom have also jointly launched the centralized procurement of 242,000 5G base stations and have recently released the announcement on public bidding involving the 2.1 GHz wireless primary device needed in the 5G SA construction project in 2021.

Telecom Review reports the increased 5G activities in 700 MHz band will drive 5G investment in China and benefit domestic equipment vendors like Huawei. In China Mobile and CBN bidding, Huawei, as the major infrastructure vendor in China’s 5G market, has won around 60% of the total share. It is expected that Huawei will continue to be the biggest winner in the Chinese market in 2021 and the main vendor beneficiary of 5G CAPEX spending in China.

With the strength of wider coverage and low propagation loss, Telecom Review expects the low band 5G frequencies will enable a better 5G network experience and help companies like Huawei to demonstrate the true value of 5G, which will keep boosting the confidence of clients in its business continuity under the current circumstances.

About Telecom Review

Telecom Review was founded in 2005 and is today the leading global ICT media platform. With its different editions that cover all the industry’s updates in the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Africa and North America, Telecom Review has gained a stellar reputation for guaranteeing quality content, offering reliable information and addressing the most trending topics. Telecom Review has always been a pioneer in the ICT media industry by launching e-newsletters, digital flipping magazines and most recently, organizing virtual panels and webinars.

Lantronix achève l’acquisition du segment d’activité isolable d’électronique et logiciels de Communications Systems, Inc.

IRVINE, Californie, 11 août 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix, Inc. (« Lantronix ») (NASDAQ : LTRX), fournisseur mondial de logiciels en tant que service (Saas), services de connectivité et d’ingénierie, et solutions matérielles intelligentes et clés en main pour l’Internet des objets (IdO) et la gestion des environnements distants (REM), a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir finalisé son acquisition précédemment annoncée de Transition Networks et Net2Edge, comprenant la majorité du segment d’activité isolable d’électronique et logiciels de Communications Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ : JCS) (« CSI »).La transaction apportera une échelle immédiate à Lantronix, avec des revenus de la société combinée qui devraient totaliser plus de 100 millions de dollars par an. L’acquisition apportera des produits et des capacités de connectivité IdO complémentaires, y compris des produits de commutation, d’alimentation par Ethernet (PoE), des produits de conversion média et des adaptateurs.

Lantronix voit d’importantes synergies d’exploitation et de développement de produits au sein de la société combinée et s’attend à ce que d’importantes synergies au premier jour génèrent une désactualisation immédiate des revenus non conformes aux PCGR à la clôture, et la société prévoit en outre de réaliser 7 millions de dollars de synergies annuelles de taux d’exploitation au cours des 24 premiers mois. Lantronix publiera des directives pour son exercice 2022 lors de sa conférence téléphonique sur les résultats du quatrième trimestre 2021, dont la date sera bientôt fixée.

La Silicon Valley Bank, la banque des sociétés les plus innovantes au monde et leurs investisseurs, ainsi que SVB Capital, ont fourni un financement d’acquisition.

O’Melveny & Myers LLP a occupé le poste de conseiller juridique chez Lantronix.

À propos de Lantronix
Lantronix Inc. est un fournisseur mondial de solutions clés en main sécurisées pour l’Internet des Objets (IdO) et la gestion des environnements distants (REM), proposant des logiciels en tant que services (SaaS), des services de connectivité, des services d’ingénierie et des solutions d’ingénierie et des solutions matérielles intelligentes. Lantronix permet à ses clients de fournir des solutions d’informatique en périphérie pour l’IdO et d’OOBM (gestion hors bande) fiables et sécurisées, tout en raccourcissant les délais de mise sur le marché. Les produits et services de Lantronix simplifient considérablement la création, la mise au point, le déploiement et la gestion de projets IdO, tout en garantissant la qualité, la fiabilité et la sécurité des matériels, logiciels et solutions.

Fort de trois décennies d’expérience éprouvée dans la création de solutions robustes pour les technologies IdO et l’OOBM, Lantronix est un innovateur qui permet à ses clients de construire de nouveaux modèles commerciaux, de tirer parti d’une plus grande efficacité et de réaliser les possibilités offertes par l’Internet des Objets. Les solutions de Lantronix sont déployées à l’intérieur de millions de machines équipant des datacenters, bureaux et sites distants pour le compte d’une large gamme de secteurs, parmi lesquels l’énergie, l’agriculture, la médecine, la sécurité, la fabrication, la distribution, le transport, le commerce de détail, la finance, l’environnement et les services publics.

Lantronix a son siège à Irvine, en Californie. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site www.lantronix.com.

Vous en apprendrez davantage sur le blog de Lantronix, www.lantronix.com/blog, où vous trouverez les discussions et les actualités du secteur. Pour suivre Lantronix sur Twitter, veuillez vous rendre sur le site www.twitter.com/Lantronix. Visionnez notre vidéothèque sur YouTube à l’adresse www.youtube.com/user/LantronixInc ou connectez-vous avec nous sur LinkedIn à l’adresse www.linkedin.com/company/lantronix.

Discussion sur les mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR

Lantronix estime que la présentation d’informations financières non conformes aux PCGR, en conjonction avec les mesures conformes aux PCGR correspondantes, fournit des informations supplémentaires importantes à la direction et aux investisseurs concernant les tendances financières et commerciales liées à la situation financière et aux résultats d’exploitation de la société. La direction utilise les mesures non conformes aux PCGR susmentionnées pour surveiller et évaluer les résultats d’exploitation et les tendances en cours afin de mieux comprendre nos performances d’exploitation comparatives. Les mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR divulguées par la société ne doivent pas être considérées comme un substitut ou comme étant supérieures aux mesures financières calculées conformément aux PCGR, et les résultats financiers calculés conformément aux PCGR et les rapprochements des mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR avec les mesures financières calculées conformément aux PCGR doivent être soigneusement évalués. Il se peut que les mesures non conformes aux PCGR utilisées par la Société soient calculées différemment et qu’elles ne soient par conséquent pas comparables à des mesures similaires utilisées par d’autres sociétés.

Les indications sur la croissance des bénéfices par action sont fournies uniquement sur une base non conforme aux PCGR en raison de la difficulté inhérente à prévoir le calendrier ou le montant de certains éléments qui ont été exclus des mesures prospectives non conformes aux PCGR, et un rapprochement avec les directives conformes aux PCGR comparables n’a pas été fourni parce que certains facteurs qui sont importants pour la capacité de Lantronix à estimer les éléments exclus ne sont ni accessibles ni évaluables sur une base prospective sans effort déraisonnable.

Énoncés prospectifs

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés prospectifs tels que définis par la Section 27A du Securities Act de 1933, tel que modifié, et par la Section 21E du Securities Exchange Act de 1934, tel que modifié. Les déclarations qui ne sont pas strictement historiques constituent des énoncés prospectifs qui peuvent souvent, mais pas toujours, être identifiés à l’aide de termes comme « s’attend à », « croit » ou « a l’intention de », « anticipe », « prévoit », « estime », « potentiel », « possible », ou « probable », ou encore des variantes de ces mots et expressions, ou des indications que certaines actions, certains événements ou certains résultats « peuvent », « pourront », « devraient », ou « pourraient » se réaliser. Les énoncés prospectifs contenus dans le présent communiqué de presse comprennent, entre autres, des déclarations concernant les avantages attendus de l’acquisition de réseaux de Transition et de Net2Edge (la « Transaction »), y compris les synergies attendues dans la société combinée, pour Lantronix et ses actionnaires, le caractère croissant de la Transaction proposée et les résultats d’exploitation futurs prévus de la société fusionnée. Les énoncés prospectifs sont fondés sur les prévisions, hypothèses et analyses actuelles de Lantronix et sa direction à la lumière de notre expérience et de notre perception des tendances historiques, des conditions actuelles et des développements futurs prévus, ainsi que d’autres facteurs qui, selon nous, sont appropriés aux circonstances. Cependant, la question de savoir si les résultats et développements réels seront conformes aux attentes est soumise à un certain nombre de risques et d’incertitudes importants, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter : la capacité de Lantronix à intégrer avec succès les activités acquises après la transaction et à en tirer des avantages anticipés ; les risques liés à tout passif imprévu des entreprises acquises ; l’inexactitude des estimations de réserve ou des hypothèses qui les sous-tendent ; la révision des estimations des réserves en raison de l’évolution des prix des produits de base ; toute perte de direction ou de personnel clé ; l’impact de la pandémie de COVID-19, y compris l’émergence de nouvelles souches plus contagieuses et/ou résistantes aux vaccins du virus et l’impact des efforts de vaccination, y compris l’efficacité et l’acceptation par le public des vaccins, sur les activités des entreprises combinées, les employés, les chaînes d’approvisionnement et de distribution et l’économie mondiale ; et tous les autres facteurs compris dans le rapport de Lantronix sur formulaire 10-K pour l’exercice clos au 30 juin 2020, déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (la « SEC ») le 11 septembre 2020, y compris dans la section intitulée « Risk Factors » (Facteurs de risque) du point 1A de la première partie de ce rapport ; son rapport trimestriel sur formulaire 10-Q pour le trimestre clos au 31 mars 2021, déposé auprès de la SEC le 30 avril 2021, y compris dans la section intitulée « Risk Factors » (Facteurs de risque) du point 1A de la deuxième partie de ce rapport ; et dans les autres documents publics déposés par la société auprès de la SEC. En outre, les résultats réels peuvent différer en raison d’autres risques et incertitudes que la direction de Lantronix ignore ou ne considère pas actuellement comme importants pour les activités de la société. Pour ces raisons, les investisseurs sont invités à ne pas se fier indûment aux déclarations de nature prospective. Les énoncés prospectifs de Lantronix ne sont valables qu’à la date à laquelle ils sont formulés. Lantronix décline toute obligation de révision ou de mise à jour de tout énoncé prospectif public, sauf selon la loi ou les règles du marché boursier du Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC.

Contact médias Lantronix :
Gail Kathryn Miller
Responsable du marketing et
des communications d’entreprise

Contact investisseurs et analystes Lantronix :
Jeremy Whitaker
Directeur financier

Ventes Lantronix :
Amériques  +1 (800) 422-7055 (États-Unis et Canada) ou +1 949-453-3990
Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique  +31 (0)76 52 36 744
Asie/Pacifique  + 852 3428-2338
Chine + 86 21-6237-8868
Japon +81 (0) 50-1354-6201
Inde +91 994-551-2488

© 2021 Lantronix, Inc. Tous droits réservés.

Lantronix Conclui a Aquisição do Segmento da Unidade de Eletrônicos e Softwares Reportáveis da Communications Systems, Inc.

IRVINE, Calif., Aug. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Lantronix , Inc. (Lantronix) (NASDAQ: LTRX), provedora global de Software as a Service (Saas), serviços de conectividade, serviços de engenharia, hardware inteligente e soluções turnkey para Internet of Things (Internet das Coisas – IoT) e Remote Environment Management (Gerenciamento de Ambiente Remoto – REM), anunciou hoje que concluiu a aquisição anunciada da Transition Networks e Net2Edge, que abrange a maior parte da unidade de Eletrônicos e Software reportáveis da Communications Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: JCS) (“CSI”).

A transação irá ampliar a Lantronix imediatamente, com o aumento da receita combinada da empresa prevista para alcançar mais de US$100 milhões ao ano. A aquisição irá adicionar produtos e recursos complementares de conectividade de IoT, incluindo comutação, Power over Ethernet (PoE) e produtos de conversão de mídia e adaptador.

A Lantronix espera alcançar sinergias significativas de operação e desenvolvimento de produtos na empresa conjunta e que as sinergias significativas já a partir do primeiro dia venham impulsionar a adição de lucros não GAAP no fechamento, e espera ainda alcançar US$7 milhões em sinergias anuais de taxa de execução ao longo dos primeiros 24 meses. A Lantronix divulgará a orientação para o exercício fiscal de 2022 em sua teleconferência de ganhos do quarto trimestre do exercício fiscal de 2021, em data a ser notificada.

O Silicon Valley Bank, o banco das empresas mais inovadoras do mundo, e seus investidores, juntamente com a SVB Capital, forneceram financiamento de aquisição.

O’Melveny & Myers LLP atuou como consultor jurídico da Lantronix.

Sobre a Lantronix
A Lantronix Inc. é provedora global de soluções turnkey seguras para Internet of Things (Internet das Coisas – IoT) e Remote Environment Management (Gerenciamento de Ambiente Remoto – REM), oferecendo Software as a Service (SaaS), serviços de conectividade, serviços de engenharia e hardware inteligente. A Lantronix viabiliza que seus clientes forneçam soluções IoT Intelligent Edge e OOBM confiáveis e seguras, acelerando o tempo de colocação do produto no mercado. Os produtos e serviços da Lantronix simplificam drasticamente a criação, desenvolvimento, implantação e gerenciamento de projetos de IoT, proporcionando qualidade, confiabilidade e segurança em hardware, software e soluções.

Com três décadas de experiência comprovada na criação de tecnologias IoT e soluções OOBM robustas, a Lantronix é uma inovadora ao capacitar seus clientes a construir novos modelos de negócios, utilizar maiores eficiências e entender as possibilidades da Internet das Coisas. As soluções da Lantronix são implantadas dentro de milhões de máquinas em data centers, escritórios e locais remotos que atendem a uma ampla gama de indústrias, incluindo energia, agricultura, medicina, segurança, fabricação, distribuição, transporte, varejo, financeiro, ambiental e governamental.

A sede da Lantronix está localizada em Irvine, Califórnia. Para mais informação, visite www.lantronix.com.

Obtenha mais informações no blog da Lantronix, www.lantronix.com/blog, com discussões e atualizações da indústria. Para seguir a Lantronix no Twitter, visite www.twitter.com/Lantronix. Consulte a nossa biblioteca de vídeos no YouTube em www.youtube.com/user/LantronixInc ou conecte-se conosco no LinkedIn em www.linkedin.com/company/lantronix.

Discussão das Medidas Financeiras Não GAAP

A Lantronix acredita que a divulgação de informações financeiras não GAAP, quando divulgadas em conjunto com as medidas GAAP correspondentes, fornece informações suplementares importantes à administração e aos investidores sobre as tendências financeiras e dos negócios relacionadas à condição financeira e aos resultados das operações da empresa. A Administração usa as medidas não GAAP acima mencionadas para monitorar e avaliar os resultados e tendências operacionais em andamento para obter uma compreensão do nosso desempenho operacional comparativo. As medidas financeiras não GAAP divulgadas pela empresa não têm por objetivo substituir ou serem superiores às medidas financeiras calculadas de acordo com o GAAP, e os resultados financeiros calculados de acordo com o GAAP e as reconciliações das medidas financeiras não GAAP com as medidas financeiras calculadas de acordo com o GAAP devem ser cuidadosamente avaliados. As medidas financeiras não GAAP utilizadas pela empresa podem ser calculadas de forma diferente e, portanto, podem não ser comparáveis às medidas de títulos semelhantes utilizadas por outras empresas.

A orientação quanto ao crescimento do lucro por ação é fornecida apenas em uma base não-GAAP devido à dificuldade inerente da previsão da ocasião ou do valor de certos itens que foram excluídos das medidas não-GAAP prospectivas, e uma reconciliação com as orientações GAAP comparáveis não foi fornecida porque certos fatores que são materialmente significativos para a capacidade da Lantronix de estimar os itens excluídos não estão acessíveis ou não podem ser previstos em uma base prospectiva sem esforço não razoável.

Declarações de Previsão

Este comunicado contém “declarações de previsão” de acordo com a definição do termo estabelecido na Seção 27A da Lei de Valores Mobiliários (Securities Act) de 1933 e suas alterações, e na Seção 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobiliários (Securities Exchange Act) de 1934, e suas emendas. As declarações que não são declarações estritamente históricas constituem declarações prospectivas e muitas vezes, mas nem sempre, podem ser identificadas pelo uso de palavras como “espera”, “acredita”, “pretende”, “antecipa”, “planeja”, “estima”, “potencial”, “possível” ou “provável” ou declarações de que certas ações, eventos ou resultados “possam”, “venham a ser”, “devem” ou “poderiam” ser tomados, ocorrer ou serem alcançados. As declarações prospectivas neste comunicado de imprensa incluem, entre outras coisas, declarações sobre os benefícios esperados da aquisição da Transition Networks e da Net2Edge (a “Transação”), incluindo sinergias esperadas na empresa conjunta, para a Lantronix e seus acionistas, a natureza cumulativa da Transação proposta e os resultados operacionais futuros esperados da empresa combinada. As declarações prospectivas são baseadas em expectativas e suposições atuais e análises feitas pela Lantronix e sua administração em virtude da experiência e percepção das tendências históricas, condições atuais e desenvolvimentos futuros esperados, bem como outros fatores apropriados de acordo com as circunstâncias. No entanto, a ocorrência da conformidade dos resultados e desenvolvimentos reais com as expectativas está sujeita a uma série de riscos e incertezas materiais, incluindo, mas não se limitando a: A capacidade da Lantronix de integrar as empresas adquiridas com sucesso após a Transação e obter benefícios antecipados; riscos relacionados a quaisquer passivos imprevistos das empresas adquiridas; imprecisões das estimativas ou premissas de reserva subjacentes; revisões das estimativas de reserva como resultado das mudanças nos preços das commodities; qualquer perda de gestão ou pessoal-chave; o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19, incluindo o surgimento de novas cepas mais contagiosas e/ou resistentes à vacina do vírus e o impacto dos esforços de vacinação, incluindo a eficácia e aceitação pública das vacinas, pelas empresas, funcionários, cadeias de fornecimento e distribuição das empresas conjuntas, e na economia global; e quaisquer fatores adicionais incluídos no Relatório da Lantronix no Formulário 10-K para o exercício fiscal encerrado em 30 de junho de 2020, arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (o “SEC”) em 11 de setembro de 2020, incluindo na seção intitulada “Fatores de Risco” no Item 1A da Parte I de tal relatório; seu Relatório Trimestral no Formulário 10-Q para o trimestre fiscal encerrado em 31 de março de 2021, arquivado no SEC em 30 de abril de 2021, incluindo na seção intitulada “Fatores de Risco” no Item 1A da Parte II de tal relatório; e nos outros registros públicos da Empresa arquivados no SEC. Além disso, os resultados reais podem ser diferentes devido aos riscos e incertezas adicionais dos quais a administração da Lantronix atualmente não tem conhecimento ou não vê como relevantes para os negócios da Empresa. Devido a tudo isso, os investidores não devem depositar confiança indevida em qualquer declaração voltada para o futuro. As declarações prospectivas que a Lantronix faz somente tem validade a partir da data em que são feitas. A Lantronix não se compromete a revisar ou atualizar publicamente quaisquer declarações prospectivas, exceto conforme exigido por lei ou pelas regras da Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC.

Contato de Mídia da Lantronix:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Gerente de Marketing e
Comunicações Corporativas

Contato para Analista e Investidor da Lantronix:
Jeremy Whitaker
Diretor Financeiro

Lantronix Sales:
Américas +1 (800) 422-7055 (EUA e Canadá) ou +1 949-453-3990
Europa, Oriente Médio e África +31 (0)76 52 36 744
Ásia-Pacífico + 852 3428-2338
China + 86 21-6237-8868
Japão +81 (0) 50-1354-6201
Índia +91 994-551-2488

© 2021 Lantronix, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.

BOSS Revolution Partners with Columbus Crew Captain Jonathan Mensah

NEWARK, N.J., Aug. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT), a global provider of communications and payment services, today announced a partnership with professional soccer player Jonathan Mensah. Jonathan is a renowned defender and team captain for Major League Soccer’s (MLS) Columbus Crew. He has twice represented Ghana on its national team in the World Cup and is a beloved figure in the sport.

Through the partnership, Jonathan will support IDT’s BOSS Revolution brand — including its international money transfer, voice calling and mobile top-up services — as spokesperson and ambassador in its advertising campaigns. He will be featured across broadcast, print, and digital media, and will endorse BOSS Revolution across his digital fanbase.

Because of his personal experiences as both an immigrant to the United States from Ghana and as a long-time BOSS Revolution customer, Jonathan is ideally suited to connect with members of immigrant communities throughout the U.S. including those from Africa and those who share his love of soccer.

“I’m proud to use my voice to help spread awareness of BOSS Revolution,” Jonathan Mensah said. “Like many others, my family remains connected thanks to BOSS Revolution. My family and I trust BOSS Revolution’s voice calling, money transfer and mobile-top up services to help us stay close across borders and oceans, no matter where we are.”

Jonathan’s path to the Columbus Crew highlights the opportunities the United States offers immigrants from all over the globe. Jonathan grew up in Accra, Ghana and learned to play soccer on sand fields while his father worked in the mines. He dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player and played for teams all around the world before joining the Columbus Crew in 2017.

“We are proud to welcome Jonathan to the BOSS Revolution family. His selection as the Crew’s captain and his charitable work helping underprivileged youth in his native Ghana speak to his outstanding character and concern for others,” said Shmuel Jonas, CEO of IDT. “Jonathan’s personal story is uniquely powerful, but it has much in common with other immigrants to the U.S. including their dedication, hard work and desire to attain a better life here while staying close to family and friends back home.”

“Our flagship BOSS Revolution offerings primarily serve immigrant communities,” Mr. Jonas added. “Jonathan’s personal experience using BOSS Revolution to stay in touch with his family enables him to speak from the heart about the value of our services to immigrant families.”

About IDT Corporation:

IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT) is a global provider of fintech, cloud communications and traditional communications services.  We make it easier for families to connect, support and share across international borders. We also enable businesses to transact and communicate with their customers with enhanced intelligence and insight.

Our BOSS Revolution branded money transfer, mobile top-up and international calling services make sending money and speaking with friends and family around the world convenient and reliable.  National Retail Solutions’ (NRS) point-of-sale retail network enables independent retailers to operate and process transactions more effectively while providing advertisers and consumer marketers with unprecedented reach into underserved consumer markets.  net2phone’s unified communications as a service solution provides businesses with intelligently integrated cloud communications and collaboration solutions across channels and devices. Our IDT Carrier Services and IDT Express wholesale offerings enable communications companies to provision and manage international voice and SMS services.

Bill Ulrey
IDT Investor Relations
Phone: (973) 438-3838
E-mail: invest@idt.net

Globeleq et Absa refinancent avec succès des centrales d’énergies renouvelables sud-africaines

LONDRES et LE CAP, Afrique du Sud, 10 août 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Globeleq, l’un des principaux producteurs indépendants d’électricité en Afrique, et Absa Bank, groupe financier de premier plan dans le programme de développement des énergies renouvelables en Afrique du Sud, viennent de boucler le refinancement de la dette senior de trois des centrales d’énergies renouvelables de Globeleq. L’objectif du refinancement est d’améliorer la structure du capital des projets, ce qui permet de libérer de la valeur pour les actionnaires et de réduire le tarif de vente pour la société nationale d’électricité et donc pour les consommateurs sud-africains.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

Les réductions tarifaires permettront à la société nationale d’électricité d’économiser plus d’un milliard de ZAR sur les trois actifs au cours des 12 années restantes des contrats d’achat d’électricité.  Absa Bank a agi en tant qu’arrangeur principal mandaté et unique souscripteur du prêt pour un montant d’environ 5,2 milliards de ZAR.

Cette transaction est le deuxième refinancement d’actifs renouvelables dans le cadre du protocole de refinancement de l’Independent Power Producer Office (IPPO) du Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE).  Globeleq espère refinancer à terme l’ensemble du portefeuille d’actifs que la société possède en Afrique du Sud.

Globeleq s’est engagé de manière proactive depuis juin 2020, après que l’IPPO a demandé aux propriétaires des projets renouvelables sud-africains lauréats des appels d’offres 1-3.5 d’envisager de participer à un programme de refinancement volontaire, et a dirigé le processus de refinancement au nom de tous ses actionnaires dans la centrale éolienne de 138 MW de Jeffreys Bay, et dans les centrales solaires photovoltaïques de 50 MW chacune de De Aar Solar et Droogfontein Solar.

Mike Scholey, le PDG de Globeleq, a déclaré : « Globeleq considère que cette transaction permet de stimuler le marché secondaire, lequel favorisera à son tour de nouvelles opportunités, des emplois, et contribuera au développement économique de l’Afrique du Sud. Nous espérons que d’autres IPP chercheront à faire de même et à réduire le coût de leur électricité pour Eskom. »

Outre la réduction des prix de gros de l’électricité, le refinancement permettra de débloquer des fonds pour les actionnaires, ce qui encouragera le réinvestissement dans le secteur et accélérera les distributions de fonds propres aux trois actionnaires du fonds communautaire, permettant ainsi des dépenses sur des projets durables à fort impact.

Johan Koorts, directeur du financement des ressources et des projets d’Absa, a déclaré : « La banque Absa est l’un des principaux acteurs du programme sud-africain d’énergies renouvelables depuis sa création et a organisé à ce jour le financement d’environ 3 GW de projets à travers différents appels d’offre. Cette transaction montre clairement l’engagement continu d’Absa en faveur du financement des énergies propres et de l’accélération des investissements ayant un impact durable sur les communautés que nous servons. »

Bernard Magoro, chef du bureau IPPO, a déclaré : « Nous tenons à remercier toutes les parties pour l’engagement dont elles ont fait preuve et pour la manière constructive dont elles ont abordé ce refinancement. Nous espérons que la réussite de cette opération permettra à d’autres producteurs indépendants d’avoir confiance dans le processus et les incitera à participer à cette initiative. L’IPPO est fière de participer à cette réalisation. »

À propos de Globeleq
Globeleq est un développeur, promoteur et gestionnaire leader de la production d’électricité en Afrique. La société dispose d’une capacité de production d’électricité de près de 1 500 MW, répartie sur 28 projets au Cameroun, en Côte d’Ivoire, au Kenya, au Nigeria, en Afrique du Sud et en Tanzanie. Avec 305 MW supplémentaires en cours de construction au Kenya (52MWp solaire) et en Côte d’Ivoire (253MW), et 2 000 MW de projets en cours de développement, Globeleq est engagé à long terme dans le secteur de l’électricité en Afrique. www.globeleq.com

À propos de Absa Group Limited
Absa Group Limited (« Groupe Absa ») est coté à la bourse de Johannesburg et est l’un des plus grands groupes de services financiers diversifiés d’Afrique.

Le Groupe Absa offre un ensemble intégré de produits et de services dans les domaines suivants : services bancaires aux particuliers et aux entreprises, services bancaires aux entreprises et d’investissement, gestion de patrimoine et d’investissement et assurance.

Absa est présent dans 14 pays. Le groupe détient des participations majoritaires dans des banques au Botswana, au Ghana, au Kenya, à Maurice, au Mozambique, aux Seychelles, en Afrique du Sud, en Tanzanie (Absa Bank Tanzania et National Bank of Commerce), en Ouganda et en Zambie. Il exerce également des activités d’assurance au Botswana, au Kenya, au Mozambique, en Afrique du Sud et en Zambie. Absa possède également des bureaux de représentation en Namibie et au Nigeria, ainsi que des entités de valeurs mobilières au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour de plus amples informations sur le Groupe Absa Limited, veuillez consulter le site suivant www.absa.africa

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Globeleq And Absa Successfully Refinances South African Renewable Plants

LONDON and CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Aug. 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Globeleq, the leading independent power company in Africa, and Absa Bank, a leading financier in the renewable energy programme in South Africa, have completed the senior debt refinancing of three of Globeleq’s renewable power plants. The purpose of the refinancing is to enhance the projects’ capital structures, allowing for the release of value to shareholders and the reduction of the tariff to the national utility, and ultimately consumers in South Africa.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

The tariff reductions will save the national utility more than ZAR 1 billion across the three assets over the remaining 12-year term of the power purchase agreements.  Absa Bank acted as the mandated lead arranger and sole underwriter of the c. ZAR 5.2 billion debt financing package.

This transaction will be the second refinancing of renewable assets under the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s (DMRE) Independent Power Producer Office (IPPO) Refinancing Protocol.  Globeleq hopes to eventually refinance the entire portfolio of assets it owns in South Africa.

Globeleq proactively engaged in June 2020 after the IPPO requested owners of the South African renewable Round 1-3.5 projects to consider participating in a voluntary refinancing programme, and led the refinancing process on behalf of all its shareholders in the 138 MW Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm, 50 MW De Aar Solar and 50 MW Droogfontein Solar plants.

Mike Scholey, Globeleq CEO said: “Globeleq sees this transaction as enabling future secondary market debt, which in turn will stimulate new opportunities, jobs and contribute to the economic development of South Africa. We hope that other IPPs will look to do the same and reduce the cost of their power to Eskom.”

Apart from reducing wholesale electricity prices, the refinancing will unlock funds for the shareholders which, in turn, will encourage re-investment in the sector as well as accelerate equity distributions to the three community trust shareholders, enabling spend on high impact sustainable ventures.

Absa’s Johan Koorts, Resource & Project Finance Principal said: “Absa Bank has been a major supporter of the South African renewable energy programme since its inception and has to date arranged financing for c. 3 gigawatts of projects across various bid windows. This transaction strongly demonstrates Absa’s ongoing commitment to the financing of clean energy and the acceleration of investments that make a sustainable impact on the communities we serve.”

Bernard Magoro, Head of the IPP Office said: “We wish to thank all parties for the commitment shown and the constructive way in which they approached this refinancing and hope that the successful conclusion thereof will lead to more IPPs taking comfort from the process and coming to the fore to participate in this initiative. The IPPO is proud to be part of this achievement.”

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PolkaFoundry to List on AscendEX

Singapore, Aug. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AscendEX, a global cryptocurrency financial platform with a comprehensive product suite, is excited to announce the listing of PolkaFoundry token (PKF) under the pair USDT/PKF on Aug 10 at 1 p.m. UTC.

PolkaFoundry is a platform for building borderless and frictionless DeFi and NFT dapps on Polkadot. PolkaFoundry aims to be the most convenient platform for developers to build DeFi and NFT dapps, providing a platform for making dapps easily accessible to mainstream end-users. PolkaFoundry will achieve this by utilizing Polkadot’s interoperability and scalability and integrating various DeFi-friendly services onto the platform. In addition, PolkaFoundry focuses heavily on ensuring the UX and features of their dApps are simple to use, promoting mainstream adoption.

The native token PKF has several utilities, including payment for services and transaction fees in the PolkaFoundry ecosystem and payments for PolkaFoundry’s partners’ services. In addition, PKF is used for staking and governance so users can earn shares of block rewards and participate in the on-chain governance process to earn additional rewards for voting on proposals.

PolkaFundry believes that the most significant barrier to blockchain adoption is the complexity of the UX on most platforms and dApps. The average person has difficulty engaging with crypto projects because many projects did not design their UX’s for mainstream users. Concepts like wallets, private keys, coins, exchanges, etc. require education and can confuse new users leaving many dApps with a small active user base. Polkafoundry has spent years researching dapp UX’s and has used their research to develop the UX built into PolkaFoundry to enable novice users and professionals to access and use the platform easily.

Polkadot promises a fast-growing ecosystem that offers security, scalability, and interoperability, so PolkaFoundry decided to build its platform on it. To enable dapps to port from Ethereum, PolkaFoundry is EMV-compatible. PolkaFoundry’s foundational goal is to bring the benefits of blockchain to the masses by making its products and services accessible to people outside the crypto community.

About AscendEX 

AscendEX (formerly BitMax) is a global cryptocurrency financial platform with a comprehensive product suite including spot, margin, and futures trading, wallet services, and staking support for over 150 blockchain projects such as bitcoin, ether, and ripple. Launched in 2018, AscendEX services over 1 million retail and institutional clients globally with a highly liquid trading platform and secure custody solutions.

AscendEX has emerged as a leading platform by ROI on its “initial exchange offerings” by supporting some of the industry’s most innovative projects from the DeFi ecosystem such as Thorchain, xDai Stake, and Serum.  AscendEX users receive exclusive access to token airdrops and the ability to purchase tokens at the earliest possible stage. To learn more about how AscendEX is leveraging best practices from both Wall Street and the cryptocurrency ecosystem to bring the best altcoins to its users, please visit www.AscendEX.com.

For more information and updates, please visit:

Website: https://ascendex.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AscendEX_Global

Telegram: https://t.me/AscendEXEnglish

Medium: https://medium.com/ascendex

About Polkafoundry

PolkaFoundry is a platform for building borderless and frictionless DeFi and NFT dapps on Polkadot. PolkaFoundry aims to be the most convenient platform for developers to build DeFi and NFT dapps providing a platform for them to make dapps that are easily accessible to end-users.

For more information and updates, please visit:

Website: https://polkafoundry.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolkaFoundry

Telegram: https://t.me/PolkaFoundry


Marketing Department

Kinesio® Announces the Release of Kinesio® Medical Taping for the Mature Adult

Albuquerque, New Mexico, Aug. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Kinesio Tape is announcing a new focus on Medical Taping for the Mature Adult, though Kinesio and Dr. Kenzo Kase® have been treating this population for more than 40 years.

In his new book, Dr. Kase provides easily relatable scenarios that affect the mature adult community on a daily basis. He draws upon his own experiences in an insightful and interesting way that allows readers to see a glimpse into the mind of the inventor. Kinesio Medical Taping (KMT) techniques were developed in a clinical environment and aim to improve patient outcomes in palliative care while offering visual aides to guide you every step of the way.

This book outlines ways to help provide care for mature adult patients while using a specifically formulated tape that is designed to be gentle but still effective in treating common conditions that the mature adult often faces such as osteoarthritis and diabetic neuropathy. Kinesio Tex Light Touch+ is the only tape of its kind on the market that is specifically formulated to be gentler on the skin while achieving phenomenal results. Dr. Kase’s expertise and over 40 years of valuable experience combined with this specially formulated line of tape is the perfect recipe for maximum impact.

Kinesio Tape is designed and manufactured in the USA, and proudly serves more than 100 countries globally. With the introduction of Kinesio Medical Taping for the Mature Adult, Dr. Kase’s vision to Tape with Wisdom has taken yet another form. With Dr. Kase’s expertise and his many full years of experience traveling the globe and teaching the method, he has already impacted the lives of thousands of people. Kinesio Medical Taping for the Mature Adult will only add to that impact and encourage the mature adult to continue living a healthy, happy, and active lifestyle.

About Kinesio Holding Corporation:  Kinesio Holding Corporation is a U.S. based manufacturer of unique therapeutic tapes that are sold all over the world. The Kinesio Taping® Method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion.  


Karli Jenkins
Kinesio Holding Corporation

Expereo announces the grand opening of their new Center of Excellence in Dubai

Dubai Office – Raed and Irwin

Irwin Fouwels, Expereo CEO, and Raed Rached, Managing Director for Expereo Middle East.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Expereo, the leading global provider of managed Internet, SD-WAN, SASE, and Cloud Access solutions, announces the opening of their brand new state of the art 10,000 sq. ft Customer Support Excellence Center in Dubai, UAE.

The Center represents Expereo’s latest expansion of their presence in the UAE, complementing their global Customer Support presence in the Philippines and Buenos Aires, supported by expert Network Engineering Centers in the Netherlands, France, and USA. The latest UAE Center will house more than 100 talented experts from 18 different nationalities speaking 32 languages, ensuring a truly global customer experience and quality of service across Expereo’s global Internet and cloud access supplier base.

Boasting state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, Expereo’s latest Customer Support Excellence Center will operate fully cloud native with multilayered security controls. Expereo’s environmental and social responsibility program has been a key driver in the planning and design. Decommissioned technology and legacy IT equipment will be donated to educational institutions within the developing world. The new Center is designed to minimize energy consumption, eliminate single-use plastics, and improve employee well-being with state-of-the-art facilities and air quality management.

Commenting on Expereo’s latest growth in global presence, Irwin Fouwels, CEO says:

“As we grow our suite of cloud fabric connectivity solutions and global enterprises accelerate the transformation to internet-based networking, we are committed to providing world class and truly global support capabilities; from initial architecture design, to deployment and support. To do so we attract the best talent, and do so at scale. Over the last 18 months, we have adopted working-from-home policies balancing employee-wellness, customer experience and productivity. The addition of our new state-of-the-art UAE facilities will allow us to do so at scale, delivering on our ambition to provide an unrivaled customer experience.”

Raed Rached, Managing Director for Expereo Middle East says:

“The new Center of Excellence will harness talent in pursuit of maintaining our customers’ mission-critical infrastructure and cloud applications. This follows Expereo’s strategy to empower, adopt, monetize and rapidly accelerate our customers’ transition to a cloud-based ecosystem. The new center provides our customers with the ability to utilize next-generation connectivity and offers them unrivaled capabilities to prepare them for tomorrow’s challenges. I am deeply proud of the experts who have enabled Expereo to reshape and evolve the telco industry by positioning the customer experience at the heart of everything that we do.”

About Expereo
Expereo is the leading provider of managed network solutions, including Global internet connectivity, SD-WAN, SASE and Cloud Acceleration services. Expereo is the trusted partner of 30% of Fortune 500 companies and powers enterprise and government sites worldwide, helping to enhance every business’ productivity with flexible and optimal Internet performance.

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© Expereo 2021

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6d1c2d83-3b9b-47b8-a814-46cd05570a46

Conor McGee