Committees auditing recruitment in ministries operational from October 20

Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani signed, on Thursday, 26 work orders for the creation of committees responsible for auditing recruitment in ministries. These committees will be operational from Friday, October 20, according to a press release from the Prime Ministry. They will be composed, on the proposal of the members of the steering committee for audit operations at the Prime Ministry, of specialists in control, inspection and audit. The task of these structures is to carry out a general audit of recruitment and integration operations carried out between January 14, 2011 and July 25, 2021. Their main task is to check that recruitment and integration criteria and to ensure that they comply with current legislation in force, in addition to authenticating the educational diplomas (Decree No. 591/2023). In addition, the audit committees will propose, within their area, ways to clean up the public administration and state institutions of fraudulent recruitment recruitment, the same source said. Decree No. 2023-591 relating to the general audit of integration and recruitment operations in the civil service, public bodies, state enterprises and institutions and public shareholding companies made between January 14, 20211 and July 25, 2021 was published in the Official Gazette on September 21, 2021.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse