Luanda – The Angolan health authorities announced the registration of 124 new infections and 8 deaths in the last 24 hours.

According to the Covid-19 data update report for the country, 63 new cases were diagnosed in Luanda, 36 in Benguela, 13 in Uíge, 7 in Huambo, 4 in Cabinda, 1 in Cuanza Norte and Zaire.

The list of new patients, whose ages range from 1 month to 91 years, comprises 65 males and 59 females.

Regarding deaths, there were all males with ages between 44 and 69 years old, and 5 residents in Luanda, 2 in Huambo and 1 in Malanje.

In the same period, 59 people aged between five and 75 were recovered, 29 in Luanda, 14 in Benguela, 12 in Malanje. 2 in Huila and Huambo, respectively.

Angola has an overall of 63,691 cases, with 1,693 deaths, 52,449 recoveries and 9,549 current active.

Of the current diseased, 15 are in critical condition, 18 severe, 72 moderate, 52 mild and 9,392 asymptomatic.

There are 157 people hospitalized, 96 in institutional follow-up and 4,347 contacts in epidemiological surveillance.

Source: Angola Press News Agency