Defence appeals to court for detainees’ release in ‘conspiracy against State security’ case

The defence lawyers representing the detainees in the “conspiracy against state security” case announced on Monday that they have petitioned the court for the release of the detainees. According to a statement issued by the defence and published by the “National Salvation Front,» this appeal was made through a “direct petition” submitted to the Chamber of Indictment at the Court of Appeals, in accordance with the provisions of Article 86 of the Criminal Code. The Court of Appeals will be tasked with scheduling a hearing to expedite a decision on the matter, the same source added. The committee, on October 23, submitted a request to the investigating judge overseeing the case, aiming to secure the release of six detainees in connection with this case. This request, however, remains unaddressed despite more than eight months having elapsed since the arrest of the accused, and the absence of any evidence or motive establishing their conviction. The detainees include Secretary-General of Al-Joumhouri Party Issam Chebbi, leader of the National Salvation Front Jawhar Ben Mbarek, former Secretary-General of Attayar Party Ghazi Chaouachi, politician and businessman Khayyam Turki, former leader of Ennahda movement Abdelhamid Jelassi, and former member of the Nidaa Tounes movement Ridha Belhaj.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse