El Karama Holding: detention warrant issued for former director general [Upd 1]

The first investigating judge at the Tunis First Instance Court issued on Monday afternoon a detention warrant for a former director general of El Karama Holding and a contract party.

Twelve people were summoned as part of the investigation. This includes two on the run and as many for which detention warrents were issued; the rest are subjected to investigation while being kept at liberty, Spokesperson for the court Mohamed Zitouna Tuesday told TAP.

The investigating judge took up the case of malfunction in El Karama Holding management by order of the public prosecutor.

The twelve defendants face charges of complicity with public officials using their position to gain unjustified advantage for themselves or others and cause damage to the administration (Article 96 of the Penal Code).

The case was brought before the court following a complaint filed by the State litigation department. It was first assigned to the National Unit of Investigation into Financial Crimes coming under the National Guard.

The P
resident of the Republic shed light on breaches in El Karama Holding as he met last week with the Justice Minister.

El Karama Holding is in charge of the management of the property confiscated by the State after the Revolution.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse