Fadhel Abdelkefi resigns as president of Afek Tounes

Afek Tounes President Fadhel Abdelkefi announced his resignation on Thursday at the party’s third congress. “The time spent at the head of the party was rich in experiences and political challenges during a very delicate period,” said Abdelkefi, who was elected president of the party in November 2021. This difficult and exceptional period that Tunisia is currently experiencing, especially at the political, economic and social levels and in a highly complex international context, has led me to question the effectiveness of party movements in their traditional aspect and their overall impact, he explained. “The demands of this period and its developments go beyond political action within the usual party framework,” he stressed, adding that all stakeholders must “unite to save the country and achieve the aspirations of its people”.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse