Gourma: Popular shareholding explained to the Defense and Security Forces

The Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of the Eastern region, appropriated the mechanisms and projects of popular shareholding, on Friday, September 20, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

ogenous development is the hobbyhorse of the current leaders of the country of upright men to achieve its socio-economic and political sovereignty.This is how popular shareholding was born, the official launch of which took place on June 12, 2023. Since then, financial mobilization has been around 17 billion CFA francs with less than 3,000 subscriptions.

“This financial mobilization is not satisfactory,” said the secretary general of the cooperative, the technical partner of APEC, Sanoussa Sawadogo.

This gave rise to discussions on Friday, September 20, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of the region, to increase the financial base.

“Upon registration of the Head of State and his hierarchy, this mission undertook to discuss with the FDS to explain to them the vision of popular shareholding and its pro
jects and the added value of popular engagement,” stressed Mr. Sawadogo.

He added that APEC aims to mobilize 100 billion CFA francs to invest in four areas of activity, namely agriculture, industry, mines and a purchasing center to support the products.

According to the secretary general of the cooperative, the mission also aims to share information with the FDS who do not have enough time because of the fight against terrorism they are leading on the front and to encourage their support for this policy.

“I had some gray areas on popular shareholding but after these discussions with this mission I understood the benefit that we can draw from this policy based on endogenous development,” said Warrant Officer Eric Poda, at the territorial gendarmerie brigade of Fada NGourma.

He said he would relay the information received on APEC to other soldiers in order to encourage their support for the Head of State’s policy.

“With these discussions, everything is clear about APEC. I will commit to making my subscript
ion and those of my family members because I now see the benefits that can be gained,” said police warrant officer Ragmègré Idé Zida, at the Republican Security Company (CRS) of Fada NGourma.

The mission explained the mechanisms and subscription to the FDS and urged them to subscribe especially their offspring in order to guarantee them a bright future.

Source: Burkina Information Agency