Interior Cabinet Secretary Says Government Will Protect Lives And Property

Following threats by Azimio leader Raila Odinga to lead anti-government protests from Wednesday to Friday next week, Interior and Nation Administration CS Kithure Kindiki has issued a stern warning to the opposition leaders, saying it will not happen under the government’s watch.

Prof Kindiki said the opposition might have succeeded last Wednesday on the destruction of property and interruption of transport along the highways, but this time round they will face it rough.

The CS was speaking today at Sondu, along Kericho/Kisumu border during a security meeting which was held at Sondu police station grounds to address the ethnic skirmishes which erupted in the area on Wednesday

The CS urged the two communities to continue coexisting harmoniously saying that the government will work with the area communities’ elders and political leaders to find a lasting solution to the border dispute in the area.

The CS urged area residents to shun leaders fanning hatred and disunity, saying that we all have one country that we should jealously protect at all costs. Kindiki called on the Sondu residents to cultivate peace and live as brothers and sisters saying that it is in unity of diversity that they will overcome the challenges facing them.

Rift Valley Regional Commissioner Abdi Hassan assured that the National Government Administration Officers NGAO will work with the local community leaders from Nyanza and Rift Valley to restore peace in the area.

He called on the residents in the area to cultivate peace and observe law and order.

Two people lost their lives while 15 others were injured in the two-day skirmishes that rocked the cosmopolitan Sondu town which borders Kericho and Kisumu Counties.

Meanwhile, peace has been restored and normal business activities are taking shape in the busy town.

Source: Kenya News Agency