MAE denies detention of Moroccan nationals at Tunis-Carthage Airport

Information about detaining Moroccan nationals at the Tunis-Carthage International Airport are “baseless”, said an authorized source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians abroad. Speaking to TAP, on Tuesday evening, the same source clarified that “the country of destination (without mentioning it) the Moroccan nationals were travelling to, refused to welcome them. As a result, the air company refused their registration.” “Tunisian authorities made every effort to facilitate the departure of Moroccan nationals from the Tunis-Carthage Airport although some of them exceeded the legal duration of their stay in Tunisia,” the same source said. The denial by the Department of Foreign Affairs comes against the backdrop of information shared by several Moroccan media, accusing Tunisian authorities at the Tunis-Carthage International Airport of having deliberately detained a number of Moroccan nationals who had spent vacations in Tunisia and who were planning to return to their workplace in Algeria.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse