Medenine: Partial opening of Ras Jedir border post to diplomats and emergency cases

MEDENINE: The Ras Jedir border post was partially opened, Thursday, following an agreement reached between the Tunisian and Libyan interior ministers, providing for the gradual opening of the crossing point to humanitarian, emergency and diplomatic cases.

The agreement reached between the two countries, Wednesday, stipulates a complete opening of the post to travelers and commercial traffic, as of June 20.

A resumption which will be carried out in the light of more careful transit measures with regard to fluidity and passage conditions, so as to spare travelers from both countries the slowness of passage procedures, a security source told TAP.

The border crossing has not yet recorded any transit movements on the Libyan side, of any nature whatsoever, due to a failure of the crossing point’s computer system coming from Libya, the same source told TAP.

At the same time, a number of Libyan ambulances left Tunisian territory escorted by Tunisian security and customs units, the officer added.

The reopening of
the Ras Jedir border crossing comes following a period of closure which lasted 3 months restricting, since then, traffic between Tunisia and Libya, by land, at the Dhiba-Wazen crossing.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse