Narok town residents decry increasing cases of insecurity

Narok town dwellers now want the security team to up their game following several incidents of mysterious murder in the town and its environs.

The residents spoke after the body of a 30-year-old man was found dumped beside the road at Eagles junction, a few meters from the Maasai Mara University.

The town dwellers said this is the seventh time, in a span of three months, to find bodies dumped on the road side, and the killers escape arrest.

Yusuf Hassan, a resident of Eagles junction blamed the police for being reluctant in their job as cases of insecurity were increasing.

‘What shocks us most is that when a murder happens, no action is taken to arrest the culprit. This issue of insecurity is worrying all of us because we do not know who will be killed next,’ he said.

He called on Governor Patrick Ntutu and County Commissioner Kipkech Lotiatia to collaborate and put strategies that will boost security in the town.

Another resident Hezbon Nyakundi called for installation of street lights in all parts of
the town as many criminals hide in the dark parts of the town.

‘If someone can be killed in our residential area and no action is taken, then there is a big problem,’ he said.

According to the eye witnesses, the deceased had a deep cut on the head and one of his eyes dogged out.

Several cases of murder have been reported in the town in the last few months with most incidents happening around kandas grounds and majengo estate.

Speaking during a heads of department meeting, the Narok County Police Commander Riko Ngare called for a collaboration among all government officials to arrest criminals who hide among the innocent residents.

While giving his mobile phone number, the commander called on every official who will find suspicious people in their localities to place a call, so that action can be taken immediately.

Source: Kenya News Agency