Explainer – What Is Behind Heat Waves Roiling the US?

Virtually all the contiguous United States experienced above normal temperatures in the past week, with more dangerously hot weather forecast.

The U.S. heat wave followed record heat that killed hundreds if not thousands of people and sparked wildfires in Europe.

Following is an explanation of what is causing the heat waves, according to scientists.

What is a heat wave?

A heat wave has no single scientific definition. Depending on the climate of a region, it can be determined by a certain number of days above a specific temperature or percentile of the norm.

Arctic warming and jet stream migration

The Arctic is warming three to four times faster than the globe as a whole, meaning there is ever less difference between northern temperatures and those closer to the equator.

That is resulting in swings in the North Atlantic jet stream, which in turn leads to extreme weather events like heat waves and floods, according to Jennifer Francis, senior scientist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center.

Heat domes

Warmer oceans contribute to heat domes, which trap heat over large geographical areas. This weekend the heat dome is stretching from the southern plains of the Oklahoma/Arkansas area all the way to the eastern seaboard, according to the U.S. Weather Prediction Center.

Scientists have found the main cause of heat domes is a strong change in ocean temperatures from west to east in the tropical Pacific Ocean during the preceding winter.

“As prevailing winds move the hot air east, the northern shifts of the jet stream trap the air and move it toward land, where it sinks, resulting in heat waves,” the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says on its website.

El Niño and La Niña

Every few years, the climate patterns known as El Niño and, less frequently, La Niña occur. El Niño brings warm water from the equatorial Pacific Ocean up to the western coast of North America, and La Niña brings colder water.

At present, La Niña is in effect. Because summer temperatures trend lower during La Niña, climate scientists are concerned about what a serious heat wave would look like during the next El Niño, when even hotter summer weather could be expected.

Human-influenced climate change

Climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels is a global phenomenon that is certainly playing a role in what the United States is experiencing, scientists say.

“Climate change is making extreme and unprecedented heat events both more intense and more common, pretty much universally throughout the world,” said Daniel Swain, climate scientist at UCLA.

“Heat waves are probably the most underestimated type of potential disaster because they routinely kill a lot of people. And we just don’t hear about it because it doesn’t kill them in, to put it bluntly, sufficiently dramatic ways. There aren’t bodies on the street.”

Francis, of the Woodwell Center, said with climate change the world is seeing changing wind patterns and weather systems “in ways that make these heat waves, like we’re seeing right now, more intense, more persistent, and cover areas that just aren’t used to having heat waves.”

Alex Ruane, researcher at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said as the world warms, “it takes less of a natural anomaly to push us into the extreme heat categories. Because we’re closer to those thresholds, it’s more likely that you’ll get more than one heat wave at the same time. We’re seeing this in the United States.”

Source: Voice of America


Profile of the head of MPLA list

Luanda – With the approval of MPLA’s candidacy for the 2022 general elections, João Lourenço is the head of party’s list.

Here is the profile of the leader of MPLA:



João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço was born on 5 March 1954, in Lobito city, coastal Benguela province. Son of Sequeira João Lourenço, a nurse, and Josefa Gonçalves Cipriano Lourenço, a seamstress, both deceased. He is married to Ana Afonso Dias Lourenço and father of six children.



He attended primary and secondary education in the central province of Bié and in Luanda, in the former Industrial School of Luanda and the Industrial Institute of Luanda.



From 1978 to 1982, he received military training in the then Soviet Union, specialising in heavy artillery. Still in USSR, João Lourenço obtained a Master’s degree in Historical Sciences. He is fluent in English, Russian and Spanish.


From August 1974, he took part in the struggle for National Liberation, led by MPLA, having undergone his first political and military instruction at the Centre for Revolutionary Instruction – CIR ‘Kalunga’ – in Congo Brazzaville.



He was part of the first group of MPLA combatants that entered national territory in 1974, via Miconge, towards the city of Cabinda.



On the eve of the National Independence, he participated in battles in Ntó-Iema, Cabinda Province, and in other localities, against the invasion of the Zaire’s army which intended to occupy the territory of that northern province of Angola.




He also served as Political Commissioner of the then People’s Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola (FAPLA) at various levels, including Political Commissioner of the 2nd Political-Military Region of Cabinda.



During the 1980s, he took part in several military operations in the central region of the country, such as in the provinces of Cuanza Sul, Huambo and Bié. In 1983, he was the Head of the Regional Military Council of the 3rd Political-Military Region. In the Armed Forces, he was also the Head of the Political Directorate of FAPLA, from 1989 to 1990.



He is currently a retired General of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).



He has been part of MPLA’s Central Committee since 1985, member of its Political Bureau since 1990 and, following the MPLA’s VII Ordinary Congress held in 2016, he was elected Vice-President of MPLA.



He had previously served as 1st Secretary of the Political Bureau and also Secretary of the MPLA Political Bureau for Information and for the Economic and Social Sphere.



In the field of governmental posts, he was appointed in 1983, at the age of 29, to the position of Provincial Commissioner of eastern Moxico province, equivalent to the current position of Provincial Governor. He was subsequently, from 1986 to 1989, Provincial Commissioner of Benguela. In 2014, by Presidential Decree, he was appointed Minister of National Defence, a position he held until the start of the 2017 election campaign.



At the Parliamentary level, João Lourenço was the leader of the MPLA Parliamentary Group from 1991 to 1998, and then President of the Constitutional Commission of the National Assembly, having served as 1st Vice Speaker of the National Assembly from 2003 to 2014.




João Lourenço’s hobbies include reading, chess, horse riding and is passionate about new Information Technologies.




Vice-President Candidate for the MPLA



Esperança Maria Eduardo Francisco da Costa was born in Luanda and studied biology at the Agostinho Neto University, where she graduated in 1985.




Between 1983-1984 she worked at the Botany Centre of the Institute of Scientific Research in Lisbon, Portugal, and on her return to Luanda she was appointed assistant professor of plant biology at the Agostinho Neto University. In 1986, she became head of the Biology Department.



Between 1986 and 1990 Esperança Costa developed the Luanda Herbarium and became the Angolan representative to the African Biosciences Network (ABN), after attending an ABN meeting on forest management in Harare, Zimbabwe.




In 1990, she started a master’s degree in factory productivity at the Technical University of Lisbon. From 1992, she worked on a thesis on plant ecology, obtaining her PhD from the same university.



In 1997, she returned to Angola to be appointed professor at the Agostinho Neto University, where she is also director of the herbarium. Currently she is Secretary of State for Fisheries.



MPLA Brief History



Luanda – Ruling party since 11 November 1975, the MPLA reappears in the 2022 general elections with João Lourenço as head of the list.




Here is the party’s history:




Created on 10 December 1956 in the city of Luanda, by a group of Angolan patriots, when it made known the Manifesto of the broad Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), calling for the constitution, throughout the country, of many organisations independent of each other, so that they could better resist and evade the surveillance of the occupying colonial forces of repression.



The PLUAA (Party of United Struggle of Africans of Angola), the MIA (Movement for the Independence of Angola), the MINA (Movement for the National Independence of Angola) and the PCA (the embryo of the short-lived Communist Party of Angola) had already been created, which merged themselves, and gave origin to MPLA.



This movement quickly galvanized the people for the struggle against colonialism, becoming the decisive instrument for the satisfaction of aspirations for independence, peace and social progress.



With the proclamation of National Independence by MPLA, through President Agostinho Neto, on November 11, 1975, the end of Portuguese colonialism was put in place.



Under the leadership of this political party, a process of reconstruction of the country was then initiated in order to satisfy the interests and basic needs of the Angolan people. This effort was hampered by the war that had ravaged the country, imposed from inside and outside.


Ruling the country since 1975, this political party won the general elections conducted in Angola:




Ideological guidance:




Its ideology is based on democratic socialism, which backs social justice, humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity.



It applies, in a pragmatic way, the universal values of a modern and dynamic democracy that is compatible with socio-cultural values and with the legitimate aspirations of Angolans, always aiming at human development in its multiple dimensions.



Participation in elections and percentage won:



In 1992 (53.74% of the vote, electing 129 MPs).


In 2008 (81.64% of the vote, electing 191 MPs).


In 2012 (71.84% of the vote, electing 175 MPs).


In 2017 (61.08% of the vote, electing 150 MPs).



Source: Angola Press News Agency

Profile of the head of UNITA list

Luanda – The profile of UNITA’s candidate for the fifth general elections scheduled for 24 August is shown below.

Adalberto da Costa Júnior, born on 8 May 1962, in Tchinjenje (Huambo), is married and has three children.



He graduated in Electrotechnical Engineering at the Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto and in Public Ethics at the Pontifical Gregorian University.




He has held a UNITA militant card since 1975, which he joined due to family influence.



Within this political organisation, he held several leadership positions, among which those of Head of JURA (UNITA’s youth wing) in Porto, Portugal (1991 – 1996), representative of UNITA in Portugal (1996 – 2002) and representative of this same political party in Italy and in the Vatican (2003).



He was also the provincial secretary of this party in Luanda (2003 – 2008), secretary in charge of Communication and Marketing (2003 – 2009), Spokesperson (2009 – 2011), national secretary for Assets (2012 – 2016), First Vice-President of the Parliamentary Group (2012-2015) and President of the Parliamentary Group (2015-2019).



On November 15, 2019, with the holding of UNITA’s 13th Ordinary Congress, Adalberto Costa Júnior, the until then leader of the Parliamentary bench was elected as President of this political party, thus replacing Isaías Samakuva, who left the party leadership after 16 years.



Vice-President Candidate



Abel Epalanga Chivukuvuku was born on 11 November 1957, in Luvemba, Bailundo, Huambo province.



Son of Pedro Sanjando Chivukuvuku and Margarida Chilombo Chivukuvuku, he is married and has three children.



In 1975, he attended secondary school at Liceu Norton de Matos, in Huambo. In 1986, he graduated in military telecommunications and military intelligence service in Germany. In 1988, he graduated in English Language at Cambridge University in the UK.




In 2001, he graduated in International Relations at the University of South Africa (UNISA), and three years later, in 2003, he specialised in Development Administration and Communication at the same university.



In 2006, he also did a Master’s degree in International Relations at the University of South Africa (UNISA).


He joined UNITA in 1974, where for over 30 years he held key positions, including Deputy Head of Military Intelligence (1982-1986).



With the rank of Brigadier, between 1989 and 1991, he was UNITA’s representative at UN and to the Eastern European countries, and later deputy head of its delegation at the Joint Political-Military Commission (CCPM).


In 1992, he was named secretary for External Relations and representative of the party for the elections, held in the same year.



He was also UNITA’s member of National Assembly from 2004 to 2008.



In 2012, he clashed with the UNITA leadership and left the party to found the Broad Convergence for the Salvation of Angola (CASA-CE), where he became its first President.



He remained a member of this political party, to which he was also elected as a member of Parliament, until 2019, when he also clashed with his peers.


Since then he has tried to form a new political party which has not had legal backing.




UNITA’s History



Luanda – The National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) is the main Angolan opposition party.



It was founded on March 13th 1966, by dissidents of the FNLA and of the GRAE (Government of Resistance of Angola in Exile), of which Jonas Savimbi, founder of UNITA, was Minister of Foreign Affairs.



According to data, Jonas Savimbi and António da Costa Fernandes founded the then guerrilla movement, in Muangai, Moxico province, in the presence of other 200 delegates.



It is the second largest party in Angola, and the main opposition political party in the country. In the elections held in 2012, the party, also known by the acronym of “Galo Negro” (Black Cock), won 32 of the 220 seats in the National Assembly. The name Black Cock comes in reference to the figure of a rooster on its flag.



With the end of the country’s civil war in 2002, following the death of its leader (Jonas Savimbi), UNITA abandoned the armed struggle, converting itself solely into a political party.



In the early 2000s the party was divided, with a wing of dissidents called “Unita-Renovada”, led at the time by Eugénio Manuvakola, and another wing called “Unita”, whose leadership was in charge of a management committee, coordinated by Paulo Lukamba “Gato”.



The situation led the parties to negotiations (mediated by Jorge Valentim) with a view to reunifying the party, and in June 2003 the ninth congress was held, at which Isaías Samakuva was elected president.



Ideological guidance:



The party currently has no dominant ideology, having previously had left-wing nationalism and humanist socialism. It is considered UNITA as a party which seeks to attract people with diverse points of view.




Participation in elections and percentage won:




In 1992 (34.1% of the vote, electing 70 MPs)


In 2008 (10.4% of the vote, electing 16 MPs)


In 2012 (18.7% of the vote, electing 32 MPs)


In 2017 (26.68% of the vote, electing 51 MPs)


Source: Angola Press News Agency


Profile of the head of CASA-CE list

Luanda – Here is the profile of the head of CASA-CE’s list for the general elections on 24 August.


Manuel Fernandes, 50, was born in Quitexe on 8 February 1982, in Uige province.



Due to the political context in Uige, in the 80’s, he left his homeland to Luanda, settling in Cazenga, where he continued his studies from grade 5 to 7 at the 1 de Junho, Óscar Ribas and Angola e Cuba Schools.




In 1989, he enrolled in the Ngola Kiluange school, where he finished grade 8, and was transferred to the Karl Marx school and then to IMEL, in 1995 where he completed the high course in Accounting and Management.




However, his political vein emerged years before, in 1993, at the invitation of a friend.



Although he was fond of the Democratic Forum and had been lobbied by the Angolan Workers’ Youth Party (PAJOCA), ‘Nelo’, as he is affectionately known by those closest to him, embraced  his friend Manuel Francisco’s proposal and together they founded the Angolan Majority Free Alliance Party (PALMA).



Days after PALMA’s legalisation, on December 7, 1994, a tragedy occurred to the founding leader and he was forced to take over the leadership of the newly created political organisation.



Manuel Fernandes was also President of the POC’S Coalition, created in 1996, and 4th Vice Speaker of the National Assembly (AN) in 2019. He is currently President of CASA-CE, MP and member of the Council of the Republic.




Brief historical summary of CASA-CE




Luanda – CASA-CE was created on 3 April 2012, by six Angolan political parties, namely PADDA-AP, PALMA, PPA, PNSA, PDP-ANA and BD.



It was created with the aim of delivering citizens a new progressive and positive vision for the future of the country.



Members of the coalition are the Democratic Alliance Party for the Development of Angola – Patriotic Alliance (PADDA-AP), the Angolan Majority Free Alliance Party (PALMA), the Angolan Pacific Party (PPA), the National Party for the Salvation of Angola (PNSA) and the National Party for Progress and National Alliance of Angola (PDP-ANA).




It is the second largest Angolan opposition party, with Abel Chivukuvuku as its first President.



In 2016, the Broad Convergence for the Salvation of Angola ceased to be an electoral coalition and was converted into a political party.



CASA-CE publicly defends the values of Peace, Patriotism, Freedom, Democracy, Ethics, Legality, Solidarity, Progress and Justice. The core principles of CASA-CE are “Unity in Diversity”.



In its first participation in the general elections, held in 2012, it elected eight (8) of the 220 MPs to the National Assembly (AN), with its then leader coming third in the presidential elections.



In the last general elections, held in August 2017, CASA-CE almost doubled its vote at the national level, with 16 MPs, still under the leadership of Abel Chivukuvuku, who again came third in the presidential voting.




Ideological orientation:



It defines itself as Centre-Left, with a federalist and social democratic ideology.



Participation in elections and percentage won:



In 2012 ( 6.00% of the vote, electing eight MPs).


In 2017 ( 9.445%, with 16 MPs).



Source: Angola Press News Agency


Profile of the head of PRS list


Luanda – Benedito Daniel is the president of the Social Renewal Party (PRS), Angola’s fourth largest political organisation.


Here is the candidate’s profile:



Born on 28 December 1961, in Saurimo, in the eastern province of Lunda Sul, despite his single marital status, he lives with his wife and 6 children.



He has degrees in Chemistry, Social Work and in Teaching French Language.



He has led the PRS since May 2017, when he was elected president at its IV Congress.



Throughout his career within this political party, he held, among others, the position of Secretary General of PRS until 2017.




Since 2012, he has also been a member of the National Assembly for this political organisation, of which he is its leader in Parliament.




Vice-President candidate




Rui Malopa Miguel was born on June 12, 1970, in Saurimo, Lunda Sul province.




He is the son of Horácio Miguel and Juliana Nachili.




He attended his basic education in his hometown until 1984, when he moved to Benguela where he completed his secondary education. In 2008, he graduated in Education Sciences, in the History option, at the Agostinho Neto University.



In 1987, he started his teaching career.




He joined the PRS in 1991, in Benguela, and since then he held several positions in this political party, such municipal and provincial secretary of Benguela, the latter from 1994 to 2017.



Member of the National Committee and the Political Council of this political party, he was elected secretary-general in June 2017.



Brief historical summary of PRS




Luanda – The Social Renewal Party (PRS) was founded on 18 November 1990, and its first leader was Rui Pereira, who was followed by Eduardo Kuangana, the latter who was in charge of the party for 27 years.



It has a large support base in the eastern region of the country. In the first election held in 1992, it won six seats in the National Assembly, which increased to eight seats in 2008.




In the 2008 elections, PRS performed particularly well in the provinces of Lunda Sul and Lunda Norte.



In the 2012 elections, the party saw its bench reduced to three seats, and in the 2017 elections it was left with only two MPs.



The current president is called Benedito Daniel, its youth wing is the Youth of Social Renewal and the women’s wing is the Union of Women of Social Renewal.




Ideological guidance:




It defines itself as centre-left, with federalist and progressive ideology.




Participation in elections and percentage won:




In 1992 (2%, with six MPs)


In 2008 (3.17%, with eight MPs)


In 2012 (1.70%, with three MPs)


In 2017 (1.35%, with two MPs)



Source: Angola Press News Agency


Profile of the head of FNLA List

Luanda – The brothers’ party, as the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) is considered, is led by Nimi a Simbi.


Here is the candidate’s profile:



Son of Fernando Simbi and Massamba Graça, born in Bembe, Uige province, on 9 August 1951.



In 1961, he fled with his parents to Matadi, in Lower Congo (DRC), where he resumed primary education until he completed secondary school.



In Kissangani, still in DRC, he graduated in Work Psychology in 1979. He obtained a Master’s degree from the Jean Piaget University, in Luanda, in the area of Personal and Social Development.




In 1980, he joined the Ministry of Labour, first as a senior technician, and over the years he held positions such as head of sector of International Labour Relations, in the International Relations Office, head of the Department of Workforce Planning, national director of the Centre for Labour Studies, in 1985.



He was also the Ministry of Labour’s representative to the SADC, in the Manpower sector, from 1983 to 1994.



However, since his early years he dedicated himself to teaching, having lectured at ISCED in Luanda in the subjects of Deductive and Inductive Statistics.



Having been one of those responsible for the creation of the Psychology Department at the Social Sciences Faculty, at this institution he taught General Psychology, in-depth Statistical Issues, Social Intervention Programme, Psychology of Violence, among others.



Despite having kept contact with an FNLA nucleus at university, in 1974, in Kissangani (DRC), his active political career started in Luanda, in 1985, first in the clandestine committees of this party in the capital.



In 1992, with the opening of the national political panorama, and the arrival of Holden Roberto, the Conference of this political organisation took place, where he was elected member of the FNLA’s Central Committee and, later, of its Political Bureau.



He was also national Secretary for Political Affairs, in 1992. In 2004, he was appointed interim Secretary General until 2007.



After the death of the organisation’s founding leader, Holden Roberto, in 2007, the party held its Congress and he was appointed Vice-president of the organisation by Ngola Kabangu, winner of the elections.



He was a Member of Parliament by the FNLA in 2008, until the illegality of the Conclave by the Constitutional Court (TC), where he took office as party deputy, until his suspension.



At the last FNLA Congress, which took place this year, Nimi a Simbi was elected President of the political party.




Brief historical summary of the FNLA



Luanda – The National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) was founded in 1954, under the name of Union of the Populations of Northern Angola (UPNA), taking on the name Union of the Populations of Angola (UPA) in 1958.




In 1961, the UPA and another anti-colonial group, the Democratic Party of Angola (PDA), jointly established the FNLA.




With Holden Roberto as its first President, the FNLA was one of the Angolan nationalist movements during the anti-colonial war from 1961 to 1974, together with the MPLA and UNITA.



In the Angolan decolonisation process in 1974/1975, as well as in the Angolan Civil War from 1975 to 2002, it fought the MPLA alongside UNITA.



Since 1991 it has been a political party whose importance has been drastically diminishing, in light of its poor results in the legislative elections of 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017.




Ideological guidance:




Dominated by Christian democracy and nationalism




Participation in elections and percentage won:




In 1992 (2.27%, five MPs)


In 2008 (1.11%, three MPs)


in 2012 (1.13%, two Mps)


In 2017 (0.93%, one MP).



Source: Angola Press News Agency

Elections 2022: PHA pledges to improve health system

Luanda – The Humanist Party of Angola (PHA) leader Florbela Malaquias announced plans to improve the country’s health system and provide food for all, should her party wins the 24 August elections.

PHA leader made the pledge while presenting her party’s electoral manifesto in
Lubango, southern province of Huíla, on Sunday.


Malaquias also pledged to tackle the education and work on tax reduction.


The 2022 elections will take place on 24 August.


Eight contending political parties will participate in the election process, expected to bring together 14. 3 million voters, of whom 22, 560 residing abroad.



Source: Angola Press News Agency

Election 2022: P-NJANGO backs human rights

Luanda – The leader of the Nationalist Party for Justice in Angola (P-NJANGO) Eduardo Chingunji said on Sunday (24) that his political organisation is in the favour of human rights.

P-NJANGO leader said so in the first five minutes of airtime on the Public Television of Angola (TPA), stating that one of the axes of his party’s government programme is the eradication of hunger and poverty.

As for the eradication of hunger and poverty, he said that Angola could become one of the biggest sources of food in the world.

The electoral campaign officially opened Sunday (July 24th) and ends on August 22nd, with the participation of the MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA, APN, PHA and P-JANGO parties, and the CASA-CE coalition.

The previous vote took place on August 23, 2017, with participation of six political parties.



Source: Angola Press News Agency

Elections 2022: MPLA pledges to widen Kifangondo-Caxito road

Luanda – Kifangondo-Caxito road, which connects the provinces of Luanda and northern Bengo province will be widened in the near future, announced Saturday the President of the MPLA, João Lourenço.

The roads that connect the provinces of Luanda, Benguela and Huambo will also deserve attention, in the context of improving mobility throughout the country, according to João Lourenço.

The party leader was speaking at MPLA’s mass political rally in Luanda, as part of the  campaign for the general elections of 24 August.



Source: Angola Press News Agency

Elections2022: Over 13,000 families benefit from housing in Luanda

Luanda – Over 13,000 families in Luanda province have benefited from homes in several central areas and housing projects, said the MPLA leader João Lourenço on Saturday.



The party president said so at the political mass event held in Luanda, as part of election campaign set to start on Sunday (24).


João Lourenço added that the beneficiaries have received houses in Zango 0 and Zango 5 urban zones and in Maye Maye housing complex.


João Lourenço also mentioned the investment that was made in health sector and basic sanitation in cities, mainly in Luanda, stressing that the solid waste, trash produced and not treated affects the health of the population.


“If we want to control malaria and other diseases, we should not stop working on elimination of solid waste and other trash. We have to invest in eliminating the disease vector”, stressed the MPLA candidate for President of the Republic.


MPLA President spoke of the efforts made to clean up Luanda´s drainage ditches over the last two years, as well as improving the collection and treatment of rubbish.




Source: Angola Press News Agency