Instagram Hides Some Posts That Mention Abortion

Instagram is blocking posts that mention abortion from public view, in some cases requiring its users to confirm their age before letting them view posts that offer up information about the procedure.

Over the last day, several Instagram accounts run by abortion rights advocacy groups have found their posts or stories hidden with a warning that described the posts as “sensitive content.” Instagram said it was working to fix the problem Tuesday, describing it as a bug.

In one example, Instagram covered a post on a page with more than 25,000 followers that shared text reading: “Abortion in America How You Can Help.” The post went on to encourage followers to donate money to abortion organizations and to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strip constitutional protections for abortion.

The post was covered with a warning from Instagram, reading “This photo may contain graphic or violent content.”

Instagram’s latest snafu follows an Associated Press report that Facebook and Instagram were deleting posts that offered to mail abortion pills to women living in states that now ban abortion procedures. The tech platforms said they were deleting the posts because they violated policies against selling or gifting certain products, including pharmaceuticals, drugs and firearms.

Yet, the AP’s review found that similar posts offering to mail a gun or marijuana were not removed by Facebook. The company did not respond to questions about the discrepancy.

Berlin photographer Zoe Noble runs the Instagram page whose post referencing abortion was blocked for viewing. The page, which celebrates women who decide not to have children, has been live for over a year. Monday was the first time a post mentioning abortion was restricted by Instagram, although Noble has mentioned it many times before.

“I was really confused because we’ve never had this happen before, and we’ve talked about abortion before,” Noble said. “I was really shocked that the word abortion seemed to be flagged.”

The platform offers no way for users to dispute the restriction.

The AP identified nearly a dozen other posts that mentioned the word “abortion” and were subsequently covered up by Instagram. All of the posts were informational in nature, and none of the posts featured photos of abortions. An Instagram post by an AP reporter that asked people if they were experiencing the problem was also covered by the company on Tuesday and required users to enter their age in order to view it.

The AP inquired about the problem on Tuesday morning. Hours later, Instagram’s communication department acknowledged the problem on Twitter, describing it as a glitch. A spokesman for Instagram-owner Meta Platforms Inc. said in an email that the company does not place age restrictions around its abortion content.

“We’re hearing that people around the world are seeing our ‘sensitivity screens,’ on many different types of content when they shouldn’t be. We’re looking into this bug and working on a fix now,” the company tweeted.

Tech companies like Meta can hide details about how posts or keywords have been promoted or hidden from view, said Brooke Erin Duffy, a professor at Cornell University who studies social media.

“This can all take place behind the scenes, and it can be attributed to a glitch,” Duffy said. “We don’t know what happened. That’s what’s chilling about this.

Source: Voice of America

Covid-19: Angola vaccinates over 27,000 people

Luanda – Angola has vaccinated, in the last 24 hours, 27,021 people.

According to the daily bulletin released Wednesday, the main provinces are Luanda (4208), Huíla (3792), Uíge (3427), Huambo (3195), Uíge (2138) and Kwanza Sul (2061).

The cumulative points to doses 20 693 292 administered, of which 13 288 990 with one dose 7 238 901 with full doses and 818 023 with booster doses.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

AU commissioner Josefa Sacko defends scientific research

Luanda – The African Union Commissioner Josefa Sacko said on Wednesday in Lisbon that scientific research should be the basis of policy and decision-making, to enable understanding and sustainable management of the continent’s oceans and seas.

The ambassador was speaking at the panel on the theme: “accelerating innovation, science and technology and promoting the involvement of women and youth in Africa’s oceans and seas, in the context of the ocean decade”, on the sidelines of the oceans event, under the aegis of the United Nations, in a co-organisation of Portugal and Kenya.

“Let me be clear, innovation is not always technological, it can also be social in nature, where we improve systems and make them more resilient,” she maintained.

According to the AU commissioner, women in coastal communities are working to reduce nutrient loss and food waste in innovative ways. Meanwhile, they face the crisis of plastic pollution, which must be given attention by technological tools to ensure safety at sea.

“It is time we shall stop considering them as a liability and instead give them the space and resources they need to contribute to the advancement of our continent,” she said.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

President João Lourenço hails CPLP multidisciplinary cooperation

Luanda – The leadership of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) has known how to project, through the action of each of the countries and their respective peoples, a present and a future of multidisciplinary cooperation, the Angolan Head of State, João Lourenço said Wednesday.

This recognition was expressed in the institution’s book of honour, signed during a visit to the premises of the organisation’s executive secretariat.

In the book, João Lourenço, as President “pro tempore” of the organisation, wrote that the CPLP is proving to be fruitful and promising, in the different areas of economic, social and political life of nations, highlighting the strength of cultural interaction that links and gives a great uniqueness to this association of Portuguese-speaking countries.

“I wish all the people involved in the day-to-day tasks of the Executive Secretariat of the CPLP much success in the work they do for the benefit of achieving the goals set by our organisation,” the Angolan statesman wrote.

Members of the organisation are Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and East Timor.

The Republic of Angola currently holds the rotating presidency of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries since the organisation’s 13th Conference of Heads of State and Government, held from 12 to 17 July, 2021, in Luanda.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

MPLA starts training trainers of electoral agents

Lubango – At least 120 electoral agents of MPLA, in Huila province, started today, Wednesday, in Lubango, a training cycle of trainers, to act next to the citizen, in the framework of the general elections on August 24.

The training initiative, promoted by the provincial committee, is the result of conclusions and recommendations from the national seminar held on 21 August in Luanda.

Among the objectives is the need to equip the different electoral agents with adequate skills, from the pre-campaign phase to the publication of the results, preparing them for acts leading to the organisation of the electoral process, at the level of the party’s basic structures, so that the implementation of the electoral political strategy can rely on a diversified and categorised structure.

The same seminar has a duration of one day and is addressing issues linked to the role of the agent and the electoral officers, electoral logistics, action on social networks, mobilisation strategy, consolidation of concepts, as well as the simulation of the electoral process at the polling station.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

CPLP President guarantees joint work

Luanda – The acting president of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), João Lourenço, on Wednesday in Lisbon, expressed the intention to continue working with the member-states, for the strengthening and expansion of the organisation.

The Angolan head of state, who in the Portuguese capital took part in the opening ceremony of the UN Conference on Oceans, was speaking to the press at the end of a visit to the headquarters of the Executive Secretariat of the CPLP.

“The joint work of the organisation will give greater cohesion so that, within a year or so, when we pass the mantle to the country that will succeed us, we will have a CPLP that is closer to achieving the goals we have been aiming for many years and position it in the place where it deserves,” João Lourenço said,

For the CPLP leader, the intention is to have an organisation that makes a difference in international politics and the world economy, with the contribution that the economies of its members can make in the future.

“We are here to work for the success of the CPLP,” said João Lourenço who highlighted the “good performance and work” developed by the secretariat of the permanent body, led by Zacarias da Costa, in this first year of the mandate he has ahead of the Angolan presidency.

During the visit to the CPLP’s facilities, guided by the organisation’s executive secretary, Zacarias da Costa, the Angolan head of state, in his capacity as head of the institution, signed the honour book.

Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and East Timor are member states of the CPLP.

Angola has held the rotating presidency of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries since the organisation’s 13th Conference of Heads of State and Government, held from 12 to 17 July, 2021, in Luanda.

Angola, which has succeeded Cape Verde as president of the organisation for the 2021-2023 period, has an agenda, among other projects, to boost mobility between member states and pay special attention to the economic sector.

Principles and objectives of the CPLP

The Community is the privileged multilateral forum for the deepening of mutual friendship and cooperation between its members.

Created on 17 July 1996, the CPLP has legal personality and financial autonomy, and its general aims are political and diplomatic consultation between its member states.

Cooperation in all fields, including education, health, science and technology, defence, agriculture, public administration, communications, justice, public security, culture, sports and the media and the materialisation of projects for the promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese language are part of its interests.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

2022 Elections: Politician considers political marketing key for electoral challenges

Malanje- The first secretary of MPLA in Malanje, Norberto dos Santos “Kwata Kanawa”, considered today, Wednesday, the political marketing as a preponderant instrument that the party will put in action to reach the electoral challenges.

He said that marketing will be in operation throughout the electoral campaign process, as a modern strategy and technique aimed at leading MPLA to win the general elections next August.

Kwata Kanawa was speaking at the opening of a seminar on political and electoral marketing, aimed at party activists in the province, which aims to provide them with tools to be used as strategies for hunting votes.

“It is with a winning spirit that the party is promoting this seminar, which marks a series of training and capacity building actions for cadres to cope with the planning, organisation and conduct of the election campaign,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, he called for the assimilation and putting into practice of the contents to be taught during the training, with a view to achieving the desired electoral objectives.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Economy minister assesses preparations for Filda/2022

Luanda – The Minister of Economy and Planning, Mário Caetano João, Wednesday visited the exhibition pavilion of the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) to see the preparations for the 37th edition of the Luanda International Fair (Filda/2022), scheduled for 12 to 16 July.

After touring the venue, the minister said he was satisfied with preparations for the country’s biggest fair, which will have as its motto, “Disruptive technologies as a factor for economic development.

“The organization is well underway, 425 direct and indirect participants have been confirmed, as well as 10 countries with confirmed official representations, including Portugal, Italy, Germany, China, South Korea, South Africa and Namibia,” he said.

According to the minister, Filda will be very attractive because it will have events parallel to the exhibition, namely “Filda Talks” and “Startup Summit 2022”, which will mark an entrepreneurship summit where entrepreneurs will showcase their potential and address market opportunities.

“We have youth with many good ideas, we would like to hear those ideas and what they are doing to mobilize banks to buy them, grow them and make them more sustainable so that they participate in the national production process,” he assured.

The minister said that the “Made in Angola” service would be available at the 37th edition of Filda, which underwent a restructuring process to make it more attractive to companies and give dignity to national products, of which there were an increasing number.

The 37th edition of Filda will be held under the theme “Disruptive Technologies as a factor in Economic Development”.

The 36th edition of FILDA, held in 2021, from 30 November to 03 December, brought together at least 300 national exhibitors and focused on the technological sector, a support for the development of agribusiness and industry.

The event was attended by companies from South Africa, Germany, Argentina, China, Eritrea, France, India, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, Lebanon, the United States and Portugal.

The first Luanda International Fair was held in 1983.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

2022 Elections: MPLA in Bié trains electoral agents

Cuito – At least sixty MPLA electoral agents participated, this Wednesday, in the city of Cuito, Bié province, in a capacity building seminar on Political Marketing, under the scope of general elections.

During the training, the participants discussed the party’s mobilisation strategy, the role of electoral agents before and during the process, polling stations, and the profile and selection criteria for delegates and their substitutes,

Speaking at the closing event, Pereira Alfredo, MPLA’s first provincial secretary in Bié, said the party would intensify its door-to-door mobilisation campaign in the coming days with a view to strengthening its organisation and ensuring victory in the ballot.

“We recognise that it will not be an easy task, but we are prepared to win the five deputies in the Bié provincial circle. For this, we need to reinforce campaigns to mobilise new militants to strengthen our party,” he added.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

Angolan Head of State ends participation in Oceans Conference

Luanda – The Angolan Head of State, João Lourenço, ended on Wednesday his few days stay in Lisbon, Portugal, where he participated in the International Conference on Oceans.

The high point of João Lourenço’s activity in the Portuguese capital was his speech at the opening session of the event dedicated to oceans, on 27, when he conveyed, in a general way, Angola’s message regarding the way in which the oceans and their enormous resources are to be treated.

In the Portuguese capital, on the sidelines of the summit attended by delegations from 193 countries, including Heads of State, Government or their representatives, João Lourenço held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Portugal, Marcelo de Sousa, Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, and the Prime Minister of Sao Tome and Principe, Jorge Bom Jesus.

He also had separate meetings with Jung Sung-Min, as special envoy of the President of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol, and with the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano Grossi, with whom he discussed aspects of common interest.

Also in Lisbon, the Angolan statesman visited the headquarters of the Executive Secretariat of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) and the Angolan stand, a space designed for moments of interaction, oral presentations, debates and exhibition of Angola’s oceanographic portfolio, by means of informative digital and non-digital panels, in the framework of the Oceans Conference.

The objective of this event, organized by the Governments of Portugal and Kenya, and that ends on July 1st, is to mobilize global support to implement, create, conserve and use, in a sustainable way, the seas, oceans and marine resources.

Today, human actions negatively impact the seas and oceans and their sustainability should be a concern for all, addressed by actions at global, national, regional and local levels.

The protection and conservation of the seas and oceans means ensuring and protecting the well-being of humankind.

The first UN Oceans Conference took place five years ago in New York, but it was not until 2021, at the 26th Climate Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, that the ocean was able to be introduced in the articles of the final declaration, which was an advance on the Paris Agreement.

Source: Angola Press News Agency