New COVID-19 Cases in US Fall to Lowest Levels Since Last June

New coronavirus cases across the United States have tumbled to rates not seen in more than 11 months, sparking optimism that vaccination campaigns are stemming both severe COVID-19 cases and the spread of the virus.

As cases, hospitalizations and deaths steadily dropped this week, pre-pandemic life in America has largely resumed. Hugs and unmasked crowds returned to the White House, a Mardi Gras-style parade marched through Alabama’s port city of Mobile, and even states that have stuck to pandemic-related restrictions readied to drop them.

Health experts cautioned, however, that not enough Americans have been vaccinated to completely extinguish the virus, leaving the potential for new variants that could extend the pandemic.

As the seven-day average for new cases dropped below 30,000 per day this week, Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out that cases have not been this low since June 18, 2020. The average number of deaths over the last seven days also dropped to 552 — a rate not seen since July last year. It’s a dramatic drop since the pandemic hit a devastating crescendo in January.

“As each week passes and as we continue to see progress, these data give me hope,” Walensky said Friday at a news conference.

Health experts credit an efficient rollout of vaccines for the turnaround. More than 60% of people older than 18 have received at least one shot, and almost half are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. But demand for vaccines has dropped across much of the country. President Joe Biden’s administration is trying to persuade other Americans to sign up for shots, using an upbeat message that vaccines offer a return to normal life.

White House health officials on Friday even waded into offering dating advice. They are teaming up with dating apps to offer a new reason to “swipe right” by featuring vaccination badges on profiles and in-app bonuses for people who have gotten their shots.

Ohio, New York, Oregon and other states are enticing people to get vaccinated through lottery prizes of up to $5 million.

Across the country, venues and events reopened after shuttering for much of the last year.

On Saturday, Karen Stetz readied to welcome what she hoped would be a good crowd to the Grosse Pointe Art Fair on Michigan’s Lake St. Clair. In Michigan, nearly 38% of people have been fulling vaccinated.

“I feel like most people are ready to get out,” Stetz said by phone shortly before opening the fair, which usually draws 5,000 to 10,000 people. “It seems like people are eager, but it’s hard to know still. I’m sure there’s a percentage of people that are going to wait until they’re comfortable.”

Parade in Mobile

In Mobile, thousands of joyful revelers, many without masks, competed for plastic beads and trinkets tossed from floats Friday night as Alabama’s port city threw a Mardi Gras-style parade. But only about a quarter of the county’s population is fully vaccinated. Many went without masks, though health officials had urged personal responsibility.

Alabama’s vaccination rate — almost 27% of people are fully vaccinated — is one of the lowest in the country. It’s part of a swath of Southern states where vaccine uptake has been slow. Health experts worry that areas with low vaccination rates could give rise to new virus variants that are more resistant to vaccinations.

“My biggest concern is new strains of the virus and the need to remain vigilant in the months ahead,” said Boston College public health expert Dr. Philip J. Landrigan.

A medical center in Louisiana reported Friday that it had identified the state’s first two cases of a COVID-19 variant that has spread widely since being identified in India. It has been classified as a “variant of concern” by Britain and the World Health Organization, meaning there is some evidence that it spreads more easily among people, causes more severe disease, or might be less responsive to treatments and vaccines. The variant has also been reported in several other states, including Tennessee, Nebraska and Nevada.

Though Landrigan said the big drop in cases nationwide was “the best news we’ve had on the pandemic” and showed that vaccines are working, he warned that people should remain vigilant for local flare-ups of new cases.

Many states have largely dropped orders to wear masks and stay distanced from other people. Meanwhile, even places such as California — the first state to issue a statewide shutdown as the virus emerged in March 2020 — prepared to remove restrictions on social distancing and business capacity next month.

State health director Dr. Mark Ghaly said Friday that the decision was based on dramatically lower virus cases and increased vaccinations.

Reluctance in Vermont

But in Vermont — the state with the highest percentage of people who have received one shot — Governor Phil Scott has tied the lifting of restrictions to the vaccination rate. He offered to lift all remaining restrictions before a July 4 deadline if 80% of those eligible get vaccinated.

Landrigan figured it would take a nationwide vaccination rate of at least 85% to snuff out the virus. But for now, the steep drop in cases gave him hope that pandemic-level infection rates will soon be a thing of the past.

“It is getting to the point to where by the Fourth of July we might be able to declare this thing over,” he said.

Source: Voice of America


Mozambican State Councilor Raul Domingos warned today of the risk of intensifying violence in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, with a foreign military intervention, defending the removal of the “socio-economic root” of the conflict.

Raul Domingos was appointed in April as a state advisor by the Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, and was for many years considered the number two of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), the main opposition party, after which he was expelled from the organization following the general elections. 1999.

In an interview with Lusa, the politician noted that there are “Serious socioeconomic problems” in the province of Cabo Delgado that make young people in the region vulnerable to enticement by extremist groups that have been involved in armed violence for more than three years.

“The fact that we have young people who are easily recruited to join the group of insurgents is an indicator that there are serious socio-economic problems,” noted Raul Domingos.

After these problems are solved, he continued, it will be “half done” for the final resolution of armed violence in Cabo Delgado.

The State Councilor maintained that a solution based on a Foreign military intervention will have the potential to intensify conflict, pointing to the failure of foreign military aid in the 16-year civil war as an example of the infeasibility of external military support.

“Military forces from Zimbabwe or South Africa to an unknown terrain can have the same end as the Russians who were in Cabo Delgado and the same end that the Tanzanians who were in the 16-year war had,” he emphasized.

Mozambique, he continued, has to learn from past experience in order to deal with the type of situations such as what is happening in the north of the country.

Raul Domingos’ reference to the Russians has to do with allegations that military personnel from a Russian security company have been involved in actions to combat armed groups operating in Cabo Delgado since 2017, having withdrawn from the theater of operations without being able to stop the progression of rebel forces.

To draw attention to the risk of foreign troops in the war in Cabo Delgado, the State Councilor also recalled the failure of the military in Tanzania and Zimbabwe who helped the governmental forces of the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) in the war against the former guerrilla of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), which only ended 16 years later, through the General Peace Agreement, signed in 1992.

Raul Domingos defended that Mozambique should analyze the possibility that entities linked to the groups that control the production of natural gas and oil in the world are behind the war in Cabo Delgado to prevent the African country from influencing the energy market, with the start of production of natural gas in the Rovuma basin.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Malanje – Ruling MPLA party in northern Malanje province has referred to the increase in agriculture production as the main challenge to reduce hunger and improve the quality of life among population.

This was said by MPLA provincial secretary, Norberto dos Santos “Kwata Kanawa”, on Saturday.

Kwata Kanawa was addressing the party’s militants from Kuissaco sector, Malanje province, stating that the country, in particular Malanje, has enough resources.

He mentioned fertile soil and rivers to leverage the agricultural sector.

He urged the business community and cooperatives to urgently invest in order to reverse the situation.

“The biggest challenge facing the MPLA is the production of food to avoid hunger among Angolans”, he stressed.

According to him, a serious investment in agricultural production could contribute to the achievement of the country’s food self-sufficiency and the export of surplus.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Media Manuel Homem said Saturday that the implementation of the professional qualification programme of the Media companies was underway, as part of the Executive’s strategies to improve the working and social conditions of the class.

The official was speaking at the opening of the VI Ordinary Congress of the Union of Angolan Journalists (SJA), stating that the Executive is committed to ensure decent conditions for the exercise of the profession available to journalists.

Manuel Homem also announced the Executive’s permanent support for the Portfolio and Ethics Committee in the process of issuing professional cards, as well as initiating and expanding the training offer, aimed at improving the performance of the companies and journalists, endowing them with more and better skills.

The minister explained that, by consensus, they provided support for SJA for addressing and implementing the issues of interest to the class and media companies, as well as promoting, in an inclusive way, the revision of the legislative package for media in order to make it up-to-date, active and better aligned with the reality of the country.

To this purpose, the official reiterated his commitment to dialogue and collaborate with SJA to improve the working and social conditions of the class, with the implementation of a programme to strengthen the relationship with the journalistic class, guided by a permanent dialogue with the distant professional associations.

He listed some principles that positively contribute to the positive performance of class associations.

They are voluntary membership, autonomy and independence of associations, management based on democracy, the need to inform, educate and train members permanently and rigorously, permanent interaction between members, the association’s relationship and collaboration with the public authorities, the economic participation of its members.

As for the congress, he said it was an opportunity to reinforce and expand the relationship with the media companies, anticipating deliberations capable of correcting evils that hinder the deserving journalistic activity of good rigor, exemption and responsibility.

He is of the view that the event demonstrates the commitment, unity, cohesion, harmony of the members of the Angolan Journalists Union, wishing success to the new leadership to be elected, and expressing his willingness to make the class strong and intervening in solving class problems and defence of citizenship, sovereignty, freedom of expression and peaceful coexistence among Angolans.

The VI Ordinary Congress of the Union of Angolan Journalists aims to renew the mandate of its governing bodies, to promote discussion and reflection on issues that concern the class and state and private companies.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


The main producers of vaccines against Covid-19, the G20 countries and the IMF pledged Friday to accelerate the vaccination of poor countries, very late, to put an end to the pandemic and revive the world economy. ‘a third of the inhabitants of the richest countries have already had at least a first dose, they are only 0.3% in poor countries, according to Covax, the global mechanism for providing vaccines to poor countries. at the end of May, 140 million doses will be missing from Covax and another 50 million in June compared to the volumes initially planned to vaccinate 20% of the population in poor countries.

Invited to a health summit co-organized by the Italian presidency of the G20 and the European Commission, the Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson laboratories have pledged to provide 3.5 billion doses to the poorest countries in 2021 and 2022. They are expected to provide 1.3 billion doses this year, the rest in 2022. The sera will be available at cost for low-income countries and at reduced prices for middle-income countries.

The EU has announced that it will provide 100 million doses this year, Italy 300 million euros and France 30 million doses via Covax.

“Everyone, everywhere” must have access to vaccines, underlined the president of the Commission of Brussels Ursula von der Leyen while the secretary general of the UN, Antonio Guterres, castigated “vaccine nationalism”.

The access of the most vulnerable countries to vaccines, international solidarity and the prevention of future pandemics are at the heart of this meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the G20, in which the European Commission, African States and from Asia as well as 12 international organizations and private foundations.

“$ 50 billion to vaccinate”

In order to put an end to the pandemic and its devastating economic and social consequences, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at the same time presented to Washington a plan whose financing is estimated at 50 billion dollars with a vaccination target of at least 40 % of the world’s population by the end of the year. If the sum seems significant, it is very modest in view of the massive stimulus plans put in place by the rich countries – like the last of 1.900 billion dollars in the United States. It is also “small compared to the potential benefits of a faster end of the pandemic, estimated at around 9 trillion dollars” for the world economy by 2025, underline the economists of the International Monetary Fund.

The IMF recommends in particular to grant additional subsidies to Covax, to make donations of excess doses and to ensure free cross-border flows of raw materials and doses of vaccines. A Covax spokesperson told AFP on Friday that he had so far signed supply agreements for 1.8 billion doses, allowing 30% of the populations concerned to be vaccinated, but still lacking funding.

No consensus on the lifting of patents

The final declaration of the Rome summit, known as the “Rome Declaration”, should affirm the commitment of the richest countries to promoting the production of vaccines in Africa through the transfer of technology.

“We must vaccinate the world, and quickly,” warned Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

The text should not however support the idea of a temporary suspension of the patents of pharmaceutical companies for vaccines, but plead in favor of “voluntary sharing of licenses” and the lifting of obstacles to exports.

The suspension of exclusive patent rights is encouraged by Washington, but the Twenty-Seven have already expressed their skepticism, pointing out the length and complexity of the process. Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated his support for the temporary lifting of patents and announced $ 3 billion in aid over the next three years to support the fight against the pandemic and economic recovery.

The Rome summit is being held on the eve of the 74th World Health Assembly (May 24 to June 1), the main issue of which is the reform of the WHO and its ability to coordinate the response to global health crises and prevent future epidemics.

An independent panel report released last week ruled that the WHO had taken too long to sound the alarm and that the disaster described as “Chernobyl of the 21st century could have been avoided.”

The pandemic has killed more than 3.4 million people worldwide since its appearance at the end of December 2019, according to the latest report established by AFP from official sources.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Angolan health authorities announced on Saturday 240 new infections, 262 recoveries and 6 deaths in the last 24 hours.

According to the daily clinical bulletin, the recoveries were reported in the provinces of Luanda 216, Huíla16, Benguela 10, Namibe 7, Cunene 2, and Huambo and Zaire with one each.

Among the new infections, 169 were detected in Luanda, 28 in Huambo, 17 in Cabinda, 10 in Huila, 10 in Zaire and 6 in Cuanza Sul.

The fresh cases feature 132 men and 108 women, aged 2 to 92 years old.

The fatalities, all involving Angolan citizens, occurred in Luanda and Huila, with 3 cases each.

Still, the source mentioned 275 patients as receiving treatment in the centers and 44 in institutional quarantine.

Also 4,429 samples have been processed in the last 24 hours.

Angola has tallied a total of 32,149 positive cases, 715 deaths, 26,775 recoveries and 4,659 active patients.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – The Union of Angolan Journalists (SJA) Saturday, 22nd, put off, for a period not less than 45 days and not exceeding three months, the election of its secretary general, due to the time reasons.

The participants argued that the decision obeys the rules of the current Decree on the Situation of Public Disaster which, among others, bans the events lasting for more than three hours.

The event marked by the election of the secretary general, which only has a single list led by Teixeira Cândido, who is running for his re-election.

During the meeting, the members discussed and analysed the internal documents, the report of activities and financial of the outgoing secretariat, for 2015-2019, changed unanimously.

With more than 30, 000 members, SJA was founded in March 1992.

The organisation has already been run, among others, by Ismael Mateus, Luísa Rogério and Teixeira Cândido.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Petro de Luanda beat Wiliete de Benguela Saturday 2-0, and rises to the second position, temporarily, of the First Division of National Football Championship (Girabola2020/21), with 45 points.

The goals were scored by Brazilians Tiago Azulão and Tony.

Petro de Luanda win relegates to the third place the then second placed Sagrada Esperança (44 points), who plays only Sunday against the leaders 1º de Agosto (46 pts), at Luanda’s 11 de Novembro stadium.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – International Master (MI) David Silva Sunday faces Master Fide (MF) Chukwunonso Oragwu of Nigeria, for the 5th round of the African Chess Championship, taking place in Lilongwe (Malawi).

The three-time African champion (2014, 2016 and 2017) is seeking his fourth win to ensure qualification for the World Championship, set for 23 June – 10 August in Sochi, Russia.

On Friday, David Silva defeated the Nigerian specialist Austin Apemiye for the fourth round. Thursday, for the 3rd round, he beat the Mozambican Master Candidate (CM) Persson Abrantes.

In the opening round (Tuesday), David Silva overcame host Fishan Ronald, and lost in the second round (Wednesday) to Nigerian Isaac Okeke.

The only Angolan representative in the competition occupies the 15th position in the league table with three points.

Fifty-nine chess players from 17 countries are participating in the event, led by Egypt’s Grandmaster (GM), Ahmed Adly, with four points.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Women’s handball team of 1º de Agosto won on Saturday the African Super Cup after beating Petro de Luanda 25-24 (12-13), in a final that brought together the continent’s two best teams, played in the Kilamba Arena.

The game was balanced and experienced moments of great emotion when 1º de Agosto attained 25-24.

The Game, between the two most qualified teams in the competition (Petro – 17 and 1º de Agosto now with 6 points), was played behind closed doors due to Covid -19.

Cristiane Mwacessa ( 1º de Agosto – second best scorer with six goals, and Mágda Cazanga of Petro, is first with 9 goals ).

The two teams have recently played in the National Female Handball Championship won by Petro.

Source: Angola Press News Agency