Luanda – Former football coach, Argentinean Rúben Garcia, died this Thursday in Luanda, victim of disease, at the age of 82.

According to a close source, Ruben Garcia died in the afternoon in a hospital unit in the Angolan capital, where he was hospitalised.

Ruben Garcia won the first edition of the Angolan Cup for Benguela club 1° Maio in 1982, a year after arriving in the country.

As a player, the Argentinean married to an Angolan citizen, represented the Portuguese teams Belenenses, Penafiel, Farense and the Spaniards Extremadura.

After leaving training, he became a commentator on Angolan radio and television, and regularly attended sporting and cultural events.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – Angolan diamond trading company Sociedade de Comercialização de Diamantes (Sodiam) is due to auction, as of next June, rough diamonds worth between USD 27 million and USD 30 million.

According to a press release issued Thursday to ANGOP, the sale of the diamonds will include a selection of exceptional Special Stones from the Catoca, Luele, Lulo and Uari mines.

The document refers to a “run-of-mine” lot, varied in all sizes of the Luele kimberlite production (highly expected) from the Luaxe region.

It adds that evaluation sessions are scheduled for 9 and 23 June, 2021, at Sodiam’s premises in Luanda, while the presentation of proposals will end on 24 June, at 11am.

For this, Sodiam invites “non-registered” companies that wish to participate in the sale to submit their proposals only electronically, via the platform.

It informs that a detailed participation package will be provided at a later date to participants, whose appointments for viewing can be made through

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – The Minister of State for Social Affairs, Carolina Cerqueira, said Thursday in Luanda that diversification of the national economy had a strong foundation in higher education, as it provided trained staff, as an effective way of generating human capital.

Carolina Cerqueira, who was speaking at the opening of the 7th Forum organised by the Association of Private Education Institutions of Angola (AIESPA), which is being held until Friday, 21, at the Jean Piaget University, stressed that higher education institutions should establish partnerships, preferably forming part of consortiums or networks, between universities and companies.

“The role of managers of higher education institutions is fundamental for the preparation of strategic plans that engage their partners and all stakeholders, in order to contribute to economic development and promoting the active participation of students in actions that grow social value,” she said.

For the Government minister, companies can conduct and redirect research and development towards new technologies and patents, develop new products and processes and improve the quality of their products.

During the event, which takes place under the motto “University-Business Partnership, Perspectives and Reflections around the Change of the Academic Paradigm”, themes such as “Integrated internships and adequacy of professional and academic curricula” and the “Role of research for scientific and technological innovation”, among other subjects, will be debated.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – The minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, Thursday discussed the issue of water and renewable energy in Angola with officials from Belgian companies.

During his speech at the online conference promoted by the Belgium-Africa Chamber of Commerce (CBL-ACP), the Angolan minister explained Angola’s progress, over the last few years, in the area of energy production, noting the challenges of fighting drought in the south.

Representing the African Development Bank (AfDB), Stella Mandango, gave an overview of the three main energy projects funded by that institution, namely the binational Baynes project (Namibia-Angola).

This is a hydroelectric project (600 MW capacity) on the Cunene River, on the border with Namibia.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – At least 223 new cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours in Angola, including eight deaths and 25 recoveries.

According to the daily Covid-19 report that reached ANGOP on Thursday evening, of the newly reported cases, 186 have been detected in Luanda, 12 in Huambo (centre) and nine Cunene (south),

Six have been detected in Cabinda (north), four in Huíla (south), three in Bié (centre), two in Cuanza Norte (north) and one in Malanje (north).

The new patients include ages from three to 81 years, 115 males and 108 females.

The deaths have occurred in the capital Luanda (2), Huíla (4), Cunene (01) and Huambo (01), all Angolan nationals.

The recoveries have been recorded in Luanda (18) and Huíla (7).

Angola’s current Covid-19 figures show 31,661 cases, 704 deaths, 26,483 recoveries and 4,474 active patients.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

UN Chief Demands Immediate Israeli-Palestinian Cease-fire

UNITED NATIONS – U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday that there must be an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, as deaths and destruction mount.

“But above all, what we must – and I am repeating my appeal – what we must achieve is an immediate cease-fire,” Guterres told a special session of the General Assembly requested by Arab and Muslim nations.

He said it is urgent that the hostilities are de-escalated, to prevent what he said would become an “uncontainable cross-border security and humanitarian crisis.”

“Even wars have rules,” he said. “First and foremost, civilians must be protected.”

The death toll stands at 230 in Gaza, including 65 children, according to local health officials there, and 12 in Israel, according to its authorities. More than 58,000 Palestinians have been displaced in Gaza.

“If there is Hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza today,” the U.N. chief said.

He urged the international community to help the parties “to step back from the brink” and ultimately revitalize the peace process as the only route to a permanent and sustainable peace in the form of two states living side by side.

About a dozen foreign ministers flew to New York for the meeting – the first time such a high-level, in-person meeting has been held at U.N. headquarters since the start of the coronavirus pandemic more than 14 months ago.

Fighting continues

As the diplomats talked, there was more cross-border firing early Thursday. Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza City and the towns of Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas traveled to the region Thursday to meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials. He called the visit “a sign of solidarity with the people on both sides who fear for their lives day and night as Israel must defend itself against Hamas’ rocket terror.”

“It is about how the international community can contribute to an end to violence and a resilient cease-fire,” Maas tweeted. “And we need to talk about how to pave the way back to peace negotiations.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday rebuffed U.S. President Joe Biden’s call for “a significant de-escalation” in Israel’s bombardment.

Instead, Netanyahu said in a statement he is “determined to continue this operation until its aim is met.”

Netanyahu said he “greatly appreciates the support of the American president,” but that Israel will push ahead “to return the calm and security to you, citizens of Israel.”

The White House said President Biden told Prime Minister Netanyahu on Wednesday that “he expected a significant de-escalation today on a path to a cease-fire,” while Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with his Israeli counterpart, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, for the second straight day.

Austin, while affirming Israel’s right to defend itself, also “expressed again our deep concern over the loss of innocent lives,” according to Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby.

Netanyahu told foreign diplomats, “We are engaged right now in forceful deterrence.”

The Israeli leader pushed back against criticism of the Israeli air campaign, saying his forces are doing their best to avoid civilian casualties. He said Israeli forces try to use “great precision” to respond to attacks, but that they cannot prevent all collateral damage. The Palestinians have said Israeli actions amount to war crimes.

Hamas began firing rockets into Israel on May 10 for what it said were Israeli rights abuses against Palestinians in Jerusalem.

Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Israel’s 21% Arab minority staged a general strike on Tuesday to protest violence against Arab Israelis and the planned eviction of some Arab families from their homes in East Jerusalem.

Source: Voice of America


Paris – Angolan President of the Republic João Lourenço, accompanied by the first lady, Ana Dias Lourenço, left Paris (France) this Thursday morning back to Luanda.

In the French capital, the Angolan Head of State took part in the Summit on the Economy of Africa, an initiative of the French Government.

The event brought together dozens of African leaders and analyzed the relaunch of growth in African countries’ economies, based on the involvement of international partners and the creation of massive support.

At the meeting, Angola defended a change in the vaccine production strategy to combat Covid-19.

On the fringes of the summit, President João Lourenço held working meetings with counterparts in France Emmanuel Macron, South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa and with the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa.

João Lourenço also held meetings with the patron of Institute for Global Change, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, and with several French businessmen.

This was the second time that President João Lourenço has traveled to France, as Head of State. The first was in May 2018.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – The discussion of a Proposal for the Recovery of School Retardment in Regular Education is one of the themes in focus at the III Consultative Council of the Ministry of Education, which is being held under the slogan “Teachers leading and promoting changes in times of crisis”.

According to the Minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, when opening the event, the idea is to find strategies and measures that lead to the recovery of lost learning time, while schools were closed, perhaps in a shorter school term, in order to correct the age/class gap and the flow of students in the school circuit, one of the consequences of Covid-19.

The program should not be confused with the Youth and Adult Education Plan, also of relevant importance, but which serves young people from 15 years who have not had access to education at the right age and time, and / or for various reasons have abandoned school.

She also highlighted attention for reflection on the “National Reading Plan”, which aims to facilitate access to bibliographic consultation, promoting the enjoyment and habit of reading and writing among students and the school community in general.

“We know the importance of reading for school children, since the deficit or lack of it interferes with learning by posing difficulties in the understanding and comprehension of the various subjects of the curriculum,” she stressed.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – The National Assembly (Angolan Parliament) elected, this Thursday, lawyer Florbela Araújo as ombudswoman, replacing Carlos Alberto Ferreira Pinto, who was in the position since January 2020.

The election of Florbela Araújo took place during the 8th Ordinary Plenary Meeting of the 4th Legislative Session of the IV Legislature of the National Assembly, led by the Speaker of this sovereign body, Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos.

The new ombudswoman was elected with 154 votes in favour, one against and no abstentions.

Florbela Araújo was proposed by the MPLA parliamentary group, in accordance with the principle of proportional representation.

Carlos Alberto Ferreira Pinto recently sent his resignation letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, citing personal reasons.


The lawyer Florbela Araújo was responsible for the preparation of the sessions of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers (CM).

In 1997, when the General-Secretariat for Support Issues to the Presidency of the Republic was formed, she was transferred to the Civil House where she performed the functions of Cabinet Director.

She then worked in the legal advisory office of the Presidency Civil House, as an assistant, and in February 2007, she took over from the then Legal Advisor Carlos dos Santos Teixeira.

With the statutory configuration of the bodies supporting the President of the Republic, she would be reconfirmed in the position of Secretary for Legal and Judicial Affairs of the President of the Republic.

Source: Angola Press News Agency


Luanda – The Angolan government is drawing up the Annual National Development Plan (PADN-2022) with the actions to be carried out, targets and objectives for next year, the Secretary of State for Planning, Milton Reis said today in Luanda.

He noted that the preparation of PADN-2022 was in its initial phase, and that the schedule for its preparation, as well as the paradigm for the presentation of projects and activities to support development, had been presented to the Technical Bodies of the National Planning System.

Speaking at the weekly briefing of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), he recalled that the PADN-2022 has in view the materialization of the goals established in all the actions of the National Development Plan (PDN 2018-2022) and constitutes the programmatic basis for the General State Budget 2022.

On the other hand, he highlighted Angola’s participation in the preparation of the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) for the period 2020-2030.

The Government official made it known that under the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) of Support to the Reform of Public Enterprises (PEs), Privatisation and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), the World Bank mission to Angola is taking place from 19 to 28 May.

He detailed that the crosscutting objective of this mission is to address the activities carried out within the framework of this project, taking into consideration the current priorities, the evolution of reforms implemented by the Angolan government, and the next steps until the closure of the project in July, 2022.

Source: Angola Press News Agency