Homa Bay Flood Victims Receive Relief Food

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has said that the government has allocated enough funds to help affected communities in the country during this period of El Nino rains.

‘We will also ensure that the displaced households are catered for until such a time when the situation around floods improves,’ Machogu added.

Machogu was speaking in Wang’chieng Ward within Karachuonyo Constituency in Homa Bay on Monday during the distribution of relief food and supplies to communities that were affected by floods.

He appreciated the efforts by the County Government of Homa Bay together with partners in addressing the effects of floods in the communities and promised that the national government will always prioritise the management of disasters.

On the just-released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results, Machogu commended the exemplary performance of students in Homa Bay and assured parents that no learner will miss a place in secondary school.

Among the supplies that were distributed to the affec
ted communities in Rachuonyo North were 200 bags of rice, 50 bags of beans, 150 blankets, 10 boxes of bar soap, jikos, and sanitary towels, among other essentials.

Homa Bay County Commissioner Moses Lilan, on the other hand, noted that Karachuonyo Constituency has always been affected during rainy seasons as a result of flooding and overflowing of the River Miriu coupled with the fast-flowing water of Lake Victoria.

‘The areas bordering Lake Victoria, including Wang’chieng, have always been hit hard during rainy seasons, especially El Nino,’ he said.

The County Commissioner appreciated the response by the national government in providing relief food and other essential supplies to the victims of El Nino rains and informed them that the county government has also made strides to address the situation through the formation of a joint disaster committee and donations.

‘Mr. Machogu, your coming here is a testament to the national government’s preparedness in terms of addressing disasters as a consequence of E
l Nino. At the county level, we have had partnerships under the umbrella of the inter-agency disaster response, where we have the county government, Kenya Red Cross, and many others,’ he informed.

About 7, 814 households have been displaced following the heavy rains that have pounded Homa Bay County ever since the onset of El Nino rains, with Karachuonyo constituency having the largest number of 1, 740 displaced households.

Lilan stated that the heavy rains have also led to the submerging of 8,690 acreages of land and the displacement of 1,980 livestock.

The areas that have been affected most in Homa Bay include Karachuonyo Constituency (Osodo, Kobala, Kobuya, and Simbi areas), Homa Bay Sub-County (Rangwena, Lower Kanyach, Nyalkilnyi, and North Kanyabala), Ruma, Kaksingri, Nyatoto, and areas around the Lambwe Valley.

Lilan averred that besides the displacement of people, several roads and bridges have also been destroyed by the heavy rains followed by floods, adding, ‘Generally, we have a huge problem wit
h floods, and I think there is a way of mitigating these.’

Source: Kenya News Agency

Murang’a Professionals Appreciate Former Teachers

A team of professionals drawn from parts of Kangema Sub County in Murang’a have appreciated and rewarded their former teachers, who are now retired.

The professionals, under a group dubbed Kiruri Homebound Team led by Betty Maina, gifted an early Christmas to the teachers, whom they praised for having greatly impacted their current status.

Sharing food with the tutors, the professionals drawn from the Kiruri location, was planned to surprise their former teachers, observing that after retirement, the teachers face numerous challenging situations.

‘Some of the teachers here retired more than 20 years ago. At that time, their salaries were quite meagre, and the pensions they currently earn cannot do much to improve their livelihoods.

Here we have come to share with them meals as we appreciate their work, their impact on us, and many others. Teachers play a key role in society, and we call upon those who have thrived in their careers to remember their teachers while they are still alive,’ said Ms. Maina.

he called upon professionals, especially those who work away from their rural homes, to remember teachers back in villages since they laid the foundation for their educational prosperity.

‘In this group, we started as friends to assist each other when there were challenges and when we lost one of us, but we have moved to the next level to think of what we can do in society, and one of the decisions was to go back and remember those who contributed to our education,’ she averred.

One of the retired teachers, Jane Wambui, lauded the group, saying that since she retired about 20 years ago, she could not imagine one day being appreciated.

Wambui, a former primary school teacher, revealed she taught for 33 years and is delighted to see the children she taught have grown to become engineers, doctors, teachers, and businesspeople.

‘It’s great to see the outcome of your work; these professionals are doing great for the nation and society in general, and I also appreciate other teachers who impacted their lives,’
she added.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Gang Kills Police Officer Who Rescued Girls From FGM Marakwet

A police officer from Embobut Police Post was killed and his body partially burnt while a Catholic priest was assaulted by armed youths as they rescued girls from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Marakwet East Sub County.

County Commander Peter Mulinge said police from Chesoi Police Station led by the OCS and a contingent of 10 General Sevice Unit (GSU) officers were on routine patrol on FGM eradication at the Embolot location, where they raided and rescued six girls whom they escorted to the Embobut police post.

According to police reports, angry youth raided the police post in a bid to get the girls who had been rescued by police after they were genitally mutilated, where they overpowered the officer who was on duty and stoned him to death before burning his body using a mattress.

The youths believed to have come from the nearby Maron Vocational Training Centre (VTC) made away with a G3 rifle and 40 rounds of ammunition.

In a related incident, a Catholic priest, Fr. Amos Kimutai of St. Kizito Catholi
c Church, was also injured by youths as he tried to rescue girls from FGM.

Fr. Kimutai, who was wounded on his hands as he tried to protect himself, is currently hosting at the church over 60 girls who have fled the practice and has expressed concern over his security and that of the girls.

The county commander has said that police will conduct an operation in the area today to not only arrest youth but also ensure that they repossess the stolen arms, adding that they will not allow anarchy to prevail in the area.

The Elgeyo Marakwet County Director of Gender, Joseph Amuke, has said that six more girls from Embobut who were rescued by police were admitted yesterday night at the Iten County Referral Hospital, where they are being treated for septic wounds in their genitals after being mutilated.

The director said he feared that more girls’ lives were at risk due to the unhygienic conditions under which they were living after being genitally mutilated, adding that many have failed to seek treatment for fear
of being arrested.

The CEC Health Michael Kibiwott, recently appealed to the girls to seek treatment in any of the health centres, saying that though the practice has been outlawed, the department will stick to its role of saving lives.

Amuke said so far, over 140 girls have been rescued from the illegal rite, some by police, others ran away, and there are those whose parents frisked them away.

He is therefore appealing for support through the provision of basic needs like soap, food, and clothing, saying the majority ran away with only the clothes they were wearing.

He said a rescue centre established by the AIC church has been overwhelmed as it can only cater for 50 girls, adding that those at the St. Kizito Catholic Church also needed assistance as there was no prior provision for them.

The director said most of the girls were sleeping on cartons with no bedding in a place where temperatures are quite low, given that it is next to a forest.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Mombasa Marks Jamhuri Fete With A Focus On Youth Empowerment

Youth in Mombasa have been urged to use digital platforms and modern trends in technology to nurture and expose their talents as a way to divert them from the temptations of joining criminal gangs.

Speaking during Jamhuri Day Celebrations in Likoni Sub-County, Mombasa County Commissioner (CC) Abdirisack Jaldesa said that he was impressed by various creative contents displayed by youths during the entertainment session for the attendants, noting that it is a positive move to nurture creativity into a form of livelihood.

Mombasa County Commissioner Abdirisack Jaldesa (Second R) joins youth from Likoni in a jig during the Jamhuri Day celebrations in Likoni Sub-County, Mombasa. Photo by Andrew Hinga.

Jaldesa said that it is high time for young people to explore their talents, sit down together, and brainstorm on how they can go a level further through the use of technology.

‘It is not good for the youth to engage in drugs and criminal activities. Our young people possess diverse talents, but they need to be
given a chance and a platform to nurture those talents,’ he added.

This year’s Jamhuri Day theme is ‘Youth, Creative Economy, and Sports Personality.’ The CC has stressed the government’s motive and determination to offer a helping hand to those who want to explore the creative industry further.

He added that the government does not discriminate against its people and gives various opportunities to vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and elderly people.

He said plans are underway to ensure village elders who are working closely with chiefs and assistant chiefs to enhance security in villages are rewarded by the government.

He noted that their role in the community is recognised and appreciated, urging them to continue providing a helping hand during this festive season where visitors are expected for the holidays.

He further assured tourists coming for the Christmas and New Year holidays that the county is safe and that the security personnel are vigilant.

The CC said the national government has
rolled out projects in Likoni sub-county, such as Dongo Kundu bypass and the Special Economic Zones, that are aimed at generating jobs for the locals.

He advised those who have been listed for compensation that they will be sorted fairly as money for compensation has been set aside.

‘My advice to you is that when you get the money, let us sit down with our families and plan well. To those who will be given land as compensation, let us use it wisely,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Outcry Over Increasing Teenage Pregnancies In Laikipia

Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu has decried the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the county, saying men found to have impregnated underage girls risk long jail terms in prison.

Irungu noted the county was among those with the highest cases of underage pregnancies, mostly witnessed by the pastoral communities.

Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu (left) and area County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri join Pokot traditional dancers during celebrations to mark Jamhuri day at Ol Moran Trading Centre on December 12, 2023. Photo by Martin Munyi

Speaking during Jamhuri Day celebrations held at the Ol Moan Trading Centre, Irungu noted that the high number of underage pregnancies was giving a bad image to the county.

‘You go to our maternity facilities, and you find young mothers who have given birth, some as young as nine to 13 years,’ Governor Irungu said.

Irungu also spelt out his government’s achievements since taking office over a year ago, noting improvements in the health sector. He has seen the equipping of th
e Nyahururu Mother and Child Hospital to ease congestion at the maternity wing.

He added that plans were underway to put up a dispensary in every sub-location in the county, thus ensuring Universal Health Coverage for all residents.

The governor further revealed that his government had started supplying soya seeds to local farmers for planting as one way of changing the local perception that they could only grow maize.

Laikipia County Commissioner (CC) Joseph Kanyiri put on notice rustlers, whom he said were still terrorising locals, that the government would use all its machinery to curb the vice.

‘The government will come after those illegal guns and deal ruthlessly with cattle rustlers; we cannot have a few guns in the wrong hands which these criminals are using to distract peace in the name of stock theft,’ said the CC.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Finance Law 2024: sharper competitive edge over Turkish products

The Finance Law adopted last December 10 by the Assembly of People’s Representatives and promulgated by the President of the Republic provides for exceptional tariff measures targeting a number of imported products from Turkey.

The article which provides for these specific measures was adopted with 136 votes. Exceptional tariff measures will be applied to several Turkish products on a period of three years starting January 1, 2024. They will be gradually waived in the two years that will follow their implementation.

The Ministry of Trade and Export Development and its Turkish counterpart signed last December 3 in Istanbul a decision by the Tunisian-Turkish Partnership Council which provides for reviewing the free trade agreement.

The agreement was inked by Minister Kalthoum Ben Rejeb and Turkish Trade Minister Ömer BOLAT. Three main measures were included in the accord in relation mainly to drawing up a list of agricultural and industrial products and the promotion of Turkish investments in Tunisia.

involves industrial products with like products made locally. Customs duties, 0% currently, will be raised to a rate ranging betweenn 27% and 37.5% (75% of duties applied under national law, that is standard tariffs under the most-favoured-nation clause).

For agricultural produce, the agreement provides for unilateral concessions to increase Tunisian exports to Turkey under annual duty-free quotas.

The third decision provides for more Turkish investments in Tunisia and the holding of a Tunisian-Turkish investment forum to help Turkish economic operators familiarise with investment opportunities and projects in Tunisia .

Tunisia’s trade deficit in the first ten months of 2023 amounted to TND 15, 856.6 million, including TND -2,807.7 million with Turkey. Tunisia’s imports from this country fell 23%, National Institute of Statistics figures in November 2023 show.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Sell 55pc Stake In Mwea Rice Mills To Farmers-Waiguru

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has asked the National Government to allow rice farmers to buy the Mwea Rice Mills (MRM) when it is offered for privatisation.

Waiguru said farmers own 45 percent of MRM, so it is only logical that they are given the priority to buy 55 per cent of the national government’s stake in the facility.

The governor said the county government would help the farmers acquire the shares of the national government so that they could run the factory.

Speaking during Jamhuri Day celebrations at Good Samaritan Secondary School grounds in Mutithi, Mwea, the governor said, ‘By owning the mill, the farmers will operate and manage it as a profit-making venture, providing an avenue for the farmers to gain economic independence. As a county, we will make sure that any agreements made will leave our rice farmers more empowered and not feeling disenfranchised.’

Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru and County Commissioner Naiyoma Tombiko during Jamhuri Day celebrations in Mwea sub-county. Photo by Davi
d Wandeto

The governor accused a section of local politicians of using the MRM privatisation issue as a 2027 campaign tool instead of offering advice to farmers to strategically position themselves to buy the facility.

She asked farmers to organise themselves and join rice cooperatives to pull resources together and buy the facility.

Waiguru said the farmers stand to reap more by supporting the initiative by the government to make the rice mills self-sustaining and profit-making facilities.

‘It is, therefore, my duty to advise the farmers to position themselves strategically to take up the offer to buy government shares when that time comes,’ she said.

She has urged Kenyans to continue supporting President William Ruto’s efforts towards the recovery of the economy.

Waiguru said the country is on the right path, and soon it will be out of the woods.

While using an analogy, Waiguru likened the country’s economy to a patient admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) whose transition through the HDU, the g
eneral ward, and eventually recovery is normally painful and long, but in the end, the results are seen when the patient is discharged from the hospital after full recovery.

‘We are well aware of the high cost of living; however, I assure you that we are on the right path, and soon we will be out of the woods. I encourage all of us to have faith that the Kenya Kwanza will shortly get this country on its growth path again,’ she said.

To help Kirinyaga coffee farmers effectively participate in the Nairobi Coffee Exchange (NCE), Waiguru said the county government will support Kirinyaga Slopes Coffee Brokerage Company Limited with Sh. 50 million to construct warehouses for grading coffee.

Waiguru said the support will help boost the capacity of the company so that it can handle all the coffee produced by farmers.

The governor said that Kirinyaga has been one of the fastest-growing counties under devolution and expressed her commitment to the implementation of ‘Mountain Cities Blue Print 2032.’

Source: Ken
ya News Agency

Kébili-Elections: Two candidates in South Douz and North Kébili kick off their campaigns

Candidates Taoufik Ben Boubaker in the localities of South Nouil (South Douz) and Zakia Dhouibi in El Mansoura (North Kébili) kicked off their campaigns, on Tuesday, for the local elections of December 24.

Candidate Taoufik Ben Boubaker promised, in case of victory, to speed up the construction of a health complex as part of a Tunisian-Kuwaiti partnership and the rehabilitation of road infrastructure.

He told TAP that his programme focuses on building a health center in Nouil and a post office as well as sorting out the situation of state agricultural operations.

Candidate Zakia Dhouibi pledged to help with the construction of a water pumping station in Chott El Djérid, the creation of a national date office and the completion of the tourist project in Oued El Ghriq.

In the governorate of Tozeur, two candidates are vying for a seat in the local council of South Nouil in South Douz while five candidates are in the race to win a seat in the local council of El Mansoura in North Kébili.
Source: Agence Tunis
Afrique Presse

State Intensifies Relief Efforts In Flood-Hit Areas

The government has intensified relief food distribution efforts in Migori County to help those who are currently affected by floods.

Migori County is one of the 38 counties declared by the state to be within the ‘alarm stage’ in the wake of heavy rains across the country.

Speaking on Monday during the relief food distribution to the 1,542 affected families in Angugo Village, North Kadem-Nyatike Sub County, Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu said that the government will continue to support those affected by floods with foodstuffs and other necessities like blankets, mosquito nets, and mattresses.

Some of the floods affected families receiving relief food at Angugo Village-North Kadem-Nyatike Sub County. Photo by Geoffrey Makokha

So far, 26 schools in Nyatike Sub County have been affected by the floods, and according to Machogu, the Ministry will continue to monitor the schools to assess their status before the school calendar resumes in January.

He also promised the parents that the government
was doing all it could to ensure that National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) monies were released in time to cushion those students who rely on scholarships and bursaries from the CDF kitty.

Machogu also affirmed that the government has so far employed 56,750 teachers and added that the state will continue to employ more teachers next year to reduce the teacher-student ratio gap and streamline the education sector.

Migori County Commissioner David Gitonga promised that the government would keep supporting the affected flood victims across the county, urging the residents to take the necessary precautions to avoid deaths and personal harm.

Gitonga also said that the dykes along the Kuja River will continue to be monitored, as well as those of the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme, to evade any possible floods in the lower Nyatike area.

Early this month, one person died when a boat carrying six miners capsized in the river Migori at Matanda, while five others perished at Aneko Beach in Nyat
ike constituency in flood-related incidents.

Last month, the county government also issued foodstuffs, medical supplies, and household equipment to those affected by floods in Konyango, Kabuto, and Modi villages in the Nyatike constituency.

The CS was accompanied by Uriri Member of Parliament Mark Nyamita, Rongo MP Paul Abuor, and Suba South MP Caroli Omondi.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Candidate for Halfaouine local elections pledges to create civic enterprise to tackle youth unemployment

The electoral programme of Ouessim Grira, candidate for the Halfaouine constituency in the Bab Souika delegation, is based on three pillars: social, economic and sports/culture, with several proposals adapted to the realities of the region and the concerns of its inhabitants, he told TAP.

Ouessim Grira, a 23-year-old children’s football coach, is one of the three candidates for Bab Souika’s local council.

He is committed to promoting equality for all residents of the area, focusing on priority social situations and actively seeking to integrate people with disabilities into the process of social justice.

Grira is proposing the creation of a social enterprise with a social mission to tackle youth unemployment and organise work in the Halfaouine market.

Priority will be given to local residents to work in a structured framework, he added, as he promised to set up a weekly producer-to-consumer market to streamline sales operations.

Grira stresses the need to support the economic engagement of hard-working
women in order to protect them from any form of exploitation.

In the field of culture and sport, the Halfaouine candidate stresses the need to intensify sporting events, both individual and team, in order to provide better guidance for young people. He is in favour of developing and revitalising cultural and sporting spaces in order to protect young people from delinquency and deviance.

The Bab Souika delegation comprises 11 localities, including Tronjah, Bab El Khadhra, Bab Saadoun, Borj Zwara, Bab LSassal, Halfaouine, Bab Souika, Bab Sidi Abdessalam, Zaouia El Bokria, Hammam Remimi and Sidi Djebali.

Eleven candidates are standing in the municipal elections, including two candidates with disabilities who were selected through a sorting process.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse