Government To Construct Malaba – Eldoret Highway To Boost Business

The government has prioritized the building of the Malaba-Eldoret highway as a legacy project to enhance its trade to boost revenue collection beyond Sh7 billion at Malaba One Stop Border Point OSBP.

The project aims to ease traffic congestion, improve efficiency, and increase revenue generated through the Malaba border crossing.

Speaking at Malaba after attending a funds drive, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, noted that Malaba OSBP remains significant to the government owing to the revenue it generates annually.

‘The Malaba Border is the second busiest border crossing in Africa, serving more than seven countries. It plays a crucial role in facilitating trade and cross-border movements, and the construction of the highway is a strategic move to enhance connectivity and economic growth in the region,’ said Wetangula.

The project aligns with the government’s commitment to expanding key transportation networks to accommodate the increasing volume of trade and travel.

Wetangula added that survey
and construction works will commence in two months as the President Dr. William Ruto had already approved the commencement of the project.

His sentiments were echoed by the Member of Parliament for Teso North, Oku Kaunya, who noted that in the past month alone over 20 boda boda riders have lost their lives between Amagoro and Malaba OSBP.

‘The current state of the Malaba – Eldoret Highway poses significant risks to motorists, and accidents are a frequent occurrence. The construction of the highway is a crucial step in improving road safety and reducing the number of accidents along this busy highway,’ he said.

Kaunya wants the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) to increase the number of bumps and road signs to mitigate overspending and overlapping which have been cited as leading contributors to accidents along the highway.

Their statement comes barely two weeks after the Senate committee on trade visited the Busia and Malaba OSBPs on a fact-finding mission on how the government could improve on it
s efficiency in maintaining its trade partners.

‘The economic benefits of the Malaba border are huge. By investing in the dual carriageway, we are not only ensuring smoother transportation but also unlocking greater economic potential. We will not only improve transportation efficiency but also create a more conducive environment for trade, which will undoubtedly contribute to an increase in revenue,’ emphasized Busia Senator Okiya Omtata.

The proposed dual carriageway is expected to facilitate the seamless movement of goods and people across borders, reducing delays and enhancing overall trade efficiency.

Leaders anticipate that the construction of the dual carriageway will not only facilitate smoother traffic flow but also enhance safety on the route.

As the government takes this bold step to boost infrastructure, leaders and citizens alike look forward to the positive impacts the construction of the Malaba – Eldoret Highway will bring to the local economy and transportation network.
Source: Kenya News

Siliana local elections: Candidate Hajer Amri argues for promotion of “culture of responsibility” among elected representatives

The campaign for the local elections in the Siliana governorate continues.

On Monday, Hajer Amri, candidate for the Makthar South constituency (Makthar delegation), distributed leaflets to citizens to explain her electoral programme, while Heykel Boubakri, candidate for the Borj Messaoudi North constituency (el-Krib delegation), chose to communicate directly with citizens.

In a statement to TAP, candidate Hajer Amri stressed that she would work to promote “a culture of responsibility and accountability” among members of the local council, seek sponsorship and financial support for the Makthar sports club, and motivate young people to participate in social and political life.

She promised to improve and develop public services, beautify the city, help needy and low-income families, create space to better organise public transport stations and increase the budget for the Maktaris International Festival.

For his part, candidate Heykel Boubakri told TAP that he would do his utmost to provide drinking water a
nd carry out public works such as asphalting roads and creating agricultural tracks, as well as developing school transport, supporting low-income families and helping farmers.

Candidates Nabil Marzouki in the Makthar North constituency, Hamza Bougherra in the Sayar constituency and Sihem Aouissi in the Sind Haddad constituency could not be contacted.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

NTSA Urges Drivers To Be Cautious On The Road

National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) in partnership with the traffic department and Kirinyaga driving schools’ Association have launched a sensitization campaign in a bid to educate road users to comply with traffic rules

The campaign is set to create awareness, especially among boda boda operators who have been accused of failing to adhere to traffic rules which has been attributed to road carnage in the area.

NTSA regional coordinator Lerite Murkuku says that many accidents reported are caused by careless motorcycle riders who overspeed and overlap without caring about other road users.

He wants boda boda operators to ensure that they enhance and adhere to road safety rules of stopping and giving way, not overspeeding, and ensure that they respect other road users.

‘We are going to be on the road to make sure our roads are safe, the traffic officers will enhance strict adherence to traffic rules during the festive season as it is prone to accidents due to the high number of people traveling,’
he said

He called on Kenyans to stop driving while drunk especially PSV drivers who are always in a rush to get more money during festive seasons.

Kirinyaga Driving Schools’ Association Patron David Machere says that all driving schools have joined hands to ensure that there is proper training, especially on boda boda operators to reduce road accidents in the county.

Machere challenged the operators to ensure they undergo proper training since most of them do not have licenses and they pose a threat to other road users.

‘There is a need for all stakeholders to come out and promote responsible behavior of all road usage to avert road carnage,’ he said

He called on all road users to be careful during the festival session cautioning drivers not to drink and drive saying most of the road accidents are caused by human error.

Sam Munyiri one of the boda boda operators in Kutus town lauded the campaigns and called on his fellow operators to adhere to traffic rules and regulations to protect their lives and tha
t of their customers.

‘We have our own Sacco which helps us to regulate our self that is why we have fewer cases that get reported to police we also have a good relationship with our customers as well,’ he said
Source: Kenya News Agency

Local elections – El Menzah 1: candidate Hemza Ouerghi promises to improve citizens living conditions

Candidate representing El-Fath region, Jardins d’El Menzah 1 in the Tunis 2 constituency, Hemza Ouerghi, continues his electoral campaign, which was launched on December 2.

The candidate pledged to improve public services made available to citizens in the area, achieve security, build a cultural and leisure center, as well as a post office which are absent in the region.

He said that he is working in consultation with stakeholders to provide them.

He also promised to solve the transport problem by providing collective transport authorizations to locals.

Improving the social situation of the region will be his highest priority, he pointed out.

Two candidates are vying for a single seat in the local council in El-Fath constituency in the locality of El Menzah 1.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Three Bandits Gunned Down By Security Personnel In Isiolo

Three bandits were gunned down by security personnel at the Kobidertu grazing area in Kulamawe location of Garbatula sub-County, Isiolo County Sunday evening.

Isiolo County Police Commander Mr. Hassan Barua confirmed the killing saying the security officers with the help of locals also recovered 1600 goats that were stolen by the rustlers.

Mr. Barua said that the bandits believed to be from one of the neighbouring Counties were spotted by a herder who alerted National Police Reservists (NPRs) who swung into action and overpowered the criminals.

The county commander said that a multi-agency of security officers is working round the clock in tracking down the suspects and appealed to wananchi to report all criminal incidents on time.

Mr. Barua challenged herders to cooperate with the local NPRs by informing them where they graze so that police can protect their lives and property with ease.

Meanwhile, Isiolo Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Patrick Musango has assured wananchi of the government’s commitment
to crack down on criminals and their supporters without mercy.

Mr Musango said politicians should chip in and assist in exposing criminals from their communities and regions prone to rustling.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Sfax-Local elections: Candidates from Mahrès and Thyna-1 introduce their programmes to locals

The two candidates for the next local elections (December 24) on the imadas of «Mahrès» and «Thyna-1» (the constituency of Sfax-1), Mohamed Ben Hamed and Kamel Bouzrara are continuing their electoral campaign.

Candidate for the imada of Mahrès, Mohamed Ben Hamed, promised to boost investment in the region and foster job creation.

He aspires to «develop the local hospital of Mahrès, promote public and school transport and upgrade the region’s infrastructure.»

Kamel Bouzrara pledged to develop administrative work in the region and speed up the completion of the seawater desalination station in Karkour.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kwale Launches Festive Beach Safety Campaign

Kwale County government has launched a festive season beach safety campaign during the December tourist peak festive season.

The public is being urged to prioritize their safety and security as the Christmas and New Year festivities approach.

Area Governor Fatuma Achani said lifeguards would be deployed on Diani beaches and urged visitors and residents to choose safe areas to swim to prevent possible drowning.

The move comes after a seven-year-old boy from Changamwe sub-county of Mombasa drowned last week while swimming in Diani beach after he strayed deeper into the ocean.

In the last few years Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi have seen several fatalities as a result of drowning by young beachgoers

As thousands of domestic and foreign beachgoers flock to the pristine and immaculate sandy beaches the visitors are being encouraged to be updated on basic water safety precautions.

The devolved government which is spearheading the beach safety outreach program says with the expected increase in beachgoers they m
ust be updated with safety tips.

Diani Beach in Kwale is the preferred holiday destination for many Kenyans and foreign visitors and each year it receives a record number of holidaymakers arriving to savor its beautiful sandy beaches and tropical ambiance.

The resort town of Diani with its white sandy beaches has seen the South Coast town voted the best destination beach in Africa for six years in a row by the World Travel Awards.

Achani says the joyous December and New Year holidays often bring the allure of fun-filled activities around water bodies noting that children should never be left unattended near the ocean as this can prevent potential accidents.

The Governor says as visitors and locals plan outings to beaches it’s crucial to prioritize water safety to ensure the holiday season is free from accidents.

She says the public awareness safety campaign will last throughout the December and New Year festivities and is aimed at sensitizing the public visiting the beaches on safety precautions to ensur
e the safety of lives.

She said boat operators are being asked to have adequate lifesaving equipment on board and beachgoers are being advised to cease water activities by nighttime and only enjoy the sun, sand, and sea during daytime.

‘Kwale is ready to welcome holidaymakers to our beautiful, clean, and pristine beaches and we are deploying lifeguards to ensure the security of the beaches,’ she said.

She says the county government is committed to mitigating risks and promoting a safe, enjoyable beach experience for both residents and visitors.

Governor Achani says parents should be more careful on arrival at the beach, especially during the festive season when the public beaches are overcrowded.

‘Considering that thousands of tourists both domestic and foreign throng the beaches during festive seasons, the beach safety awareness campaign is aimed at sensitizing the public on safety precautions and ensuring the safety of lives,’ she said.

The coastal county boss says those thronging the beaches are furt
her encouraged to cease all water activities by 6.30 pm and keep in close contact with volunteer lifeguards deployed in all the public places.

Kwale and Mombasa have dozens of beach destinations scattered across the miles of the South and North Coast shoreline and usually teem with humanity during the Easter, Christmas, and New Year holidays.

Achani says with the increased human traffic to the beaches the devolved government has launched a safety awareness campaign that will showcase rescue techniques in case of disaster strikes.

She says beach patrols to help improve public safety will jointly be done by the county government and Beach Management Units.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Suswa Residents Benefit From Borehole Project To Increase Water Coverage

Narok County Government has launched a borehole project that aims at increasing water supply to the locals.

The borehole project cost the County Government Sh12 Million and was sunk at Ilkiragarien, Suswa Ward, Narok East Sub County.

While speaking during the launch of the project, Governor Patrick Ntutu said since the launch of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) for 2022/2023, they have sunk 38 boreholes across the County and equipped them.

Ntutu said that in Suswa where the need for water is the most pressing, they have connected 250 households to clean water through the Dry Port-Suswa Water project, one of the largest water projects in the County.

‘These efforts aimed at providing water to our people will not stop, and we are committed to continue rolling out these efforts in this new financial year,’ Ntutu said.

Consequently, Ntutu said that County water coverage has surged to 75%, a significant improvement from the initial 47 per cent.

His counterpart, Governor of Trans Nzoia County, Ge
orge Natembeya, who accompanied Ntutu during his tour in Suswa, praised the Government for addressing pressing issues that affect the residents.

Natembeya thanked the residents for electing the administration that focuses on delivering developments to the people.

The area Member of County Assembly, Nickson Kisotu, said Suswa Ward was allocated Sh100 Million for project development under the CIDP 2022/2023.

‘We saw water as the pressing issue in our ward, and we prioritized it as the major challenge affecting our residents,’ said Kisotu.

Kisotu said the borehole project will serve Ilkiragarien dispensary, Kipise High School and quench the nearby locals.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Football Fans Marvell Over 14 Years Old Center Referee Skills

Football fans in Busia County have been moved by the skills of a 14-year centre referee Collins Adenya despite his tender age.

While officiating a special match between Akobwait and visiting Kakemer FC as a centre referee, during the launch of Hon Leonard Onyondo’s cup on Sunday at Akobwait Primary School, Adenya stunned many trained referees with his whistle-handling exploits and vast knowledge of the laws of the game.

Adenya sat for the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams at Musokoto DEB Primary and obtained 253 marks out of a possible 500, and is set to join form one in 2024 in line with a 100 per cent transition.

‘I picked up the interest of becoming a referee while in standard four after understudying renowned national referees who used to officiate matches at Akowait and Kwang’amor Primary school grounds,’ noted Adenya.

With passion and experience already Adenya has earned a name in the county having been delegated the duties of centre referee in various tournaments at the scho
ol level and on the ongoing Liguru Cup at Kwang’amor Primary School grounds.

Adenya aspires to exploit his talents and become an acclaimed national and international referee, thus his passionate plea to relevant authorities to help him acquire requisite training as he also embarks on pursuing his secondary education.

‘I appeal to my fellow youths not to waste time out there doing nothing but to engage in meaningful activities like the one I am undertaking of aspiring to become a professional referee,’ Adenya said.

Hon. Onyondo, the sponsor of the Cup donated Sh 10,000 to go towards payment of Adenya’s fees when he joins Form One next year.

‘I will continue lending a helping hand on his academic progression and monitoring his progress in the field of play. We need another Maxim Itur, a former FIFA referee who hails from the area, thus the need to have Adenya trained as a referee,’ he said.

The MCA said, having watched the special match, which Kakemer won 2-0, he saw emerging talents in the young man.’ He
has mastered the laws of the game handling the match for 90 minutes without any hitches,’ he said.

He added, ‘The youthful referee knew when to caution a player and award a free kick. Most importantly, he reversed a red card and later replaced it with a yellow card. He did that with the knowledge that the law protects him to use his discretion while discharging his mandate.’

Douglas Oduor said he was the brain behind Adenya’s talent nurturing, noting that the youthful referee can go places if he is assisted by the county or national government in tapping such talents.

A teacher at Akobwait Primary School Sylvia Oliwa said Adenya’s marks can take him to form one, calling for concerted efforts to help him achieve his cherished dreams of becoming a professional referee.

Joseph Ouma said Adenya used to follow them wherever they went to officiate matches, adding that they want him to become the first referee from the Akobwait sub-location to enter into history books.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Stock market slightly dips at Monday’s close

The stock market saw a marginal decline (-0.08%) at the close of Monday’s session, settling at 8,603.86 points, with a modest trading volume of TND 2.7 million. No block transactions were reported during the session, as indicated by broker Tunisie Valeurs.

SERVICOM stock demonstrated an impressive performance, leading the market rankings. The company’s shares gained 5% to TND 0.210 in nearly stagnant trading.

SAM secured a spot among the session’s top performers. The timber specialist’s shares concluded the session with a 3.8% upswing at TND 4.3500, accumulating a trading volume of TND 65,000. It is noteworthy that the stock has experienced a remarkable surge of 55.4% since the beginning of the year.

Tawasol Group Holding, however, recorded the weakest performance of the session. The holding company’s shares dropped by 3.9% to TND 0.730, with a meagre trading volume of TND 35,000 for the session.

SOMOCER’s stock continues to disappoint in terms of market performance. The ceramics specialist’s shares decl
ined by 1.5% to TND 0.670, with a trading volume of only TND 13,000 for the session. Year-to-date, the stock shows a decline of -15.2%.

Assurances Maghrebia emerged as the volume leader in the market rankings. The insurance company’s shares recorded a 2.4% gain, reaching TND 52.790 and injecting TND 605,000 into the market.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse