Elections-El Omrane Supérieur: Candidate Hela Shili proposes to launch development projects in partnership with private and public sectors

Candidate for the local municipal elections in El Omran Supèrieur electoral district, Hela Shili, promised to launch development projects in partnership with the private and public sectors and the civil society.

Aged 41 and a civil servant at the Higher Education Ministry, the candidate dtold TAP that her electoral programme focuses on launching several local projects, namely, the creation of a modern pilot library and a waste recycling center.

It also focuses on consolidating the system of daycare centers and kindergartens.

The electoral district of El Omrane Supérieur has 13 direct candidates and 3 candidates for the seat reserved for people with disabilities

The locality also has 48,903 inhabitants. Until the end of November, the number of registered voters is 43,165.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisian-Saudi working group to develop cooperation programme in water sector

Tunisia and Saudi Arabia agreed in Riyadh (KSA) to form a joint Tunisian-Saudi working group, which would be in charge of developing an executive programme for bilateral cooperation in the water sector

According to a press release published, Thursday, by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, this agreemnt was made during the meeting held on Wednesday in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), between Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Minister Abdelmomen Belati and Saudi Minister of Environment and Agriculture Abderrahmen Fadli.

The meeting was held on the sidelines of the work of the third meeting of the Executive Council of members of the International Date Council.

Belati reiterated Tunisia’s determination to boost joint investments in the agricultural sector, referring to the projects launched by his department, including the increased use of treated wastewater in the agricultural sector, thanks to the establishment of the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the transfer of this water
from large urban areas to agricultural production regions.

The Saudi minister expressed his country’s will to launch cooperation projects with Tunisia in the agricultural sectors.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Elections-El Omrane supérieur: Candidate Ridha Mejri promises to create citizen cultural company

Local election candidate Ridha Mejri has promised to work as hard as possible to create a cultural and recreational civic enterprise. He said the project will help to find a solution to the problem of unemployment in the district, just as it will help idle young people to escape the spiral of juvenile delinquency.

Aged 45 and a technical director in a private company, the candidate told TAP Thursday, if e lected

Aged 45 and a technical director in a private company, the candidate told TAP agency Thursday that, if elected, he will work with the local council team to further strengthen control over municipal action, with the aim of making the services provided to citizens more effective and efficient, and ensuring that these services are widely accessible to all neighbourhoods in the El Omrane supérieur district.

Candidate Ridha Mejri has also pledged to make every effort to identify ways and means of employing the unemployed, particularly university graduates, and to work towards integrating them into the
region’s economic circuit through the launch of small and medium-sized projects, so as to help boost development and growth in the region.

The electoral district of El Omrane Supérieur has 13 direct candidates and 3 candidates for the seat reserved for people with disabilities (applications subject to a draw).

The locality also has a population of 4,8903. Up to the end of November, the number of registered voters was 43,165. The electoral register will continue to be updated on 8 December.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

African Startup Conference: Tunisia attends meeting of African digitisation and startup ministers in Algiers

Tunisia is attending a meeting of African digitisation and startup ministers as part of the second edition of the African Startup Conference in Algiers (December 5-7)

The Tunisian delegation is made up of more than 150 participants, including 50 startups operating in such areas as smart agriculture, e-commerce, smart industry, smart transport, financial technologies, artificial intelligence and over 20 experts in entrepreneurship and innovation. This in addition to 5 business incubators and support structures.

The Tunisian stand, which extends over 140 m2, displays innovative digital products and offers the opportunity to enter into partnerships with various African startups and financing agencies, the Communication Technologies Ministry said.

Tunisia is represented at this meeting by Minister Nizar Ben Neji; The event, attended by 34 African countries, is part of endeavours to scale up cooperation in innovation, entrepreneurship and startups.

The meeting discussed ways to foster an efficient partnership
to boost the sector and make of it a top priority for economic development in African countries.

A common strategy to give a boost to African startups and address migration took centre stage, in addition to mechanisms to secure internal startup financing, such as the creation of an African fund agency.

Ben Neji said African governments need to adopt some measures to put in place an ecosystem conducive to the development of startups. This includes the creation of business incubators to provide financial and technical support to entrepreneurs and making available an advanced digital infrastructure to upgrade products and services.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Ariana-IRIE: Meeting on “impartiality of places of worship” during elections

A meeting on the “impartiality of places of worship” was held on Thursday in Ariana, in the presence of representatives of the Independent Regional Authority for Elections (IRIE) and imams from the region.

The meeting took place in the context of preparations for the upcoming local elections scheduled for the December 24. Participants stressed the need to keep places of worship away from partisan political manipulation.

They also emphasised the need to avoid speeches based on defamation and attacks on individuals, institutions and organisations.

The meeting was also attended by the Regional Director of Elections in Ariana, the officer in charge of legal affairs and campaign monitoring, and the representative of the Regional Directorate of Religious Affairs in Ariana.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

4th tranche of 2023 national bond issue: TND 1,214.8 million raised [Upd 1]

Tunisia has managed to raise TND 1,214.8 million for the fourth tranche of the 2023 national bond issue, thus exceeding the amount initially set at TND 700 million, i.e. a response rate of 173%, Managing Director of Tunisie Clearing Maher Zouari told TAP on Thursday.

The amounts subscribed between November 27 and December 5, 2023 have come from stock market intermediaries and banks, with subscription rates of 71% and 29%, respectively, he added.

He pointed out that category B (a 7-year repayment period) raised 956.3 MD, accounting for 78.7% of the total amount of the fourth tranche of the national bond issue for 2023.

Subscriptions for a 10-year term (category C) drew TND 255.8 million, or 21.1% of the total amount.

The “A” category (reserved for subscriptions by individuals) raised TND 2.7 million, i.e. 0.2% of the total amount of the fourth tranche of the 2023 bond issue.

The Treasury succeeded in raising TND 1.024 billion for the third tranche of the 2023 national bond issue, exceeding the amount ini
tially set at TND 700 million, i.e. a response rate of 146%.

In September 2023, Maher Zouari stated that 79% of this tranche had been raised by stock market intermediaries and 21% by banks.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis 2 local elections: Candidate Ahmed Jenidi promises to create a municipality in El Omrane Supérieur

Ahmed Jnidi Bachta, a candidate in the local elections for the El Omrane Supérieur district (Tunis 2), said that if he is elected, his priority will be to set up a municipality.

His primary objective is to work with other members of the local council to improve the living conditions of the local population.

The 70-year-old candidate, a former civil servant in the Ministry of Education, told TAP that a local hospital and social security offices are needed to provide services close to the citizens.

The total number of candidates for the local elections in El Omrane Supérieur is 16, including 13 direct candidates and 3 candidates for the seat reserved for people with disabilities (candidates through sortition).

The district has a population of 48,903. By the end of November, the number of registered voters was 43 165. The electoral register will be updated on December 8.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Health minister visits Palestinian wounded in Tunis hospitals, recommends proper care

Health Minister Ali Mrabet visited the orthopaedic surgery departments of the Charles Nicolle University Hospital and La Rabta University Hospital in Tunis on Wednesday evening.

This visit aimed to assess the condition of Palestinians injured during the Zionist aggression on Gaza, according to a statement issued by the ministry on Thursday evening.

During the visit, the minister examined the conditions of the injured Palestinians and recommended proper care for them. He also visited the maternity ward at the Charles Nicolle Hospital to inspect the working conditions and advised on the timely use of the new section.

The Minister also met with medics and paramedics at La Rabta Hospital, as well as the continuity team, to listen to their professional concerns and praise their efforts to provide health services to citizens.

President Kais Saied had visited the wounded Palestinians, victims of the aggression on Gaza, in several public hospitals and private clinics last Sunday.

A military plane had arrived in
Tunisia on Sunday 3 December with Palestinian wounded from the aggression on Gaza to be treated in public clinics and hospitals.

During a meeting at the Carthage Palace with Minister of Health, Ali Mrabet, the Minister Advisor to the President of the Republic, Mustapha Ferjani, and the President of the Tunisian Red Crescent, Abdellatif Chabou on November 29, President Saied affirmed that the reception of Palestinian brothers in Tunisia reflects the will of the Tunisian people. He stressed that solidarity is not just a statement but a concrete action.

President Saied recommended the continuation of the airlift of aid provided by the Tunisian people to their Palestinian brothers through the Tunisian Red Crescent.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Local elections (Sfax 1): three candidates start campaigning

Three candidates for December 24 local elections got their campaign off the ground in Sfax 1.

The candidate of El Hzag community, Jebeniana, opted for direct contact with citizens in El Houaida and Ouled Mansour.

Drinking water supply and the creation of an industrial zone top the candidate’s electoral platform.

His fellow candidate pledged to make of the region an attractive investment location and promote healthcare services.

Women’s employability was the main pledge of another candidate along with social secuity benefiots for low-income households.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Siliana-local Elections: Two candidates launch campaigns in El Krib and Kesra

Candidates for the local elections Moez Nefouti and Mohamed Ali Belgacem in the localities of Dokhania (El Krib delegation) and Kesra (Kesra delegation) on Wednesday launched their election campaigns.

Nefouti told TAP that his electoral programme focused on supporting farmers and low-income families and setting up leisure facilities for young people in his region.

Mohamed Ali Belgacem underlined that his priorities include the regularisation of forest land, the provision of drinking water and electricity to some neighbourhoods and the construction of a multi-disciplinary sports hall.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse