Local Elections – Tunis 2: Candidate Wafa Barakati calls on people to turn out to vote

Candidate for the local elections in the Ettahrir 1 constituency Wafa Baraketi Debki pointed out that she is working during her election campaign to convince voters to turn out at the polls on December 24 to elect their local representatives.

The candidate told TAP on Thursday that she had begun her campaign by distributing leaflets in the public areas of Ettahrir 1, adding that she is in direct contact with citizens on a daily basis to explain her electoral programme.

Baraketi undertook to complete the implementation of pending projects, including the construction of a basic health centre in Ettahrir, a sports stadium in El Hadika and an integration centre for people with disabilities.

Four candidates are running in the Ettahrir 1 constituency, part of the Ettahrir delegation (Tunis 2).

The delegation comprises 5 constituencies with a total of 11 candidates vying for seats in the local elections.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kef-Local Elections: Two candidates in Zitouna and South Oued Erramal launch campaigns

The development of the agricultural and public health sectors are at the top of the agenda for candidates in the forthcoming local elections, Slaheddine Jemiai and Makrem Mahfoudhi in the constituencies of Zitouna in the delegation of Nebeur and south-Oued Erramal (governorate of Kef).

Candidate Salaheddine Jemiai, a farmer, said that the priority of his electoral programme is to develop the agricultural sector in the region, notably field crops, animal husbandry and fruit trees, and to upgrade agricultural infrastructure and review the farmers’ debts.

Mohamed Ali Hamouda also considered the development of the agricultural sector, the driving force behind economic activities in the region, as a priority, underlining the need to set up mechanisms to encourage investment in the Nebeur constituency.

He also pointed to the need to improve the public health sector, “which no longer meets the aspirations of the local population,” to provide a better quality of services.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Jendouba-Local Elections: Candidates in Gardimaou and Ain Draham present their programmes

Candidates in the constituencies of El Mrasen and Erraka in Gardimaou and Ouled Sedra in Ain Draham on Wednesday began their campaign for the December 24 local elections.

Candidate Taieb Graidi, representing the locality of Mrasen in Gardimaou, which is home to over 6,000 inhabitants, undertook to speed up the implementation of infrastructure projects and to provide farmers with the irrigation equipment needed for farming, in addition to fitting out spaces for children and young people.

Candidate Chaker Bchini for the constituency of Ouled Sedra in Ain Drahem (population over 4,000) promised to endeavour to upgrade road and school infrastructure, improve healthcare at the local medical facility and encourage olive-growing.

Candidate Monia Harzi, representing the Erraka imada in Gardimaou (population over 3,000), said that her programme is based on improving access to services, upgrading road infrastructure and encouraging young people to invest in the agricultural and tourism sectors.

Source: Agence Tu
nis Afrique Presse

Gafsa-Elections: candidates of Belkhir delegation introduce their programmes to citizens

Finding effective solutions to water cuts and linking the region to the drinking water network represented the main points in the electoral programmes of two candidates, Walid El Metakl and Wadi Saed, in the El Ayaicha locality of the Belkhir delegation (governorate of Gafsa).

They promised to defend farmers’ rights so that they could obtain permits to drill their water wells.

They also pledged to highlight the region’s strong potential in order to attract investors.

Both candidates insist on the need to set up a dispensary in El Ayaicha and make public services more accessible to the locals.

Candidate Walid El Metakl expressed commitment to sort out the situation of collective agricultural lands while candidate Wadi Saed stressed the need to creating representative local councils which would be in charge of implementing local and regional development plans.

The Belkhir delegation has 19 candidates, including three women, spread across six electoral districts.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Local elections-Tunis 1: Campaign launched in El Kabaria and El Ouardia

Candidates for the local elections in El Mourouj 2, Kabaria delegation, Adel Ben Béchir Azzabi, and in Sidi Hassine, El Ouardia delegation, kicked off their campaigns to present their electoral programmes, notably through direct contact with citizens and the distribution of leaflets.

Azzabi focused his programme on renovating the car market and extending it by 10 hectares, setting up a business centre, launching a trade zone, upgrading the infrastructure and improving the sewage system.

Candidate Omar Chaker told TAP that his priorities are to create a park in Sidi Hassine, restore the mausoleum of Sidi Belhassen Chedly, set up youth centres and recruit regular medical teams for the region.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Rainy and temporarily stormy weather on Friday afternoon

Scattered and temporarily stormy rains are expected on Friday, December 8, 2023 in the north and western regions, then will gradually hit the rest of the regions nationwide on Friday night and Saturday morning.

These rains will sometimes be intense in the governorates of Jendouba, Béjà and Bizerte where the quantities will generally vary, between 20 and 40 mm and will locally reach 70 mm with hail in places.

The rains will continue on Saturday December 9, in the north and eastern regions and will be temporarily stormy and locally intense in the far northwest and southeast.

A strong to very strong wind with a speed of 60 to 80 km/h and temporarily reaching 100 km/h will blow near the northern coasts and on the heights.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

FM Ammar holds talks with Romania’s Deputy PM

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar held a meeting on Thursday with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs of Romania Catalin-Marian PREDOIU, as part of his official visit to Romania.

An exchange of views took place on a number of regional and international issues of common interest, particularly «the catastrophic and unprecedented situation in the occupied Palestinian territories,» said a Ministry press release.

In this regard, the FM recalled the constant position of Tunisia in favour of the recovery of the rights of the Palestinian people and the immediate cessation of the massacre of innocent civilians.

The two ministers also highlighted the traditional relations between Tunisia and Romania, as part of the celebration of the sixtieth observance of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss security and migration cooperation.

The two Ministers noted that the partnership between
Tunisia and the European Union, which dates back to 1995, has been reaffirmed by a new dynamic. This has given a new impetus to the diversified and comprehensive cooperation between the two sides, through the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding dated July 16 2023, which includes 05 interdependent and closely linked pillars.

FM Nabil Ammar is currently on an official visit to Romania on December 7 and 8, aiming to strengthen diplomatic ties and address critical issues of mutual concern.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ISIE adopts a series of decisions related to elections

The Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) adopted, during its meeting on Thursday, a series of decisions related to elections.

The first decision focuses on developing the rules of the draw for candidates with disabilities

The second decision amends and supplements decision no. 30/2014 dated September 8, 2014 related to the rules and procedures for voting and counting ballots.

The third decision relates to the rules and procedures for counting and announcing the results.

The conditions for accreditation of representatives of candidates and parties concerned by participation in the referendum campaign are explained in the fifth decision of the ISIE.

The meeting was attended by ISIE President Farouk Bouasker, Vice-President Mohamed Naoufel and Council members Mohamed Tlili Mnasri, Najla Abrougui, Aymen Boughattas, Mahmoud el Waer and Belgacem Ayachi.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Local elections: Over 820,000 update operations recorded

The Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) recorded, until Wednesday, over 820,000 update operations, said ISIE President, Farouk Bouasker, adding that this number could be reviewed upwards as the updating period continues until Friday.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, following the meeting of the council of the electoral body, Bouasker underlined that 2 million 600 thousand Tunisians checked the polling center through the application provided for this purpose, specifying that this service remains operational until the voting day.

ISIE Spokesperson Mohamed Tlili Mansri said that «no serious electoral violations have been made until today, yet there only minor offenses.»

Regarding the slow pace of electoral campaigns, Mansri explained that these elections take place in small constituencies and most candidates have opted for direct contact with citizens.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Forum of Democratic Forces will soon unveil its ‘road map’ of reforms

General Coordinator of the Soumoud Coalition, Houssem Hami said that the Forum of Democratic Forces will soon share its own vision of the reforms to be introduced in the constitutional and socio-economic fields.

Speaking to TAP, on Thursday, the coordinator added that this vision seeks to find solutions to problems still pending as well as revive the political and intellectual life in the country.

Hami explained that the Forum has worked for months to finalize this vision through three committees created for this purpose whose mission was to discuss alternatives allowing the development of an economic programme that breaks with the old model still in force.

On the political level, Hami stressed that the forum will work to alert the public opinion to the dangers of undermining freedoms as well as attempts to marginalize the role of civil society and parties.

The Forum plans to consolidate partnership with the active forces with which it shares a number of positions, visions and perceptions, noting in this
regard a convergence of views between the Forum of Democratic Forces and the Coordination of Forces Progressive Democrats on certain issues, such as local elections and the economic situation, the status of human rights and the Palestinian cause.

In addition to the Soumoud Coalition, the forum brings together the National Observatory for the Defense of State Civility, the Tunisian Association of Rights and Liberties, the Women and Leadership Association, the Socialist Party, the Social and Socio-democrat Path Party, Afaq Tounes, the social-liberal party as well as a number of national figures.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse