Parliament recommends granting credits to national producers

Luanda – National Assembly (AN) has recommended the Executive to adopt faster mechanisms for granting credit to national producers of essential goods.

The recommendation is expressed in the Report on the Execution Balance of the Second Quarter of the General Budget of the State 2021 (OGE).

The document was appreciated Friday during a meeting of the Commissions for Economy and Finance, Constitutional and Legal Affairs and State Administration and Local Power of the Parliament.

The specialised commissions also recommended the distribution of agricultural inputs, irrigation equipment, rehabilitation and construction of small and medium irrigation schemes, in the regions affected by the drought, as part of Combat Hunger and Poverty Programme.

Inflation control

Parliament wants the Government to exercise strict control over inflation, under the Memorandum on Stabilisation of Food Prices and Increase in Supply, as well as to carry on the fiscal consolidation process, with a view to ensuring balance and the recovery of Public Finances.

The meeting also recommended the need to continue including people in income-generating activities, such as actions to promote micro-credit, construction and operation of social infrastructure, social action in municipalities and social provision to needy families in vulnerability situations.

Increase in revenue

The MPs also expressed the need to encourage an increase in diamond revenue, taking into account the volume of investment that the sector has been registering.

The document encourages the Government to rigorously monitor revenue collection and expenditure execution, carried out by provincial governments and municipal administrations, in order to provide balance in the management of the treasury.

The AN also wants the Executive to give priority to the completion of existing works and the rehabilitation of the country’s main road axes, as part of the implementation of the Public Investment Programme (PIP), as well as actions aimed at strengthening the fight against crime. economic, financial and corruption.


As part of the principle of transparency and good governance, the Parliament recommended the adoption of strict measures so that budget units comply with the deadlines for rendering accounts, especially diplomatic missions and municipal administrations.

2021 budget

The execution of the 2021 General State Budget in the second quarter stood at 22 percent, with the budget balance recording a surplus of 101.8 billion Kwanzas.

Financing revenues reached 23.68 percent of participation, the amortization of public debt represented 38 percent of total expenditure, and investments consumed 10 percent of total expenditure.

The Public Debt balance stood at 44.6 Billion Kwanzas, equivalent to USD 69 billion Dollars, comprising 94 percent of Government Debt and 6 percent of Public Companies Debt.

The Budget balance recorded a budget surplus of Kz 101.8 billion, while the financial balance recorded a positive result of Kz 832.8 billion.

Regarding the Balance Sheet, there was a significant reduction of 99.44 percent of fixed and financial assets, as well as the significant liquidation of 54.91 percent of long-term debt.

Source: Angola Press News Agency