President announces construction of new health facilities

Luanda – Angolan President João Lourenço Thursday announced plans for the construction, over the next two years, of new reference hospitals in the country.

The Head of State announced this to the press after the inauguration of the Specialised Center for the Treatment of Endemic and Pandemic Diseases located in Calumbo commune in Viana municipality (Luanda).

He said that, until next year, the Executive will start the construction of hospital units, with capacity between 100 and 200 beds.

He announced construction of general hospitals of Sumbe (coastal Cuanza Sul province) and Ndalatando (northern Cuanza Norte province).

João Lourenço spoke of plans for construction of 200-bed units in Viana, currently the largest population center in Luanda, and Cacuaco.

The Statesman also announced plans for the construction of general hospitals in the capital city of Uíge province, Dundo (Lunda Norte) and Mbanza Kongo (Zaire).

In Mbanza Kongo, he added, the construction works have already started some time ago, but they came to a halt for various reasons.

The President of the Republic also announced the construction, from scratch, of a new infrastructure for the Central Military Hospital, as the current one regularly require repair works.

In his speech, he also announced the construction of a University Hospital, as well as referring to the general hospital in Ondjiva, in Cunene, which is already under construction.

The Head of State also spoke of some municipal units under construction, as examples the cases of Cuemba (Bié) and Camanongue (Moxico).

The president assured that the great effort that has been made to improve the health sector will continue, not only in terms of infrastructure but also in human being, (…) to ensure better functioning.

“We are not going to give up on our concern to offer better social services to our population, including the provision of health services, education, as well as energy and drinking water”, he concluded.

Source: Angola Press News Agency