President Saied and PM discuss government’s work, agenda of next Cabinet meeting

President Kais Saied met with Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani at Carthage Palace on Monday afternoon. The meeting discussed the progress of the government’s work over the past few days and the agenda of the next cabinet meeting.

During the meeting, it was stressed that all officials should be held accountable if they violate the duties assigned to them by law. “In addition to the deliberate disruption of a number of projects, even the issuing of a marriage contract or a funeral permit has been reported,” the presidency said in a statement.

The President of the Republic recommended that each minister be held fully accountable for the implementation of the law and that “the administration be cleaned up at all levels of those who have infiltrated it or work for the benefit of retrograde forces that only harm the citizens.”

In this context, the President of the Republic concluded that “today it is no longer acceptable to wait, because it is useless to talk about rights that are hardly enforced.”

On the other hand, the President of the Republic stressed the need to continue joint operations to combat monopolies, illegal speculation and price increases, which cannot go unpunished.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse