Profile of the head of CASA-CE list

Luanda – Here is the profile of the head of CASA-CE’s list for the general elections on 24 August.


Manuel Fernandes, 50, was born in Quitexe on 8 February 1982, in Uige province.



Due to the political context in Uige, in the 80’s, he left his homeland to Luanda, settling in Cazenga, where he continued his studies from grade 5 to 7 at the 1 de Junho, Óscar Ribas and Angola e Cuba Schools.




In 1989, he enrolled in the Ngola Kiluange school, where he finished grade 8, and was transferred to the Karl Marx school and then to IMEL, in 1995 where he completed the high course in Accounting and Management.




However, his political vein emerged years before, in 1993, at the invitation of a friend.



Although he was fond of the Democratic Forum and had been lobbied by the Angolan Workers’ Youth Party (PAJOCA), ‘Nelo’, as he is affectionately known by those closest to him, embraced  his friend Manuel Francisco’s proposal and together they founded the Angolan Majority Free Alliance Party (PALMA).



Days after PALMA’s legalisation, on December 7, 1994, a tragedy occurred to the founding leader and he was forced to take over the leadership of the newly created political organisation.



Manuel Fernandes was also President of the POC’S Coalition, created in 1996, and 4th Vice Speaker of the National Assembly (AN) in 2019. He is currently President of CASA-CE, MP and member of the Council of the Republic.




Brief historical summary of CASA-CE




Luanda – CASA-CE was created on 3 April 2012, by six Angolan political parties, namely PADDA-AP, PALMA, PPA, PNSA, PDP-ANA and BD.



It was created with the aim of delivering citizens a new progressive and positive vision for the future of the country.



Members of the coalition are the Democratic Alliance Party for the Development of Angola – Patriotic Alliance (PADDA-AP), the Angolan Majority Free Alliance Party (PALMA), the Angolan Pacific Party (PPA), the National Party for the Salvation of Angola (PNSA) and the National Party for Progress and National Alliance of Angola (PDP-ANA).




It is the second largest Angolan opposition party, with Abel Chivukuvuku as its first President.



In 2016, the Broad Convergence for the Salvation of Angola ceased to be an electoral coalition and was converted into a political party.



CASA-CE publicly defends the values of Peace, Patriotism, Freedom, Democracy, Ethics, Legality, Solidarity, Progress and Justice. The core principles of CASA-CE are “Unity in Diversity”.



In its first participation in the general elections, held in 2012, it elected eight (8) of the 220 MPs to the National Assembly (AN), with its then leader coming third in the presidential elections.



In the last general elections, held in August 2017, CASA-CE almost doubled its vote at the national level, with 16 MPs, still under the leadership of Abel Chivukuvuku, who again came third in the presidential voting.




Ideological orientation:



It defines itself as Centre-Left, with a federalist and social democratic ideology.



Participation in elections and percentage won:



In 2012 ( 6.00% of the vote, electing eight MPs).


In 2017 ( 9.445%, with 16 MPs).



Source: Angola Press News Agency


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