Profile of the head of FNLA List

Luanda – The brothers’ party, as the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) is considered, is led by Nimi a Simbi.


Here is the candidate’s profile:



Son of Fernando Simbi and Massamba Graça, born in Bembe, Uige province, on 9 August 1951.



In 1961, he fled with his parents to Matadi, in Lower Congo (DRC), where he resumed primary education until he completed secondary school.



In Kissangani, still in DRC, he graduated in Work Psychology in 1979. He obtained a Master’s degree from the Jean Piaget University, in Luanda, in the area of Personal and Social Development.




In 1980, he joined the Ministry of Labour, first as a senior technician, and over the years he held positions such as head of sector of International Labour Relations, in the International Relations Office, head of the Department of Workforce Planning, national director of the Centre for Labour Studies, in 1985.



He was also the Ministry of Labour’s representative to the SADC, in the Manpower sector, from 1983 to 1994.



However, since his early years he dedicated himself to teaching, having lectured at ISCED in Luanda in the subjects of Deductive and Inductive Statistics.



Having been one of those responsible for the creation of the Psychology Department at the Social Sciences Faculty, at this institution he taught General Psychology, in-depth Statistical Issues, Social Intervention Programme, Psychology of Violence, among others.



Despite having kept contact with an FNLA nucleus at university, in 1974, in Kissangani (DRC), his active political career started in Luanda, in 1985, first in the clandestine committees of this party in the capital.



In 1992, with the opening of the national political panorama, and the arrival of Holden Roberto, the Conference of this political organisation took place, where he was elected member of the FNLA’s Central Committee and, later, of its Political Bureau.



He was also national Secretary for Political Affairs, in 1992. In 2004, he was appointed interim Secretary General until 2007.



After the death of the organisation’s founding leader, Holden Roberto, in 2007, the party held its Congress and he was appointed Vice-president of the organisation by Ngola Kabangu, winner of the elections.



He was a Member of Parliament by the FNLA in 2008, until the illegality of the Conclave by the Constitutional Court (TC), where he took office as party deputy, until his suspension.



At the last FNLA Congress, which took place this year, Nimi a Simbi was elected President of the political party.




Brief historical summary of the FNLA



Luanda – The National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) was founded in 1954, under the name of Union of the Populations of Northern Angola (UPNA), taking on the name Union of the Populations of Angola (UPA) in 1958.




In 1961, the UPA and another anti-colonial group, the Democratic Party of Angola (PDA), jointly established the FNLA.




With Holden Roberto as its first President, the FNLA was one of the Angolan nationalist movements during the anti-colonial war from 1961 to 1974, together with the MPLA and UNITA.



In the Angolan decolonisation process in 1974/1975, as well as in the Angolan Civil War from 1975 to 2002, it fought the MPLA alongside UNITA.



Since 1991 it has been a political party whose importance has been drastically diminishing, in light of its poor results in the legislative elections of 1992, 2008, 2012 and 2017.




Ideological guidance:




Dominated by Christian democracy and nationalism




Participation in elections and percentage won:




In 1992 (2.27%, five MPs)


In 2008 (1.11%, three MPs)


in 2012 (1.13%, two Mps)


In 2017 (0.93%, one MP).



Source: Angola Press News Agency

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