Profile of the head of PRS list


Luanda – Benedito Daniel is the president of the Social Renewal Party (PRS), Angola’s fourth largest political organisation.


Here is the candidate’s profile:



Born on 28 December 1961, in Saurimo, in the eastern province of Lunda Sul, despite his single marital status, he lives with his wife and 6 children.



He has degrees in Chemistry, Social Work and in Teaching French Language.



He has led the PRS since May 2017, when he was elected president at its IV Congress.



Throughout his career within this political party, he held, among others, the position of Secretary General of PRS until 2017.




Since 2012, he has also been a member of the National Assembly for this political organisation, of which he is its leader in Parliament.




Vice-President candidate




Rui Malopa Miguel was born on June 12, 1970, in Saurimo, Lunda Sul province.




He is the son of HorĂ¡cio Miguel and Juliana Nachili.




He attended his basic education in his hometown until 1984, when he moved to Benguela where he completed his secondary education. In 2008, he graduated in Education Sciences, in the History option, at the Agostinho Neto University.



In 1987, he started his teaching career.




He joined the PRS in 1991, in Benguela, and since then he held several positions in this political party, such municipal and provincial secretary of Benguela, the latter from 1994 to 2017.



Member of the National Committee and the Political Council of this political party, he was elected secretary-general in June 2017.



Brief historical summary of PRS




Luanda – The Social Renewal Party (PRS) was founded on 18 November 1990, and its first leader was Rui Pereira, who was followed by Eduardo Kuangana, the latter who was in charge of the party for 27 years.



It has a large support base in the eastern region of the country. In the first election held in 1992, it won six seats in the National Assembly, which increased to eight seats in 2008.




In the 2008 elections, PRS performed particularly well in the provinces of Lunda Sul and Lunda Norte.



In the 2012 elections, the party saw its bench reduced to three seats, and in the 2017 elections it was left with only two MPs.



The current president is called Benedito Daniel, its youth wing is the Youth of Social Renewal and the women’s wing is the Union of Women of Social Renewal.




Ideological guidance:




It defines itself as centre-left, with federalist and progressive ideology.




Participation in elections and percentage won:




In 1992 (2%, with six MPs)


In 2008 (3.17%, with eight MPs)


In 2012 (1.70%, with three MPs)


In 2017 (1.35%, with two MPs)



Source: Angola Press News Agency


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