SNJT calls for immediate and unconditional release of detained journalists

Tunis: The National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) has called for the “immediate and unconditional” release of imprisoned journalists pending the outcome of appeals.

In a statement issued on Monday, the union reiterated its call for the repeal of Decree-Law No. 54, which it described as “unconstitutional.” It argued for the enforcement of Decree-Law No. 115, which it described as “the only mechanism for prosecuting journalists in court”.

The SNJT condemned the systematic prosecution of journalists for their opinions, stating that such prosecutions “create an anti-democratic climate and put pressure on the media.”

The union also criticised the current regime for refusing to scrutinise public policies on pressing issues.

It accused the ruling regime of curtailing the social responsibility of the media in an electoral context that requires a minimum of transparency and openness in access to information.

Regarding trials of journalists, the union noted that Ghassen Ben Khelifa, editor-in-chief of the I
nhiyaz website, is due to appear before the Tunis Court of First Instance on Tuesday in a case brought against him under the anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering law.

The SNJT also reported that columnist Sonia Dahmani, who has been in detention since May 13, is due to appear before the investigating judge on Tuesday in connection with several cases brought against her under Decree-Law No. 54.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse