Takween: agreements to promote partnership in implementing phase 2 objectives signed

Tunis: Specific cooperation agreements were signed on Wednesday at the seat of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training by Swisscontact- the business-oriented independent foundation for international development cooperation- Tunis Office, the National Agency for Employment and self-Employment (ANETI), the Agency for Training in Tourism Trades (AFMT) and the Tunisian Association of Women Engineers.

The agreements are designed to promote partnership in implementing the objectives of the second phase of the programme Takween (training) launched as part of Tunisian -Swiss cooperation in vocational training.

This programme, the ministry said, is geared towards putting in place a new work approach in vocational training to increase the employability of high-education graduates and holders of vocational training diplomas through the gradual rollout of certified training alternately between the private and the public sectors in several specialties demanded on the labour market.

Beefed-up management capac
ities is an addiotinal target along with adopting innovative pedagogical approches that respond to the needs of the labour market in qualified staff.

Takween, which first phase runs until 2026, is centered around four integrated training routes launched under a public-private partenership to meet the needs of the labour market in such sectors as industry, agriculture, services, tourism and traditional industries.

The programme also seeks to further boost the capacities of the national system of vocational training and enhancing its attractiveness though several activities, including the organisation of the national forum of vocational training in May 2024.

Employment and Vocational Training Minister Lotfi Dhieb hailed the strong Tunisian-Swiss relations of partnership in employment and vocational training as he chaired works of Takween steering committee.

This programme is a new approach to increasing employability through a better integration into the labour market.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse