Tourism indicators in Mahdia post improvement since start of year

Hotel units in Mahdia recorded during the period from January 01 to June 30, 2023, an increase of 43.24% in overnight stays, i.e. 324,409 overnight stays, according to statistics from the local tourism authority. The occupancy rate in the region’s 29 hotels rose by 22.4%, with the average length of stay reaching 4.7 days, up 37%. During the same period, the number of tourists grew by 4.51% compared with the previous year, to 69,558 visitors. French tourists topped the list with 5,276 visitors compared with 2,731 during the first half of 2022 (an increase of 93%), followed by Germans with 6,484 visitors compared with 2,896 last year (an increase of 9.1%), and Russians with 3,694 tourists compared with 1,316 last season (up 7.1%). In terms of the number of overnight stays, German tourists took the lion’s share with 18% of all overnight stays recorded in the region since the start of the year, followed by Tunisians (17%), Czechs (12.5%), French (9.6%), Russians (9%), Poles (6.2%) and British (3%). The tourism sector plays an important role in the development of Mahdia, providing around 4,000 direct jobs and helping create an economic dynamic for other activities related notably to transport, traditional industries and catering in the region.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse