Toward revising funding ceiling for communitarian companies

The revision of the funding ceiling for communitarian companies and the setting up of a support mechanism for entrepreneurs to guarantee the required self-financing were the main points agreed at a working meeting held on Monday between Secretary of State in charge of communitarian companies Riadh Chaoued and Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS) Managing Director Khalifa Sboui.

The two sides also discussed a number of issues related to the financing of communitarian companies, according to a Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training press release.

Emphasis was laid on the need to encourage investment in promising job-creating sectors with high added value, such as renewables, cutting-edge technologies, transport and waste recovery.

It was also agreed to shorten the processing times for funding applications by communitarian companies and to organise a training day for regional directors of employment and vocational training and BTS agency managers.

The Secretary of State underlined the special nature of com
munitarian companies as a national project and a new development model requiring a specific approach, welcoming the commitment of the BTS to this project as a strategic partner of the Ministry.

For his part, the BTS Managing Director pointed out that the bank is one of the instruments supporting the efforts of the Ministry and the State in the entrepreneurship field, saying in this regard that a set of specific measures will be taken to this end, such as the launch of a toll-free number for enquiries about financing communitarian companies and the creation of a department dedicated to these companies within the bank.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Toward revising funding ceiling for communitarian companies

The revision of the funding ceiling for communitarian companies and the setting up of a support mechanism for entrepreneurs to guarantee the required self-financing were the main points agreed at a working meeting held on Monday between Secretary of State in charge of communitarian companies Riadh Chaoued and Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS) Managing Director Khalifa Sboui.

The two sides also discussed a number of issues related to the financing of communitarian companies, according to a Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training press release.

Emphasis was laid on the need to encourage investment in promising job-creating sectors with high added value, such as renewables, cutting-edge technologies, transport and waste recovery.

It was also agreed to shorten the processing times for funding applications by communitarian companies and to organise a training day for regional directors of employment and vocational training and BTS agency managers.

The Secretary of State underlined the special nature of com
munitarian companies as a national project and a new development model requiring a specific approach, welcoming the commitment of the BTS to this project as a strategic partner of the Ministry.

For his part, the BTS Managing Director pointed out that the bank is one of the instruments supporting the efforts of the Ministry and the State in the entrepreneurship field, saying in this regard that a set of specific measures will be taken to this end, such as the launch of a toll-free number for enquiries about financing communitarian companies and the creation of a department dedicated to these companies within the bank.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse