Tunisian authors Sofien Rejeb and Dorra Fazaa on IPAF 2024 longlist550 Initiates Feted In Kisii, Courtesy Of MCAs

The International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) 2024 on Thursday revealed the longlist of 16 novels in contention for the 2024 prize, including two Tunisian authors Sofien Rejeb with his novel “Reader of the Tanners’ Alley,” published by Masciliana, and Dorra Fazaa with “I hide passion,” published by Sindbad Editions.

The list has been chosen from a total of 133 books published in Arabic between July 2022 and June 2023 by a panel of five judges, chaired by Syrian writer Nabil Suleiman. Joining him are Palestinian writer, researcher and academic Sonia Nimr, Czech academic František Ondráš, Egyptian critic and journalist Mohamed Shoair, and Sudanese writer and journalist Hammour Ziada.

The novels take readers from a racecourse in 1920s Cairo, to a rare book market in Tunisia; from the ancient houses of Baghdad, to a famine in 1970s Jerusalem. We also see customs and traditions of territories new to Arabic literature, such as the Comoros islands and the Belgian Congo. Transitional periods in history are deco
nstructed to answer questions about the current moment, and to explore the impact of socio-political conditions on both individual identity and interpersonal relationships. A number of the books reflect on the act of creation, while other recurrent themes include war, exile, and impossible love.

The International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) is the most prestigious and important literary prize in the Arab world.

Its aim is to reward excellence in contemporary Arabic creative writing and to encourage the readership of high quality Arabic literature internationally through the translation and publication of winning and shortlisted novels in other major languages.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

There was pomp and colour at Nyabisia grounds in Masige West Ward, Bobasi Constituency, after 550 initiates from two neighbouring wards were treated to a party, courtesy of the area Members of County Assembly.

Thousands of residents converged to celebrate the rite of passage for their children, most of them aged below 14 years, drawn from Masige West and Masige East wards.

Various entertainment groups made their presentations to the ecstatic crowd, some of whom clad traditional regalia and carried ancient items like Enyongo (pot), Ekerandi (gourd), Egetabo (calabash), and traditional stools.

The party was meant to welcome the initiates back home after about one month of seclusion, courtesy of Masige West MCA Jacob Bagaka and his Masige East counterpart Michael Motume.

Addressing the initiates during the event, Bagaka appealed to the two levels of government to come up with a policy that will ensure that male circumcision was offered free of charge in all health facilities.

Bagaka noted that many parents
were finding it difficult to circumcise their children in medical facilities due to high charges.

Calling for concerted effort in the upbringing of children, a local village elder, James Osoro, decried the rising cases of drug abuse among children.

Osoro applauded the local leaders for uniting to assist the initiates in all their activities leading to the celebrations.

However, the village elder noted that the circumcision of very young children was eroding the Abagusii culture because the majority of the initiates still needed the tender care of their parents, unlike traditionally, where they became independent after initiation.

‘Some of these children are too young and must still be bathed by their mothers, which was not the case before,’ said Osoro.

Another resident, Job Osoro, noted how fast traditions had changed, saying that previously only boys aged 14 to 18 underwent initiation because only then could they understand some of the teachings and responsibilities. This included taking care of parents
and their own property, providing security to the local community, safeguarding community taboos, and learning how to care for their families.

‘Currently, we even initiate youngsters below the age of 10, but of course for health purposes, because it is said they heal very fast,’ said Osoro.

However, he applauded the local leaders for uniting and assisting the group, saying it was easier to give them the teachings as a group, especially on customs and good morals.

On the other hand, Esther Moraa took advantage of the event to lead other women in preaching against female genital mutilation, saying circumcision was only beneficial to the male gender.

Moraa exhibited what she termed as old-fashioned paraphernalia used during the female circumcision, saying it was no longer useful in society.

She urged circumcisers who still performed the rite secretly to disown the retrogressive practice.

The anti-FGM crusader urged young girls to desist from being lured into submitting to those with intentions of destroyin
g their biological make-up.
Source: Kenya News Agency