“Zionist aggression in Gaza one of bloodiest in history of wars against Palestinians’ (Testimonials)

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been living for two months in inhumane conditions marked by food shortages, water and electricity cuts and a lack of fuel, following the Zionist aggression, “one of the bloodiest” in the history of wars against Palestinians, according to testimonies by Tunisians living in Gaza and their families who arrived in Tunisia on Sunday on a repatriation flight.

A number of Tunisians and members of their families, including Tunisian spouses living in Gaza, who were repatriated Sunday, described in testimonies collected by TAP the ‘avalanche of suffering of the Palestinians’ and the ‘plight of children and women’ facing ‘an inhuman blockade’ after the massive attacks of the Zionist army on Gaza.

‘The population has been the target of a Zionist attack unprecedented even in comparison with previous large-scale offensives,’ said Radhouane Ghérairi, a resident of Gaza City whose father is Palestinian and whose mother is Tunisian. He deplored the construction of buildings, the cut-off
of water and electricity and the shortage of food and fuel.

Palestinian socialist Samira Nahal painted a bleak picture of the health situation in Gaza.

She said the war in Gaza would also cause an environmental crisis through the spread of viruses and pandemics.

“Gazans, who have fled their homes because of the Zionist attacks, have gathered in schools that have no sanitary facilities, she said.

She added that this situation is conducive to the spread of diseases, while cancer patients are unable to continue their chemotherapy treatments.

Despite their deep concerns, the Tunisians and their companions, who arrived on Sunday on a repatriation flight organised by Tunisia, unanimously expressed their desire to return to Gaza as soon as possible.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse