MAPUTO, Mozambique, 21 décembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Globeleq, la principale société indépendante d’électricité en Afrique, et ses partenaires de projet, Source Energia, un développeur d’énergie en Afrique lusophone, et Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), la société nationale d’électricité du Mozambique, ont atteint la clôture financière de la centrale solaire photovoltaïque de 19 MWp (15 MWac) de Cuamba avec un système de stockage d’énergie de 2 MW (7 MWh).

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

Le projet de 36 millions de dollars, situé dans le district de Cuamba, dans la province de Niassa (à environ 550 km à l’ouest de la ville côtière de Nacala), fournira de l’électricité dans le cadre d’un contrat d’achat d’électricité de 25 ans conclu avec EDM. Le projet est le premier IPP au Mozambique à intégrer un système de stockage d’énergie à l’échelle des services publics et comprend une mise à niveau de la sous-station existante de Cuamba.

Une fois opérationnelle, la centrale solaire de Cuamba fournira suffisamment d’électricité pour 21 800 consommateurs et, pendant toute la durée du projet, elle devrait permettre d’éviter l’émission de plus de 172 000 tonnes de CO2. La centrale devrait commencer à produire de l’électricité au cours du deuxième semestre de 2022.

L’Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (« EAIF »), société membre du Private Infrastructure Development Group (« PIDG »), a fourni 19 millions de dollars de financement par emprunt, tandis que le mécanisme de subvention Viability Gap Funding (VGF) du PIDG a fourni 7 millions de dollars pour garantir un tarif abordable, financer les améliorations essentielles du réseau et un système de stockage d’énergie pour EDM. CDC Plus, le mécanisme d’assistance technique du groupe CDC, a apporté une subvention de 1 million de dollars pour le système de stockage d’énergie par batterie.

Olivia Carballo, une directrice de Ninety One Ltd, les gestionnaires de l’EAIF, a commenté : « C’est un projet pionnier pour l’EAIF et le PIDG. Nous félicitons Globeleq, Source Energia, EDM et le Mozambique d’avoir atteint une étape clé dans le déploiement de plus de technologie solaire sur le réseau du nord, et d’avoir installé le premier système de stockage d’énergie par batterie à l’échelle du réseau du Mozambique. »

Sarah Marchand, directrice de CDC Plus, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de soutenir l’un des premiers systèmes de stockage d’énergie par batterie à l’échelle du réseau en Afrique subsaharienne, grâce à cette subvention pour le système de stockage par batterie. En accord avec l’ambition de CDC de catalyser davantage de solutions de stockage sur le continent, CDC Plus offrira également un soutien pour acquérir et diffuser les apprentissages concernant l’impact opérationnel, économique et de développement du composant batterie.

« Face aux difficultés persistantes dues à la pandémie, je me félicite du fait que notre équipe ait atteint la clôture financière, et que nous puissions commencer à construire la première installation solaire et de stockage d’énergie du pays. Nous soutenons sans réserve le gouvernement mozambicain dans ses initiatives visant à soutenir l’Accord de Paris et à fournir à ses citoyens des options d’énergie alternative fiables et propres », a ajouté Mike Scholey, PDG de Globeleq.

Marcelino Gildo Alberto, président d’EDM, a affirmé : « Ce projet est une démonstration de l’engagement d’EDM à fournir des solutions durables pour accélérer l’accès de la population mozambicaine à l’énergie. Conformément au plan quinquennal du gouvernement visant à introduire 200MW d’énergie renouvelable, EDM est à l’avant-garde de la transition énergétique en accord avec l’Accord de Paris. »

« Nous sommes très heureux d’apporter une nouvelle contribution au secteur de l’énergie au Mozambique et nous sommes impatients de soutenir la croissance future de l’industrie dans le pays. Nous remercions nos partenaires de projet et nos bailleurs de fonds pour leur patience et leur engagement inégalés pendant la phase de développement », a déclaré Pedro Coutinho, PDG de Source Energia

Le projet nécessitera environ 100 travailleurs pendant la phase de construction, dont beaucoup seront recrutés au sein de la communauté locale. La société espagnole Grupo TSK a été désignée comme entrepreneur EPC du projet et va immédiatement commencer à mobiliser son équipe de construction. E22, qui fait partie du groupe espagnol Gransolar, fournira le système complet de stockage d’énergie par batterie. Globeleq supervisera la construction et l’exploitation de la centrale, avec le soutien de Source Energia.

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Angola: Drought – Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA), DREF Operation n° MDRAO007

A. Situation analysis

Angola is facing the worst recorded drought in 40 years. IPC analysis for October 2021 to March 2022 indicates that about 1.58 million people are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity, of which 42% are in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and 15% in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). These people face difficulties in accessing food or are only able to meet the minimum food requirements through crisis and/or emergency coping strategies.

On 7 December, UNICEF published a call for Humanitarian Action for Children, alerting that an estimated 7.3 million people in Angola are facing food and nutrition insecurity due to climate shocks and about 3.9 million children are in need of assistance.

SARCOF-25 report indicates that during the December to January period, the country is projected to experience normal to above normal rainfall. This however is characterized by food shortages and increased incidences of high acute malnutrition which is projected to lead to further deterioration and a shift in phase from the current classification.

High levels of acute food insecurity and other impacts of the drought are present in all municipalities; however, it has more severely impacted six provinces: Cuanza Sul, Benguela, Huambo, Namibe, Huíla and Cunene. Luanda and other urban areas also remain highly vulnerable due to high levels of poverty, secondary impacts of COVID-19 and other disease outbreaks.

In addition, this drought comes on the back of three consecutive failed agricultural harvesting seasons with crop losses of 40 per cent and negatively impacting family and household income and livelihoods. An estimated 1.2 million people are facing water scarcity as a direct consequence of the drought and will have their water, sanitation and hygiene conditions compromised, exacerbated by COVID-19. A study conducted on the Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) found that many water points in the most drought-affected communes are not working, highlighting a critical gap for water, sanitation, and hygiene.

An IPC Acute Malnutrition analysis in Southern Angola revealed that around 114,000 children under the age of five are suffering or are likely to suffer from acute malnutrition in the next 12 months and therefore require treatment. In the Cunene, Huila, Namibe provinces, Alert levels of acute malnutrition during the July to September 2021 period were recorded. The persistent drought conditions in Southern Angola are exacerbating SAM admissions in these provinces.

It is based on the above that the Angolan Red Cross Society is seeking support to provide relief to 2,500 people impacted by the unprecedented drought in Cunene, Huila and Namibe provinces, while conducting detailed needs assessment on the basis of which the operation will be scaled up

Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies

Apple Must Answer Shareholder Questions on Forced Labor, SEC Says

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has declined an effort by Apple Inc. to skip a shareholder proposal asking the iPhone maker to provide greater transparency in its efforts to keep forced labor out of its supply chain.

A group of shareholders earlier this year asked Apple’s board to prepare a report on how the company protects workers in its supply chain from forced labor. The request for information covered the extent to which Apple has identified suppliers and sub-suppliers that are a risk for forced labor, and how many suppliers Apple has taken action against.

In a letter from the SEC reviewed by Reuters on Wednesday, regulators denied Apple’s move to block the proposal, saying that “it does not appear that the essential objectives of the proposal have been implemented” so far.

The letter means that Apple will have to face a vote on the proposal at its annual shareholder meeting next year, barring a deal with the shareholders who made it.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

American lawmakers last week passed a bill banning imports from China’s Xinjiang region over concerns about forced labor.

“There’s rightfully growing concern at all levels of government about the concentration camplike conditions for Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims living under Chinese government rule,” Vicky Wyatt, campaign director for SumOfUs, a group supporting the shareholder proposal, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Apple routinely asks the SEC to skip shareholder proposals, and the requests are granted about half the time.

The SEC also denied Apple’s request to skip a shareholder proposal that would give investors more information about the company’s use of nondisclosure agreements.

Source: Voice of America

Australian Research Identifies Kidney-Protecting Gene

Researchers in Australia have identified a gene that indicates the kidney has its own way of resisting damage. However, they have also identified a mutation of the gene that can in patients with, for example, diabetes, trigger the development of renal disease.

A gene called VANGL1 has been found to help stop the immune system from attacking the kidney. But Australian researchers say the genetic mutation, which is present in about 15% of the population worldwide, can cause renal disease in patients with diabetes and other autoimmune conditions.

The mutation is highly prevalent among indigenous people on the Tiwi Islands, 80 kilometers from the city of Darwin in the Northern Territory. According to the study, just less than 50% of the islands’ residents have the genetic mutation.

The islands’ recorded rates of kidney disease are four times those of mainland indigenous Australians and about 11 times that of non-Indigenous Australians, according to researchers.

Dr. Simon Jiang is from the John Curtin School of Medical Research at Australian National University. He says the mutation is mostly benign in healthy adults.

“If your body is not inflamed and you are otherwise healthy, it is probably not too much of an issue. It is when you have another condition that occurs on top of it. And so in the Tiwi Islands, rates of infection, of diabetes and probably some immune diseases, are a lot higher than the rest of Australia. And so, when you have that process happening within your body, what is initially a reasonably benign mutation suddenly takes on a new turn and becomes something that is really bad news for the kidney,” Jiang said.

The study could lead to better transplant screening that would identify potential donors who have the genetic mutation.

The study was published Wednesday in the journal Cell Reports Medicine.

Source: Voice of America

POWERCHINA contribue activement au développement et au bien-être des communautés locales en Afrique centrale et occidentale.

BEIJING, 21 décembre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Ceci est rapporté par China Report ASEAN affilié à China Report :

« Construire des projets de qualité et se faire des amis dans le monde entier”, tel est l’objectif et l’engagement de POWERCHINA, le plus grand constructeur d’installations électriques au monde, dans ses activités à l’étranger. L’entreprise participe activement à la construction des projets « Belt and Road » et a étendu ses activités de construction aux pays africains. Outre l’amélioration des voies navigables, l’approvisionnement en électricité et la construction de routes et de ponts, l’entreprise s’est acquittée de sa responsabilité sociale envers les communautés locales sur les marchés d’outre-mer.

POWERCHINA contribue à la réalisation des objectifs de développement des Nations unies en créant des emplois grâce à de nouvelles infrastructures hydroélectriques, en développant les compétences de la population locale par le biais de formations, en fournissant une assistance en matière d’éducation et de soins aux orphelins, en construisant des hôpitaux et en donnant des médicaments. Ses efforts pour répandre l’amour et l’espoir en Afrique lui ont permis d’établir une amitié sincère avec les gouvernements et les populations locales.

Cultiver les talents locaux

La centrale hydroélectrique de Djibloho, que le gouvernement de la Guinée équatoriale qualifie de « projet des Trois Gorges de la Guinée équatoriale », répond à 90 % de la demande d’électricité du pays et constitue un moteur important de son développement économique. POWERCHINA a formé des employés locaux et les a aidés à acquérir des compétences. Une formation gratuite de deux mois en chinois a également été dispensée par l’entreprise pour faciliter la communication entre les opérateurs locaux et les ingénieurs chinois, et aider les employés locaux à mieux utiliser les équipements de l’usine.

POWERCHINA staff members take a group photo with teachers and students of a middle school during a volunteer activity in Abuja, Nigeria

Soins aux enfants

Au Cameroun, le bureau de POWERCHINA a une tradition qui fait chaud au cœur. Chaque année, autour de Noël et du Nouvel An, le bureau coopère avec les sociétés membres du groupe pour organiser des activités bénévoles dans les écoles et les orphelinats des zones situées le long des routes qu’il construit. Ils réparent les salles de classe et font don de papeterie aux enfants, et chantent et dansent avec eux pour célébrer la nouvelle année.

Selon Ngangoua Serge, représentant de POWERCHINA au Cameroun, l’entreprise se soucie des groupes défavorisés au Cameroun. Depuis qu’elle a commencé à opérer dans le pays en 2010, l’entreprise a organisé des activités de dons similaires chaque année, dans le but d’apporter de l’amour et du bonheur aux enfants dans le besoin.

Soutien médical

L’entreprise a également contribué à améliorer les conditions médicales locales dans les endroits où ses projets sont situés en construisant des hôpitaux et en faisant don de médicaments et d’installations.

Le nouvel hôpital de Niefang, un projet d’aide historique du gouvernement chinois dans le pays qui sera achevé par POWERCHINA d’ici 2022, renforcera le système médical dans le centre de la Guinée équatoriale et fournira des services médicaux de qualité aux habitants de la ville de Niefang et de ses environs.

Au Cameroun, l’entreprise a fait don de médicaments et d’équipements médicaux à un centre de santé publique près du site d’un barrage qui sera construit par lui. Les médicaments et les équipements médicaux, dont le besoin est urgent, ont considérablement renforcé la confiance du centre dans la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses et le sauvetage de vies.

Le 29 janvier 2019, le bureau de la Guinée équatoriale de l’entreprise a aidé l’ambassade de Chine et l’équipe médicale chinoise dans le pays à réaliser une clinique gratuite au camp de l’entreprise pour la centrale hydroélectrique de Djibloho. La clinique gratuite organisée avec l’aide de POWERCHINA est un témoignage de l’amitié entre les deux pays et une manifestation de l’accomplissement actif des responsabilités sociales par les entreprises chinoises en Guinée équatoriale.

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Blue California-FineCap™ Microencapsulation Platform Serves the Purpose

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Dec. 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blue California, the producer of natural science-based ingredients, provides FineCap™ a comprehensive microencapsulation technology platform, equipped with 20 microencapsulation technologies, to deliver active ingredients and satisfy our clients’ needs.

Microencapsulation is the process in which tiny particles of solid, liquid, or gas are packaged within a matrix to form a capsule. The capsule is coated with a protective layer to avoid degradation from exposure to environmental factors such as water, oxygen, heat, and light.

“Brands that seek to expand their products’ qualities and boost their product portfolios will find many benefits to the FineCap platform,” said Dr. Cuie Yan, vice president of encapsulation. “FineCap takes microencapsulation a step further by offering a variety of technologies and targeting customers’ specific needs in tackling active ingredients with unique characteristics, such as strong odor, taste or stability problems that challenge formulators.”

Microencapsulation systems have been widely used across multiple industries, including the pharmaceutical, food, supplement, personal care, and fragrance industries, for active ingredients like medicines, nicotine, flavors/fragrances, polyunsaturated fatty acids, probiotics, natural pigments, vitamins, antioxidants, etc. Space agency NASA also uses encapsulation technologies for spacecraft. The pharmaceutical industry uses microencapsulation often to control the release of active pharma ingredients (API).
Blue California has created the FineCap platform to serve customers’ growing demands for better performance of API, functional ingredients, dietary supplements, flavors, fragrances, cosmetics, and personal care products.


For example, FineCap protects API from degradation, unpleasant tastes or aroma, and maintains its efficacy, by controlling its release. FineCap enables flavors to thrive in food and beverages with integrity, intensity, and extended shelf-life.

In fragrances, FineCap guarantees brands to control the precise fragrance release rate, location, and duration. Personal care products benefit from FineCap by protecting the delicate top-notes and cosmetic actives from oxygen, moisture, temperature, and light deterioration. A more comprehensive look into the benefits that FineCap delivers in these product segments can be found here.

“Our comprehensive FineCap platform has been serving and supporting formulators looking to launch market-winning products with better qualities and shelf-life that consumers are seeking,” said Dr. Yan. “We’re enabling brands to quickly create products from innovative concepts, benchtop development, to pilot and full commercial manufacturing, with improved efficacy, taste, color, texture, and shelf life, along with vegan, organic, Kosher, or Halal certificate.”


The FineCap platform investment builds on Blue California’s 25-year legacy of producing botanical extracts and now natural flavors and fragrances and focuses on developing sustainable ingredients made through bioconversion or fermentation.


About Blue California
Blue California is an entrepreneurial, science-based solutions provider and manufacturer of clean, natural, and sustainable ingredients used in food, beverage, flavor, fragrance, dietary supplements, personal care, and cosmetic products. For more than 25 years, Blue California has built a strong reputation for creating value in these diverse natural products and nature-inspired industries.


Ana Arakelian
Blue California


MAPUTO, Mozambique, Dec. 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Globeleq, the leading independent power company in Africa and its project partners, Source Energia, a Lusophone Africa energy developer and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), the Mozambican national power utility, have reached financial close on the 19MWp (15MWac) Cuamba Solar PV plant with a 2MW (7MWh) energy storage system.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

The US$36 million project located in the Cuamba district, Niassa province (about 550 km west of the coastal town of Nacala) will supply electricity through a 25-year power purchase agreement with EDM. The project is the first IPP in Mozambique to integrate a utility scale energy storage system and includes an upgrade to the existing Cuamba substation.

Once operational, the Cuamba Solar plant will supply enough power for 21,800 consumers, and over the life of the project is expected to avoid the equivalent of more than 172,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. First power is expected to flow in the second half of 2022.

The Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (“EAIF”), a member of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (“PIDG”) provided US$19 million in debt funding, with PIDG’s Viability Gap Funding (VGF) grant facility providing US$7million to enable an affordable tariff, fund essential grid upgrades and an energy storage system for EDM. CDC Plus, the technical assistance facility of CDC Group, has contributed a US$1million grant towards the battery energy storage system.

Olivia Carballo, a Director at Ninety One Ltd, the managers of EAIF, commented: “This is a pioneering project for EAIF and PIDG. We congratulate Globeleq, Source Energia, EDM and Mozambique on reaching a key milestone in deploying more solar technology to the northern grid, and on installing Mozambique’s first grid-scale battery energy storage system.”

Sarah Marchand, CDC Director, CDC Plus, said: “We are delighted to support one of sub-Saharan Africa’s first grid-scale battery energy storage systems through this grant for the battery storage system. In line with CDC’s ambition to catalyse more storage solutions across the continent, CDC Plus will also offer support to capture and disseminate learnings around the battery component’s operational, economic, and development impact.”

“With the ongoing challenges due to the pandemic, I am proud our team has achieved financial close, and we can begin building the first solar and energy storage facility in the country. We fully support the Mozambican Government in their initiatives to support the Paris Agreement and provide its citizens with reliable and clean alternative energy options,” added Mike Scholey, Globeleq’s CEO.

EDM’s Chairman, Marcelino Gildo Alberto said: “This project is a demonstration of EDM’s commitment to provide sustainable solutions to speed up energy access to Mozambicans. In compliance with the Government’s Five-Year Plan to introduce 200MW of renewable energy, EDM is at the forefront of the energy transition in line with the Paris Agreement.”

“We are very pleased to make another contribution to the Mozambique Energy sector and look forward to supporting the future growth of the industry in the country. Our thanks go to our project partners and funders for their unparalleled patience and commitment during the development phase,” said Pedro Coutinho, CEO of Source Energia

The project will require approximately 100 workers during construction, many of whom will be hired from the local community. The Spanish company Grupo TSK has been appointed as the project EPC contractor and will immediately commence mobilisation of its construction team. E22, part of the Spanish Gransolar Group, will supply the complete battery energy storage system. Globeleq will oversee the construction and operations of the power plant, supported by Source Energia.

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Oman: TotalEnergies Signs Agreements for the Development of Low Carbon Natural Gas Projects

TotalEnergies (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE) has signed with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals of the Sultanate of Oman a series of agreements for the sustainable development of the country’s natural gas resources. These agreements include:

• The establishment of Marsa LNG, an integrated company between TotalEnergies (80%) and Oman National Oil Company, OQ (20%). Marsa LNG will produce natural gas from Block 10, with a view to subsequently develop a low-carbon LNG plant in Sohar, powered by solar electricity, for the production of LNG for bunker fuel.

• A concession agreement for Block 10, to develop and produce natural gas from this block. Marsa LNG will hold a 33.19% interest in Block 10, together with its partners OQ and Shell Integrated Gas Oman B.V. (operator). TotalEnergies’ production from Block 10 is expected to reach approximately 24,000 boe/d in 2023.

• A Gas Sales Agreement, under which Marsa LNG will sell natural gas from Block 10 to the Government of Sultanate of Oman, for a duration of 18 years or until the start-up of Marsa LNG plant.

“We are pleased to sign these agreements with the Sultanate of Oman and further develop our activities in the country while contributing to develop its energy sector in a more sustainable manner”, said Laurent Vivier, Senior Vice President Middle East and North Africa, Exploration and Production, at TotalEnergies.


About TotalEnergies EP in Oman

In Oman, the Company’s production was 39 kboe/d in 2020. TotalEnergies produces oil in Block 6 (4%), as well as LNG through its participation in the Oman LNG (5.54%)/Qalhat LNG (2.04% via Oman LNG) liquefaction complex with an overall capacity of 10.5 Mt/y. In 2020 TotalEnergies also signed an Exploration Production Sharing Agreement for Block 12 with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. TotalEnergies is operator of Block 12 covering 10,000 km2 with a 80% share alongside its partner PTTEP of Thailand (20%).

TotalEnergies second largest private global LNG player

TotalEnergies is the world’s second largest privately owned LNG player, with a global portfolio of nearly 50 million tons per annum (Mtpa) by 2025 and a global market share of around 10%. The Company benefits from strong and diversified positions throughout the LNG value chain: gas production and liquefaction, LNG transportation and trading, and contribution to the development of the LNG industry for maritime transport. Through its interests in liquefaction plants in Qatar, Nigeria, Russia, Norway, Oman, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Australia and Angola, the Company markets LNG on all world markets.

About TotalEnergies

TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. Our 105,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.

Twitter: @TotalEnergies LinkedIn: TotalEnergies Facebook: TotalEnergies Instagram: TotalEnergies

Cautionary Note

The terms “TotalEnergies”, “TotalEnergies company” or “Company” in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” may also be used to refer to these entities or to their employees. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate legal entities. TotalEnergies SE has no liability for the acts or omissions of these entities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future and are subject to a number of risk factors. Neither TotalEnergies SE nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Information concerning risk factors, that may affect TotalEnergies’ financial results or activities is provided in the most recent Registration Document, the French-language version of which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French securities regulator Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), and in the Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Source: Business Wire

Accelerating COVID-19 vaccination uptake among People Living with HIV in Nigeria

Abuja, 21 December 2021- The emergence of the COVID 19 omicron variant, has continued to rage, with attendant consequences. The situation is posing an even greater strain on progress with ending AIDS, disrupting HIV prevention and treatment services, schooling, violence prevention programmes and more.

Bold action to stop COVID 19, mitigate its impact on the global agenda for ending AIDS while preparing for future pandemics is urgent.

“There is a pressing need to address the inequalities fueling the twin pandemics of HIV and COVID-19 including stronger support for community-led responses, policies driven by science and data, increased investment in the HIV response and, putting HIV at the center of pandemic preparedness and response”, said Caroline Olwande, the Advisor Global Fund/PEPFAR of UNAIDS.

“Partnerships between the Government of Nigeria, Development partners, Civil Society actors including communities of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) are central to success”, she continued.

The Network of PLHIV in Nigeria in partnership and collaboration with the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, through WHO and UNAIDS, kicked off a sensitization and mobilization exercise for increased COVID-19 vaccinations among PLHIV through its network support groups.

While receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in Abuja recently, twenty-year-old John Audu who was born with HIV narrated that he advocates for COVID-19 vaccine as well as HIV testing in his school and community. John is currently in the University and aspires to be a medical practitioner in the future solely to help people living with HIV (PLHIV) and to curtail mother to child transmission. John draws daily inspiration from his personal experience to support HIV prevention efforts in Nigeria. “I want to enlighten people about this virus to help reduce mother to child transmission especially with the discrimination we are going through. People like me have no fault at all but not everyone understands,” he said. Like many PLHIV, John was hesitant to take the COVID-19 vaccine but was convinced after attending the sensitization sessions organized by NEPWHAN, UNAIDS and WHO.

There have been reports of fear and vaccine hesitancy among PLHIV due to concerns on safety and potential negative effects on their already compromised immune status and interactions with antiretroviral treatment (ART), compromising their treatment outcomes. Through the sensitization sessions that have been cascaded to the state level, initially targeting 15 states of Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Delta, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Ebonyi, Kano, Kaduna, Edo, Gombe, Borno, Sokoto and Bauchi, there has been increased awareness of safety among PLHIV resulting in willingness to take the COVID 19 vaccine.

“There was low awareness. A lot of PLHIV were not aware of the importance of the vaccine. Most of them didn’t even know they are supposed to take it. There was a lot of hesitancy before we started these activities” said Mr Abdulkadir Ibrahim the National Coordinator of NEPWHAN. “I am glad that we are able to convince most of our members about the COVID-19 vaccination. I can assure you that over 90% of PLHIV in Nigeria have accepted and taken the vaccine. We have only a little left now. This is all made possible with the support of WHO” he added.

There are currently 1.8 million PLHIV in Nigeria, 1.5 million of whom are on life saving antiretroviral ART. Since COVID 19 vaccination began early in 2021, more than 3% of the eligible population has been fully vaccinated.

Joshua Badmus a 24-year-old student born with HIV also narrates his ordeal: “I am the first child out of four and the only HIV positive child. My parents got to find out about their status after I was born so they made sure they do not have any other positive child. All my siblings are negative”. Joshua narrated further that his family were also hesitant to take the COVID-19 vaccine but were eventually convinced when they were sensitized by the NEPWHAN associates. Joshua now understands the importance of the vaccine and is determined to ensure others living with HIV also benefit. “I want to call on people especially mothers to make sure they get tested whenever they are pregnant to prevent mother to child transmission. This virus we have is completely avoidable. We should also do better in taking the COVID-19 vaccine as we are at a higher risk due to compromised immunity”, he said.

PLHIV can have a greater prevalence of the known risk factors for COVID-19 acquisition and complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, chronic pulmonary disease, obesity, as well as, other comorbidities and co-infections, like tuberculosis. Clinical data suggest that the risk of developing severe or fatal COVID-19 was 30% greater in PLHIV compared to people without HIV infection. All vaccines currently on the market can be used safely among people living with HIV regardless of CD4 count and/or viral load suppression status.

Source: World Health Organization. Africa

White House Says Democrats ‘Need to Work Together’ on Biden Safety Net Legislation

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration says it is looking to push ahead with work on a social safety net spending bill after a key Democrat in the Senate said he could not support it.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters at a briefing Monday that the administration is ready to “work like hell” with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and other members of the Democratic caucus in order to achieve its goal.

“What’s most on the President’s mind is the risk of inaction,” Psaki said. “And if we do not act to get this legislation done and the components in it, not only will costs and prices go up for the American people, but also we will see a trajectory in economic growth that is not where we want it to be.”

Manchin has been a focal point in talks within the Democratic Party as leaders pushed to get the $2 trillion package passed by this week. The legislation includes plans to expand health care for older Americans, provide universal pre-kindergarten classes, authorize new funding to combat climate change and offer more financial support for low-income Americans.

Manchin has expressed opposition to the amount of spending, and in a radio interview Monday he reiterated that in his view the bill included too much spending without enough restrictions on incomes or work requirements for recipients.

Earlier Monday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Senate would vote “very early in the new year” on a revised version of the bill already approved by the House of Representatives.

Manchin’s vote is essential for Democrats in the politically divided Senate as they try to pass one of the key elements of Biden’s legislative agenda. None of the 50 Republicans in the 100-member chamber supports the plan.

Democrats had hoped to push through the legislation on a 51-50 vote before Christmas, with Vice President Kamala Harris providing the tie-breaking vote.

Source: Voice of America