Support Taskforce Report On University Location, Cheboi

Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi has urged county leaders to support a task force report on the establishment of the County University.

Speaking at the Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) Baringo Branch Showgrounds during Jamhuri Day celebrations, Cheboi said the report of the task force that he formed is ready and has recommended the university be established at the county headquarters in Kabarnet.

The County boss urged the six members of parliament (MPs) from the county who have been vocal about the matter to put to rest their varied opinions and support the decision by the task force.

‘All I am asking our leaders from the national government is that since President William Ruto himself told us to agree on the location of the university, let us support the idea and not drag the issue further,’ said Governor Cheboi.

Baringo County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa addressing a gathering during Jamhuri Day celebrations held at ASK Baringo Branch showgrounds in Kabarnet town on Tuesday. Photo by Vincent Miningwo

He said that the university will be built in honour of the second President, Daniel Arap Moi, who indiscriminately established universities across the country and left out his home county for other leaders to fulfil his dream.

County Assembly Speaker Vincent Kemboi said the issue of the university, which has been unresolved since 2013, rests on the shoulders of the governor, and it will be his legacy if he delivers an institution of higher learning for residents.

He argued that Baringo Central, for a very long time, has proven that it can accommodate all people from all walks of life and that it is fit to host the university.

County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa stated in his remarks that universities can contribute to the economic growth of the county, urging local leaders to set aside their selfish interests and support any decision agreed upon by a majority of residents.

‘As leaders, we need to take this thing very seriously, and if possible, the governor needs to convene a meeting in January next year to
give the exact position so that we can speak in one voice,’ he said.

He noted that when leaders are not united on the issue of the university, the brilliant idea will fail, yet it is something that Baringo desperately needs to nurture skills and provide opportunities to residents.

The 11-member task force was chaired by university Don Prof. Chebutuk Rotich, who was appointed by Governor Cheboi in 2022 and released their recommendations to the governor this year.

A football tournament final was the climax of the celebration, where Ptikii FC from Tiaty Constituency won the 1st edition of the Governor Cheboi Super Cup by beating Chemogoch from Mogotio 4-3 in a post-match penalty shootout.

The well-attended tournament finals were postponed for about two weeks following a dispute launched by Baringo Youth, who later settled for position four after they were defeated by Kabartonjo Sharks by a solitary goal in the playoff encounter.

The winner walked away with a 1-million-shilling cash prize and a trophy and wi
ll proceed to West Pokot County to represent Baringo in the North Rift Onesmus Kipchumba Murkomen (OKM) peace cup alongside Kabarnet rising starlets who won the girls category.

Roads Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, who graced the occasion, said they are bringing youth together to end insecurity in the North Rift Region through the soccer tournament.

‘In January, we are going to select 10 students from each warring community and offer them secondary school scholarships through the OKM Foundation. We believe that when they school together, these youths will end insecurity in their homes,’ said the minister.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Wamatangi Increases Bursary Allocation To Sh500million

Kiambu County will in the next financial year increase bursary allocation for secondary and college education to Sh 500 million, up from the Sh 300 million that was given this year, Governor Kimani Wamatangi has announced.

The governor said his administration has now tripled the bursary allocation from Sh100 million in February to an additional Sh100 million in June and another Sh100 million in November, making it Sh300 million, thereby removing financial obstacles that hindered countless needy children from accessing education.

‘Kiambu is among the highest counties on the allocation of bursaries in the country, and come next January, we will be issuing the bursaries at an upward trend of Sh 500 million, and I want to categorically say here that the minimum bursary to be allocated will be Sh 5000 per student and not Sh 2000 as before,’ he said.

Speaking on some of the developments that he is focusing on in the education sector, the governor noted that he has initiated the construction of 180 modern ECDE c
entres with PP1 and PP2 classrooms, offices, ablution blocks, and playgrounds, and this marks the first step in modernising all 524 ECDE centres in the County within three years.

A feeding programme for ECDE pupils has also been introduced, the Governor said, noting that children will be receiving a bowl of porridge daily, three boiled eggs weekly, and a packet of milk every Thursday to boost their potential to learn and thrive.

‘The three eggs, the governor said, will be distributed and sold to the County Government at Sh 18 for an egg, and this will be done by women who have been empowered through a programme of providing them with one-month-old local breed chicks.

‘We aim to distribute 120,000 chicks across 12 sub-counties and target these women as future egg suppliers to support our ECDEs feeding programme,’ the governor said.

Still, in the education sector, Wamatangi said that they have revived the stalled Vocational Training Centre (VTC) construction to enable skill development and empower the youth

‘The plan is to establish a VTC in every ward, ensuring avenues for youth to acquire technical skills,’ he said, adding that the county will also donate used vehicles to the youth to be used for training for those undertaking mechanical courses.

Other support will be investing and buying machines for making Cabros concrete blocks, and the county government will be distributing materials for producing the cabros and, in turn, buying the product from the trainees.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Mau Mau Veteran Issues Kiambu Leadership With His Published Memoir

One of Kenya’s freedom fighters, Gitu wa Kahengeri, launched his memoir book entitled The Betrayal of Mau Mau Freedom Fighters at Kiambu County during celebrations of Jamhuri Day.

The Mau Mau war veteran who attended the celebrations at the Kirigiti stadium said that although he was happy to have met King Charles of the United Kingdom when he visited the country recently, he was not satisfied with the talks.

‘I told the king that the British made us poor; for years there was no settlement as the British took our land, and above all, some people even went to jail. We remain poor, and they cannot give us money for medicine as compensation. We are still waiting for justice,’ he said.

Some of the war veterans who attended Jamhuri day celebrations in Kiambu.

Gitu was among a few Mau Mau veterans and their descendants who met with King Charles and his wife, Queen Camilla, with some of the discussion being reparations and compensation for the atrocities committed by the British Government during the Mau Mau upr
ising more than six decades ago.

Although the King acknowledged those atrocities, he was non-committal on compensation.

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Mau Mau fighter asked the sitting Governor Kimani Wamatangi, to ensure he did good for the county by being a good leader and performing well in his duties, saying this will leave a mark and people will remember his good deeds.

The veteran also appealed to Kiambu Members of the County Assembly to amend the name of the Kirigiti Stadium by including the name Mau-Mau in the Kirigiti International Stadium in memory of those who passed on and those who will come.

‘Instead of Kirigiti International Stadium, can you insert the name Mau-Mau in front of Kirigiti or in between Kirigiti and the word International? If you do that, you will leave a mark, he said.

Gitu wa Kahengeri, according to his records, was born on June 1920, and is now 103 years old. He took an oath in support of the Mau Mau Freedom Movement in 1950. He was also jailed together with his father durin
g that time, tortured, and denied food in a British-run labour camp in Kenya. He issued his book to some leaders during the launch.

Governor Wamatangi said, ‘As we think about the selflessness of the heroic generation before us, let us not overlook that their efforts were not solely about transferring power from the colonialists to the black man but marked the genesis of weaving a national fabric aimed at enhancing the lives of every individual and advancing our country as a whole.

The journey, as articulated by the Founding Father, the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Wamatangi said, signified the commencement of a battle against disease, ignorance, and poverty.

Kiambu, he added, has been fortunate to have been among the places that produced individuals who played key roles in securing Kenya’s independence and shaping the nation’s progress after gaining freedom.

‘It is essential that we consistently pay tribute to these remarkable individuals, both men and women, and take pride in our identity as the people of K
iambu,’ Governor Wamatangi said.

The Mau Mau Rebellion took place from 1952 until 1960 and was caused fundamentally by the British colonization of Kenya.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Nyandarua To Establish Agro-Industrial Park

Nyandarua County is set to have a County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP), which will be the largest ever investment project undertaken in the area.

Speaking during this year’s Jamhuri Day celebrations at Rurinja Stadium, Kinangop Sub County Governor Kiarie Badilisha said the county was rich agriculturally, but still ranked among the poorest in the country.

Badilisha attributed the worrying trend to the fact that many farmers in the county were still dependent on rain-fed agriculture and also accustomed to selling their produce without any value addition.

‘This sad state of affairs has left us at the mercy of profiteers and brokers who continue to sink our farmers into deeper poverty and low returns. Also, our post-harvest losses remain high in the absence of value addition.

Therefore, the establishment of the CAIP is the beginning of a journey of value addition and wealth creation. This project will commence in the coming weeks upon the finalisation of the legal instruments critical for its seamle
ss execution,’ said the governor.

To achieve improved milk production, Badilisha said that they have embarked on an accelerated Artificial Insemination programme that will cost Sh400 from the current cost of Sh1500, while at the same time providing farmers with options for even better breeds, including sexed semen.

On his side, Nyandarua County Commissioner Mohamed Barre assured area residents of enough security during the upcoming Christmas and New Year festivities.

For those who take alcohol, Barre urged them to celebrate moderately and not indulge in excessive drinking.

Consequently, he vowed to crackdown on any person or group with the intent to engage in any form of crime over the festive season.

‘We are going to step up security in the region during the holiday period to ensure people enjoy themselves without any problems,’ he said.
Source: Kenya News Agency

Local elections -Tunis1-Ezzouhour: Three candidates focus on young people

Candidates for the Ezzouhour/Tunis I constituency Ahmed Hammami, Faten SmSali and LassSad Dahman all focused their programmes on supporting young people, with proposals likely to increase opportunities for integration into professional and economic life.

Candidate Faten SommSali, who adopted the campaign slogan “Our strength at the service of our Imadas,” stated that she will work to set up a centre for the treatment of drug addiction and to contribute to drug prevention.

She also proposed giving new impetus to the local cultural centre, whose activities serve neither young people nor culture.

As for the environment, she pledged to work for swift and radical solutions to the problem of household waste and rubble piled up in the region.

Candidate LassaSd Dahman, a retired Tunisair employee, said he is determined to endeavour to regularise the land situation of homes, support youths economically through the creation of a young economic chamber to help them carry out their own projects.

He pointed out that
many young people with project ideas do not have sufficient experience to get started or to access the necessary funding.

He proposed that a showroom be set up to help women market their products, affirming his commitment to approach the Tunisian Solidarity Bank and development associations to obtain micro-credits to help them develop their projects.

In his election programme, candidate Ahmed Hammami, a journalist, proposes the construction of a football stadium at the Bouakkez school, to be used in return for generating income for the school.

He also proposed the drafting of specific laws on digital money, which he considers could be a solution for the young people of the locality and Tunisian youth in general.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Civil society fears amendment or repeal of Decree-Law 88 on CSOs

Civil society leaders expressed concern on Wednesday over the authorities’ intention to amend Decree-Law No. 2011-88 of September 24, 2011 regulating civil society organisations (CSOs).

The leaders said they feared “a hardening of the law against civil society”.

Speaking at a press conference at the headquarters of the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT), Bassem Trifi, president of the Tunisian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LTDH), said that the political authorities were aiming to “toughen the law against civil society” by amending Decree-Law 88 and submitting Bill 2023-27 to parliament, which was approved by the Committee on Rights and Freedoms last October.

“Decree-Law 88 is one of the achievements of the revolution and a pillar of freedom of assembly and association,” he said.

He added that the discourse of the current government includes a series of accusations of treason, foreign funding and terrorism against CSOs, despite the fact that they operate transparently and under the su
pervision of a number of bodies, including the Central Bank, the Financial Analysis Commission and the Ministry of the Interior.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Local elections: candidate advocates participatory approach to meet needs in west Kalaa Andalous

Candidate Adel Hsairi said he would work in concert with residents in west Kalaa Andalous to meet their needs.

He pledged to give impetus to agriculture and fisheries and make sure the area gets its total share of irrigation water.

Supporting small farmers is of capital importance, he said, in light of fodder price hikes and water scarcity.

A vocational training centre to help young people set up their own projects is another pledge by the candidate, in addition to projects with a high employability potential.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Foreign Minister and WEF President discuss cooperation in Geneva

Cooperation between Tunisia and the World Economic Forum (WEF) was the focus of talks between Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, and Børge Brende, President of the WEF, in Geneva on Wednesday.

Børge Brende expressed the World Economic Forum’s interest in working more closely with Tunisia as an important partner. He stressed the importance of working to diversify the partnership between the two sides to include various programmes developed by the Forum in many economic fields, such as the digital transition, modern technologies and sustainable development.

He also spoke about the ongoing preparations for the organisation of the Davos Forum, which annually gathers the world’s leading economic actors, from January 15 to 19, 2024, and the invitation extended to the Tunisian authorities to participate in its activities, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For his part, the minister stressed the need for the next session of the forum to be an occas
ion to reflect on the necessary reforms aimed at establishing a new global economic system that is fairer and based on solidarity, in order to promote investment in the context of sustainable, inclusive and harmonious development and to find effective solutions to the economic and social crises and challenges facing the world.

The talks took place during Nabil Ammar’s working visit to Switzerland from December 11 to 14, according to the same statement.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Stock Market concludes Wednesday’s session on near stability

The stock market concluded Wednesday’s session on a nearly stable note, edging down by 0.01% to 8,619.15 points, as trading volumes remained robust, reaching TND 15.9 million, buoyed by the execution of two block transactions involving Amen Bank shares valued at TND 14 million.

SOMOCER emerged as the top performer, with its stock appreciating by 5.8% to TND 0.730 in a transaction volume of TND 63,000.

BH Leasing also demonstrated a strong performance during the session, with the leasing company’s stock gaining 5.6% to reach TND 3.790. Trading on this stock was moderate, amounting to TND 20,000.

Conversely, MONOPRIX witnessed the most significant decline of the session, as the retail giant’s stock retreated by 3.9% to TND 5, amidst a lacklustre trading flow.

Tunisair was among the major losers, with the airline’s stock shedding 2.4% to TND 0.410. Trading volume for Tunisair amounted to a mere TND 20,000 during the session.

Amen Bank stood out as the most actively traded stock of the session, despite fini
shing in negative territory with a marginal decline of 0.2% to TND 31.400.

The bank’s shares fuelled the market with a transaction value of TND 14.5 million, primarily driven by the execution of two block transactions totalling 14 MD.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Saied criticises performance of administration and public facilities in meeting with Premier Hachani

President Kais Saied criticised when meeting with Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani on Wednesday the performance of the administration and public facilities, which he described as “strange and abnormal.”

He called on officials within the administration to assume their full responsibilities ‘otherwise they have no place in the state.’

In a video released by the presidency on Wednesday, President Saied denounced the performance of several public facilities that are not functioning normally.

Referring to the existence of certain individuals within the administration who are eagerly awaiting the elections for political reasons, he said: “The administration must be purged because the Tunisian state will continue regardless of individuals. Those who are waiting for elections should do so outside the administrative apparatus.’

He stressed that he had received dozens of complaints from citizens about issues that should have been dealt with by the relevant authorities.

President Saied cited examples that he described
as “strange and unnatural”, such as a complaint from a citizen whose payment to the state was refused by an official working in one of the tax offices under the Ministry of Finance.

He also drew attention to individuals using Article 96 of the Penal Code as a pretext, stating that it would soon be revised.

The President also mentioned another complaint from a citizen in Zaghouan, where a civil status official failed to mention the sex of his daughter, who was born in 2016. Despite efforts including medical certificates and legal action, the Ministries of Education, Justice and Women and Family Affairs did not respond. The Presidency had to intervene with the Ministry of Education to officially register the child for school, thus resolving the citizen’s ordeal.

In another context, the Head of State noted the continuing problems of hoarding and speculation, particularly in essential commodities such as flour and sugar. He said these commodities were being concealed by lobbies and individuals within the admin
istration, stressing that the state could not continue in this way.

President Saied also spoke of bribery, corruption and fake protests, suggesting that they are backed by lobbies supporting certain factions within the state, institutions and organisations. These groups seek external support because they thrive on foreign influence, he said, asserting that Tunisia will not surrender its sovereignty.

Saied also revealed the existence of several draft laws that are being fast-tracked, including the draft law on criminal reconciliation, which will soon be submitted to the cabinet before being sent to parliament for discussion.
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse