Luanda- Angolan Government Monday announced the institutionalisation of digital certificate of Covid-19 vaccine.

The minister of State and Head of Security Affairs Office to the Presidency, who made the announcement, stressed the importance of the document (digital certificate) at national immigration check points on international trips.

Framcisco Pereira Furtado said that the measure will include the candidates for public tenders in the education, health sectors as well as defence and security bodies.

To issue the certificate, users must access the website, but only for those who have already taken the full dose.

As part of update measure to halt the spreading of Covid-19, the Executive recommended vaccine for all professionals in health, education, defence and security bodies, institutions providing public and private services.

The move is intended, according to the official, to reinforce prevention and combat measures, focusing on preventing the spread of positive cases in the country.

Francisco Pereira Furtado stated that the intention is to immunize all professionals who deal with the public on a daily basis.

The official, who ruled out the vaccination for minors under 18, stressed the need for adults to join the campaign, saying that this is the only effective way to prevent and combat the disease.

Source: Angola Press News Agency