Economic Inspection authority told to take more action

Luanda – Inspectors of the National Authority for Economic Inspection and Food Safety (ANIESA) have been urged to develop greater surveillance and strictness in dealing with violation trends in economic rules that jeopardise the interests of the State and consumers’ rights.

The call was launched by Industry and Trade minister, Victor Fernandes, at the opening of ANIESA’s national training course on “Procedural Instruction, Investigation and Protection of Evidence in Inspections” on Monday.

Victor said that the staff should be more familiar with the legislation that guides their inspection activities, a factor that would make it possible to detect hidden irregularities with greater discernment and redouble their actions.

The minister Victor Fernandes also urged the inspectors to be meticulous, rigorous and attentive to the small signs of violations of economic rules that attack the legitimate interests of the State and consumers’ rights.

Speaking at the event, running until the 16 December, the minister called for the need to rebuild the trust of citizens and consumers in public institutions.

The 10-day training will be run by experts from the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC).

Source: Angola Press News Agency