Elections 2022: Over 16,000 polling station staff attend training

Huambo – At least 16, 972 polling station members started a training session on Monday, ahead of the general elections set for 24 August.

Benefitted from the five-day training are staff from the provinces of Huambo, Lunda Norte, Cunene, Zaire and Uíge

Of this number, 7,800 are attending the training in Huambo, 4,676 in Lunda Norte, 3,700 Cunene, 720 Zaire and 76 Uíge.

The course will also address issues such as constitution and composition of polling station, delivery of election equipment, identification and composition of kits, ballot papers, among others topics.

Some 14.3 million voters are expected in the August 24 general elections.

Overseas voting will take place in 12 countries and 25 cities.

Source: Angola Press News Agency