Former soldiers benefit from self-employment kits

Cazenga – At least fifty six former soldiers in the municipality of Cazenga, received, this Saturday, business creation kits, composed of 52 two-wheel motorcycles and four “Food Yeto” stoves.

The delivery of the kits is part of the promotion of self-employment to about 300 people, within the scope of the Local Development and Poverty Fight Program of the Municipal Administration of Cazenga.

The vice-governor of Luanda for the Political and Social sector, Dionísio da Fonseca, said that one of the main tools of combating poverty is the consolidation of the process of reintegration of former militaries, whereas 862 having already been assisted in the province out of the 1.224 planned in the 2017/2022 five-year period.

For the Cazenga administrator, Tomás Bica, the delivery of the kits responds to the concern of all needs for them to participate in economic and social development.

The beneficiaries António Pedro Dombele and Maria Garcia, on behalf of the others, expressed their joy, considering it a “welcome gesture”, for helping to promote self-employment and overcome financial issues, to improve families living quality.

The delivery of the goods was witnessed by the representative of the Institute for Social Reintegration of Former Soldiers (IRSEM), Alcide da Costa, traditional authorities, community members, among others.

Source: Angola Press News Agency