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Mbanza Kongo – State Secretary of Media Nuno Caldas Albino Saturday in northern Zaire province reiterated the government’s actions to expand the signals of radio and TV stations and distribution of newspaper.

Nuno Albino was speaking at ceremony to launch the regional newspaper titled “Nkanda”, to mark the 46th anniversary of the State-run news paper, Edições Novembro, on 26 June.

The official referred to the improvement and expansion programmes of the radio and TV stations, as being in progress in all municipalities of the country.

“We found some weaknesses in this province, mainly in terms of the radio signal”, he said, pledging to change the situation in the coming days.

The State Secretary also stressed the role of Nkanda in space of dialogue, citizenship and participation of citizens.

According to him, Nkanda addresses the concerns related to political, social, economic and cultural matters of the north-based provinces of Zaire, Cabinda and Uíge.

In addition to Nkanda, Edições Novembro features titles such as Jornal de Angola, Economia e Finanças, Cultura, Jornal dos Desportos, Metropolitano de Luanda, Planalto, Ventos do Sul and Angoleme.

Source: Angola Press News Agency