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Luanda – Angolan minister of Health Sílvia Lutucuta said Thursday in Luanda that Angola is facing a serious and challenging situation related to malaria.

The minister said that more than two million patients are affected in the latest five months.

Speaking at a press conference, on the current situation of the disease, the minister put at 5,573 the total number of deaths from malaria in that period.

The minister added that in five months the health authorities reported a death rate of about 0,1 per cent among the cases assisted in different heath facilities of the country.

She said despite of the increase in the cases of malaria the country reported a decrease in the number of deaths, comparing to the figure recorded in 2020, but she would not specify the comparative data.

In terms of positive cases of malaria, Sílvia Lutucuta pointed the month of April, as the most critical due to the increase of 322,717 patients. But there was a decrease of 102 deaths.

High mortality rate was reported in children under five years old and in pregnant women, according to data released to journalists.

The provinces of Luanda, Lunda Norte, Malanje, Huambo, Uíge, Benguela, Bié and Huíla are the most hit by disease.

In order to counter the increase of cases, Sílvia Lutucuta announced the Angolan Executive’s effort to continue making investments to reduce the impact of malaria in the hospitals.

On the other hand, the minister said that 249 cases of the dengue were diagnosed in the last five months, but no death has been reported.

The cases were reported in the provinces of Namibe with 160, 43 in Luanda 33 in Cabinda and 30 in Uíge.

Source: Angola Press News Agency