Luanda – The registration of adult citizens, which takes place within the framework of the Ongoing Electoral Registration Update process, is to happen countrywide and abroad.

This is a requirement arising from the Ongoing Electoral Registration Law, published in the Official State Gazette, I Series – No. 178.

According to the legal document, the process covers Angolan citizens over 18 years old registered in the Identity Card Database.

In Angola, the law establishes that the process takes place in municipalities, urban districts, communes, neighbourhoods and villages, while abroad the choice falls on diplomatic representations.

Regarding the updating of the citizen’s registration area, the law states that it must be done via the Municipal Card.

However, the registration area must correspond with the place of residence on the Identity Card and remember that the updating of these data must be done “at any time”.

Under the terms of the same document, the transmission of data to the National Electoral Commission must take place annually, until 15 December.

“The Government provides the National Electoral Commission, in digital format, with the Computer File of Adult Citizens (FICM), which contains updated data on Angolans over 18 years of age.

In the year of elections , the FICM is provided to the National Electoral Commission up to ten days after the call for elections, preceded by a special period for updating the Adult Citizens Database and provisional publication.

This process is intended to allow the correction of errors and omissions, to be promoted by the interested parties.

In cases of forgery of documents with registration implications, it is foreseen that those who incur in this action risk a prison sentence of up to two years and a fine ranging from 500,000 to 1 million Kwanzas.

The process of updating the Electoral Registrar started last Thursday (23) across the country. The official event took place in the Municipality of Cacuaco, in Luanda.

Source: Angola Press News Agency