Salvation Front holds rally in solidarity with detainees in case of conspiracy against State Security

The National Salvation Front, on Saturday afternoon, held a rally in solidarity with those detained in connection with judicial investigations, to demand their release and reveal the evidence of the charges against them related to conspiracy against state security and corruption.

A few dozen supporters of the Front and its leaders participated in the rally, including most notably Ahmed Najib Chebbi, Ennahda leaders, Ajmi Lourimi and Riyad Chaibi, and the head of the Labor and Achievement Party, Abdellatif Mekki.

Chaibi stressed in a speech at the rally the “successive arrests will not deter them from demanding a return to the democratic path and constitutional legitimacy» by all civil, peaceful and legal means.

Ahmed Nejib Chebbi told reporters the message sent through the rally is to “adhere to the demand for a return to constitutional legitimacy (the 2014 constitution) and to democracy and to preserve the unity of the Tunisian people through a national program agreed upon by all.”

He, in this context, appreciated the efforts of the security forces, who formed a barrier to separate the supporters of the front and the supporters of Kais Saied. The latter rallied on the other side of the road.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse